COMMENTARY: Social commentary on George Floyd’s ‘ I cant breathe

by Antiguan Mark Caesar
George Floyd’s demise at the hands of the 4 despicable police officers, notably demonic Chauvin has created not only an emotional but sensational global response. The popular phrase ‘ i can’t breathe’ funny enough has deep seated root in the consciousness of everyone globally. Everyone can relate personally, physically and emotionally to this phrase since from the advent of the covid 19 pandemic, globally it has been mandatory in every country to wear a mask. The discomfort and agony felt by many has been claustrophobic and asphyxiating.
Many have been echoing the same thing: ‘ i can’t breathe’
Everytime the phrase is used everyone has a synergised reaction to it. Its as if we are all aware of the fact that dictatorial governments have imposed upon us a death sentence! People are aware of the very shady and deceptive skulduggery associated with this engineered virus that has been unleashed on the unsuspecting population.
Most are cognizant of the fact that the Economic and political chess game being played by some world elitists have only used this virus as a front for attaining selfish gain. Their agenda for absolute control of the world and dictating our life schedule is no longer dubious but blatantly visible! These oppressors have kept their knees on our necks for over 3 months in spite of the fact that we universally cry out ‘ i can’t breathe’. Our lives literally and symbolically have been suffocated.
Our routines, our families, businesses, social lives, spiritual activities have been disrupted and in many cases halted. The world has been moving around in an almost sluggish trance, with broken dreams, broken hearts and broken minds. We have witnessed our loved ones snatched away from us in the twinkling of an eye. Our daughters and sons mothers and fathers have succumbed to this synthetically designed pandemic echoing the same thing ‘ I can’t breathe’ and overwhelmed medical workers in dismay and frustration can do nothing to resuscitate or preserve their ebbing life.
Over crowded hospitals, clinics and make shift buildings used as health care centers lacking the tools and medicines to combat the plague that is so murderously killing our loved ones! Doctors, nurses, health care aids…all of them saying ‘i can’t breathe’.
Care free politicians, insensitive world leaders gurgitating more shit than a fowl’s ass. Many people incapable of providing for their families. Stupid arrests and imprisonment for being on our streets in our country, because of the torturing confining quarantine rules! Every conceivable dimension of everyone’s life has been impacted and suffocated by these irrational bureaucratic knees pressing the jugular in our necks!
We are innocent and unarmed, in docile surrender our hands in the sky, but we are still rudely handcuffed by systemic monstrosity enforced by weapons not dissimilar to the chauvin’s. Thao’s, Lane’s and Kueng’s. Just this time, its the Presidents, ministers, politicians and fat pocket icons dispatching their weapons to snuff our lives out! When will this end?
It ends now my people. We are the masses, our un- challengeable power is in our unified numbers. No military arsenal can conquer or demolish us. We are the source of their power. We do not feed on them…they feed on us! The people are the strength of any nation…of the world. Why must we the majority allow an insignificant privileged and self righteous vampires dictate and control our lives? Our future and out destiny? We will not allow this.! No global vaccination! No more destruction to our beautiful universe. No more inventing of deadly viruses! Let the labs and toxic destructive arsenals be visited with fire and brimstone.! Enough is enough. We do not only want life, we need to ‘live’. No more fighting for breath, no more knees on our necks. Its global mutiny, revolt and if necessary destruction! The world cries out now loud and clear ‘ I can’t breathe”!!!!

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  1. First off, do not compare Antigua black people to American or English black people because dem a bunch of fukin scamps ! “The bloodiest Memorial day weekend” just gone and not one protest.

    Dem neighbourhood whenever police come knocking to find out who shot the black man lying on the corner nobody see nuttn. Here the police can’t move unless the village let dem out.

    They created a genre of music where All dem sing bout ah violence and shooting and killing one another. Over here we don’t sing bout dat and wouldn’t tolerate it.

    They so glamourise that behaviour but the odd time the person is not another black man they take to the streets for yet more violence.

    Sorry for the guy who dead but don’t promote that same type of uprising over yah cuz Antigua people nah bout dat.

    • Wow! You should change your name to judgmental. Just imagine your feet in their shoes.

  2. Chubblesum you are right on point!

    In the meantime Antiguans are up in arms about American and Americans who couldn’t give a hoot about Antigua and Antiguans, and only one or two are demanding justice for BRUCE GREENAWAY, their own Antiguan!

    • One does not have to be of the same nationality to show empathy. #humanrace!🤡

  3. What exactly is the point of this “article” and why was it given the greenlight to be publiblished in Antiguan media?

    We have enough issues right here to deal with. We don’t have time to fight other people’s battles.

    • It’s a global situation. If you travel to the US, Europe and Asia, you should be concerned. It is definitely a wonderful thing to be informed about current events and the state of the world. Knowledge is power. I empathize with the black people in America who have faced centuries of oppression. I also empathize with my fellow Antiguans who have been victims of colorism and classism.

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