COMMENTARY: Country I Defend – Not Political Party

Audley Phillip


……….by Audley Phillip

Antigua and Barbuda’s fortunes are a burden to many who deeply love this beautiful country. Our country cries out for a collective purposeful focus to lift it out of this man-made  political quagmire. We must look past our preoccupation with sectional party-political interests. Our future lies beyond what politicians can do for us. We must be laser focused on what we each can do to first change ourselves and then change our spheres of influence.

It is our honest endeavours that will change our society and country.   It is the things we work passionately on for the benefit of others that  will  cause positive ripples and profit all of us. We each have the power to change this little country by searching for our “WHY” and pursuing it passionately.

Where Antigua and Barbuda  has been said that while politics and partisan bickering has virtually  stymied  this country with our participation by commission or omission,  it is leadership and enterprise at an individual level that will rebuild these ruins. The emergence of our better angels will eventually shape the political landscape and not vice versa.

There is no magic wand, no quick fix let alone an individual or political party that will single handedly transform Antigua and Barbuda. Nation building is heavy lifting, multifaceted, and time consuming and needs all hands-on deck.

  Antigua and Barbuda needs a new “us” more than it needs new leaders. This is where enduring change will emanate from. We are so far gone as a society that we are in peril without self-reformation in the citizenry. We need a movement to spearhead moral self-reformation to take our society to firmer ground.

    We need an active, principled and engaged citizenry that knows its rights and responsibilities in a democracy. A citizenry that prioritises issues, competence and merit as opposed to personalities and political parties..    We have all become so  embroiled  in party politics that we are often blinded by anything that is adverse and goes against the grain of our political party of choice.  When it comes to talking  out against  “our party,” collectively,  our “LIPS STICK.” Our political leaders have fostered and encouraged this antagonistic attitude among us in believing that nothing the opposing side  says or does is good  and sensible.   

.    Antigua & Barbuda needs meritocracy and professionalism in the security services, including the military and police, and the entire civil service. These national institutions have been personalised and used to advance partisan interests to the detriment of the society as a whole.

It matters not how much we water it down, crime is the measure of  a State failure.  We are at an ugly and frightening stage in relation to crime and violence in this country.  This is certainly not the Antigua & Barbuda that I grew up in.

There must be a holistic and national approach in dealing with this crime situation.  It cannot just be seen as a red thing or a blue thing.  We need all hands on  board now. 

    Good governance, honesty and the rule of law are desperately needed to nature investment, and promote economic development and prosperity for the majority.   Bodies such as the Integrity Commission and the Information Commissioner which were originally set up with the view of helping to ensure Integrity in Public life and Freedom of Information are all but  dead.

 We need a state that has the capacity to maintain law and order and  deliver public services. We need  a strong civil society and an assertive business sector that tames the excesses of the state. Currently we have an executive running roughshod over a weak and   timid private sector and a weak and hopelessly disorganised and disengaged  civil society..

Last but certainly not the least are political freedoms: freedoms of association, expression and press freedom.   The current repression robs the nation of the vitality that is necessary to spark innovation and a vibrant marketplace of ideas.  One has to be always on their guard when they talk or write or even demonstrate.  Threats of lawsuits are always dangling over people’s heads.  

Our problems in Antigua and Barbuda are far bigger than ABLP and UPP or the real and perceived differences between the two political parties.   A solution to our dysfunction will emerge only when there is scale in the number of people who bet for the country rather than self or sectional interests. 

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  1. There are parts of this that I completely agree too and some parts that made me feel like I am hearing a speech that give me chills, you know the type of speech that makes you want to be a better person, a patriotic speech. So, you are correct in a lot of what you said.

    I do want to say, sometimes is it only one man or small group who will make that change or motivate that change to occur. It is not always the way you would want it to be where the entire country says let us all be better for the country to make the country better and better for all of us. So, the section you mention it will not be one man, I cannot agree, this one article from this one man, you, may be or could be what we need to make a change and you would have done it alone.

    I want each person to believe they can make a positive impact and although it sounds impossible, you can. I can. It is why I try everyday on this forum and directly to leaders (the ones who have not blocked me) to give them information that I strongly believe can help.

    Writer, other than that section, I can agree to your points. It also supports my below earlier post.

