UPP Political Leader denies that he and his colleagues were invited to SIDS4 Conference


UPP Political Leader denies that he and his colleagues 

were invited to SIDS4 Conference

MP Jamale Pringle, Leader of the Opposition and Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), categorically denies the rumours that he and his parliamentary colleagues received an invitation to participate – as delegates, observers, or otherwise – in the United Nations’ fourth Small Island Developing States conference (SIDS4) now underway in Antigua and Barbuda.

The Party received from the Office of the Governor-General a letter of invitation addressed to the Leader of the Opposition, which invited the Opposition Parliamentarians and their guests to “The Governor-General’s Welcome Reception for the Heads of Delegation, 4th SIDS International Conference,” which was held on Sunday, May 26.

On his own, MP Pringle was invited by the prime minister and his wife to a “dinner in honour of the Heads of State/Government” attending the Conference, at Sandals Grande Antigua.

“I received no other communication, not in person, nor by email, from any other government office or agency inviting ourattendance at, or participation in, the Conference,” MP Pringle states.  Accordingly, both invitations were declined.

While the expectation of the Party was that the Conference would be hosted by the Government and People of Antigua and Barbuda, the event has been treated, instead, like a project of the Cabinet and the Antigua Labour Party – a distortion that the UPP cannot support.

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  1. Allu people not ready yet. You people are more concerned with creating problems than moving the country to forward.

  2. Oh well. Here we go again. We are unable to present a United front to the rest of the world. So on we go with our quarreling, confusion and backbiting. No matter what, we will keep on stabbing and taking hotshots. There are whole programs devoted to shooting ourselves in the foot. Anyway it’s a great accomplishment for our country to be hosting the SIDS2024 Conference. So far so good and no doubt there will be tangible benefits for us and for mankind.

  3. This “one hand clapping,” cannot be good for the People in general.
    SIDS is the business of the People, as they’re the ones being affected the most by what the pirates, plunders have done to the environment over the past hundreds of years.
    Partisan politics will be worst to the Nation, than climate change or global warming(take your pick).

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  4. Which is it? Is UPP in support of the conference and want to be apart of it or do they want to derail the conference with protests and airing Antigua’s dirty laundry to the world? It’s hard to keep up when leaders speak from both sides of their mouth…

  5. The UPP is so lost. This is a UN Conference. Not an Antiguan and Barbudan Conference. All of the registrations had to be done through the UN. Antigua is only the host. Therefore it follows that if the UPP was a proper party they would have known that. If they were ready for government, they should know how this works. Leader of the Opposition Pringle was therefore invited to the functions hosted by the government only. Go up to AUA and see for yourself. No one can pass the barrier unless you have a registration ID around your neck. I am working as a liaison officer for one of the countries and in addition to having your registration ID, everyone, including Ministers, but excluding Heads of State and Prime Ministers have to go through security. Don’t blame anyone else for the UPP’s shortcomings.

  6. This is one of those things that he should have attended. Opposing for the sake of opposing makes no sense.

  7. There is a parallel here.

    We did not invite you to participate in SIDS, but why don’t you behave yourself and get in line with the programme?

    Similarly we stole the 2024 leadership race. Now, Mr Lewis, why don’t you just stop your griping and come on board? There is work for you to do, just not as leader. Can’t give you that job. You will make everything work too well, and that will not suit some of us. You will take away our power.

  8. This is what an immature opposition does. Getting an invitation from the Governor General is like getting an invitation from the King. Yet he declined the invitation. And never gives the reasons for the decline. It was not a political party inviting you. Mind you the Governor General is the GG of the country. This clearly shows a lack of disrespect for that office. Then you have the Prime Minister in his wisdom making the courtesy in protocol and inviting the Leader of the Opposition to a dinner that he is hosting for the delegates. And again Pringle declined the invitation. Yet he wants the PM to invite him to the SIDS conference. Doesn’t Pringle know that the conference is not the PM’s to invite anyone. It is the UN Conference. They are running the program. Everything is in their hands until the conference is finished. Then they will give back the building of AUA back to the us. What a bunch of morons. And they want to claim to be a government in waiting. Had they attend these two venues they would at least have been able to show their faces to the world.
    But that is what you get when you elect these types of idiots to represent you.

  9. Jamale Pringle, You are a DAMN cry baby. Invite for WHAT ! You would not understand what the hell is going on. You are a PUPPET. You ask stupid questions in Parliament. JOKER

  10. @ Less We Forget

    PAID ADVERTISEMENT, you minion

    Really? The conference is not the PM’s to invite? So didn’t you have a LOC, YOU STUPID MAN?
    You can say what you like about people being idiots, you cannot take back the rass-ing Colin James got from him though, and further, the ABLP and Gaston Brown are an illegitimate government as they stole the election by transferring voters with the help of the LS.

  11. @ Power Gluttons

    You are chatting a lot of crapp. Your utterances make no sense.

    Obviously you are a paid minion with an empty head and then chastise others for being dunce.
    U R obviously a ‘waste’ matter….pleez

  12. @David Otto May 29, 2024 At 9:08 am
    Well said. But they will not acknowledge nor see their ineptness.
    And therefore will not learn from it.

  13. When we had the King’s Coronation Pringle complained also that he was not invited. Not understanding that only the Head of the Government represents the country. And others that were invited are NGO’s that serve the King’s pleasure, such as the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts and the Disability Association and others. Not the Opposition Party. But Pringle is so dunce to understand these things and goes to the media and complains.

  14. @ Less We Forget

    And you are so stupid, what of the other nearly 40 persons that accompanied Gaston to the UK, including civil servants like the accountant general, other MP’s and PS etc- are they NGOs?
    You come on here every day spilling your ignorance. Do you think we are dunce like all the minions at Pointe FM who sing for their supper and can see nothing wrong in the state of Antigua, even when starvation crippling this country, the filth, the pristine roads, the great architecture- Antigua is nothing but a POOR HOUSE. You guys blind yourself to the rampant rip off by the rulers in power who are enriching themselves. Pity.

  15. Look ! Let me ask a question . What was he going to say there ? Let down our country. Look he right nuh fe invite them. All they know fe do is oppose.
    Look you all don’t see The Prime Minister was well congratulated for his leadership. Take that and keep quiet.


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