Clare Hall Secondary School exposed to Agro-processing
There is an old saying that “every disappointment is a blessing”, however, while some may think that is questionable, we will agree that this time it certainly was a “blessing”. The delay or rescheduling of the Caribbean Examinations has afforded a little more time for students to get more studying and some practical exercises done.
“Making use of this extra time was utilized to show students different aspects in Agriculture and I chose Agro-prosessing”, said Mrs. Nicolette Francis, Head of the Agriscience Department at the Clare Hall Secondary School.
Fifth Formers at the Clare Hall Secondary School (CHSS) got a treat on Tuesday 3rd when Ms. Elsie Phillip (Head of the Agriscience Department for Sir Novelle Richards Academy) at the request of Mrs. Francis, complied. She taught and demonstrated an Agro-prosessing class in soap production.
Using the Melt & Pour method the students were shown the processes of soap making. The intention of this special class was to expose students to another sector of Agriculture especially those that were sitting Agriscience for Caribbean Examination Council (CXC).
However, although intended for the five students that would be sitting the exam other interested students were very much in attendance and were proactively involved.
“To my surprise one student approached me and asked if I needed an Apprentice and she could like to be my apprentice” Ms. Phillip said.
The soaps were made in shapes of hearts, honeycombs, flowers, and butterflies.

The two fragrances selected were RoseMarie and Jasmine and according to Mrs. Francis the exercise went very well and even better than expected.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Barbuda Affairs would like to commend the good works being done by the Ministry of Education’s Agriscience Department, the schools, teachers and students for keeping Agriculture vibrant.
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Big up ya self 5th formers. All the best in CXC
Alister “inTERllectual” Thomas DROPOUT and you all are a living testimony that it’s possible to complete secondary school.
You can proudly display your CERTIFICATES in a few months. No sign of the TITLE DEED or GRADUATION CERTIFICATE for the Shadow Minister of HOUSING so far 🤔😀
One line about the article, and seven political politicking. Why try to put politics in everything?
This is an inspiring and encouraging real-life experience for the teachers and students. This is what communication and collaboration of knowledge and resources can achieve throughout all A&B public schools.
Our education system MUST prioritize STEM and business curriculum powered by our Caribbean creative Arts (consciousness), pre-K to tertiary.
Our economic growth and social development REQUIRE that transformation. Move in the right direction!
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