    Fire with fire will not work, criminals will think just like before, I am not going to be caught, they always think that. So, focused should be on reducing the opportunity to commit crimes. This is not just about the presence (of officers). It requires strategies that confuses criminals on when and where officers will be, reduction of opportunities for criminals to commit crimes, putting fear in criminals that we know who what their plans are because we now have intelligence, data and so forth and will use this to advance national security and safety.

    Fighting fire with fire is the same thing as saying, we are going to increase penalty, and this has no effect because criminals act because they think they are not going to be caught to get the fire/punish/the harm. So, this has never been effective at reducing the opportunities to commit crimes. But a strategic idea on how to put fear of being caught in the minds of criminals and reducing opportunities should be the focus.

    Having more officers alone will not put that fear into criminals of being caught, and having more officerd will alone will not reduce the opportunities for criminals to commit crimes. Officers will need the guidance of experts in the field that can collect data/intelligence, analyse and recommend strategic policing styles for these officers to do what is truly needed to reduce crimes and that is to put fear of apprehension in the minds of criminals and reducing opportunities to commit crimes. Antigua and Barbuda always had laws and police. Even this weekend, they had both, but vicious crimes still occurred. It means both (law and police) are not adequate and the next step that is needed with them (law and police) is proper pragmatic strategies from those with the advance knowledge in behavior, society, minds, and so forth as described below.

    The Office of Intelligence and National Security should be created by an Act which authorized INSU to set INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY priorities, implement a comprehensive and research-based national strategy on intelligence gathering, analysis, etcetera, to FORMULATE strategies to reduce internal and external threats to the country that could have a national and substantial negative impact.

    This unit will be made up mainly of advanced degree holders and those with exceptional abilities in science, technology, engineering, math, criminology, psychology, psychiatry, national security, international relations, terrorism, corrections, law, statistics, forensics, economics, sociology, history, ballistics, etcetera.

    I am calling on you to make this INSU operational so that experts are able to guide law enforcement in a science based strategy for national security.

    The Pm, Ag, and other local leaders are in denial that the local force has the skills and expertise in this area of national security, intelligence, and research.

    We are dealing with the minds of criminals. We are dealing with society (various kinds of minds), and you are telling me you do not comprehend the importance of social science in this? Do you really not comprehend the urgent pragmatic need to understanding people to strategies?

  2. We, as a people, should stand up for one another. It is our responsibility to protect each other, to look out for one another, and to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper. There was once a time when it truly took a village to raise a child, when communities were united in raising the next generation. But today, it seems like everyone is minding their own business, turning a blind eye to the problems around us. Many witness things happening, yet no one is willing to step in or lend a hand. People say, “It’s not my problem,” but when it’s time for praise, everyone wants to be recognized.

    We are losing our children. We are losing our culture. We are losing our country. It is time for us to take a stand, to build back this beautiful island of Antigua and Barbuda to what it was meant to be. We can reclaim our heritage, our unity, and our strength, but it will take all of us working together. Each one of us must teach another; each one of us must lend a hand. Together, we can rebuild, restore, and create the future our ancestors envisioned for us. Let us stand united for the good of our children, our communities, and our nation.

  3. Sometimes when I read pieces like this one I really want to puke. Some of us are so self-righteous and sanctimonious. Hear them. “I don’t get involved in politics”. “I do not do politics”, and all that kind of BS.

    If you don’t do politics, politics will do you. Plenty church sisters will say they are just working for the Lord. But see them busy working the politics in the church. See them running home to cock up their foot in bed to listen to all the political mele on the radio.
    Don’t tell us you love your country but you’re not into politics? Hogwash. Loving your country means fighting for your country because it is worth fighting for, and often it means that you have to get into the politics to save your country, because you love your country.

    And you might have to join a political party or start one to make your country right.
    Not a damn thing is wrong with politics, just the slippery, two-face, good for nothing, self-enrichment, low-lifes that step forward.

    Don’t know what your purpose is writing this article. Everybody loves their country. You’re not unique. Stop trying to sound like you are so great

  4. You obviously missed the boat by a mile, why don’t you read the article again.
    Dam good article Audley.
    I have always said reasoning and comprehension are the downfall of this society.

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