CIU investigating controversial CIP video


The Citizenship by Investment Unit notes with great concern the circulation of a video which has regrettably been determined/concluded to be authorized promotion of the national investment programme.

The CIU advises that the video and its contents are currently being investigated by the Unit.

In the interim, we assure the public, and all our stakeholders, that the tone and nature of the video are not representative of the programme’s operations nor of any approved promotional material. A further statement on the matter will be issued in due course.

The management and staff of the Citizenship by Investment Unit continue to conduct the business of this important investment agency with the highest degree of care for the integrity of our national travel document as well as with the greatest regard for the security of the borders of all countries.

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  1. The ad accurately depicts the essence of the CIP. Unfortunately, both major political parties support the sale of our passports so neither has the moral authority to condemn the ad

  2. I don’t have so much of an issue with Kevin’s video. He’s doing what he’s gotta do as an agent. With that video, he probably would outsell the other agents. The issue that people will miss while they vilify him is the farcical nature of these passport programs. He’s doing his job…. He’s selling passports. The issue is that he highlights how stupid it all is. I don’t think people should lose track of what the issue is. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

    • You’ve just proven that he doesn’t have a conscience. I think your effort to help your friend just made him more culpable. If he’s against it, then don’t be employed with the unit that’s “selling passports”. If he’s against it but doing it just for the $, then he’s just as bad as them all. To profit from something that you’re against is hypocritical.

  3. The video depicts what is really happening behind the scenes. But cause it’s in the public’s view, alyou will say anything to cover ur behind. It’s so cowardly that the first thing so called professionals do is run from taking responsibility when things go wrong and look for someone to blame. This whole CIP program opens us up to danger, sick people comming in, criminals, exploiters and colonizers. Not saying everyone comming in would be bad, but the GOVERNmentS….plural and all politicians need to show a bit more concern for the citizens of the twin island state. Yall should be ashamed to say yall holding public office and running for public office. DO AWAY WITH THE CIP PROGRAM. Enough of Antigua has been sold out.

  4. Selling Passport is only one aspect of the CIP program. There is an investmet option and their is an option to finance the UWI Five Islands Campus.
    The guy is not a good seller of the program. He is only fixed on the option that sells you a passport for a fixed amount of money.
    And to be true to myself. I have a bit of a bad feeling about this program but in the end I guess the end justify the means. A persons that comes and lives between us for 3 years for Caricom Nationals and I believe Commonwealth Citizens as well can apply for an Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship, and 7years for anyone else. I don’t know how much these persons will have contributed over this period. Many of the CIP Citizens are really not interested in living in our country, they only want to have the benefits they get from having this passport. And that can be the option to hide wealth or to travel and many other ways that a passport may come very handy. All I wonder is will there ever come an end to this program. Cause we may have at one time more CIP Citizens than locals or Nationals living here. And you cannot discriminate between Citizens. Look how hard it is to extradite the Indian guy back to his homeland.

    • @From The Sidelines…you fail the mention the biggest threat which comes by the way of the #Chinese Variety of the CIP. They’re coming to stay, and just like the #Serians stayed and have effected every aspect of Our Our Nation, from the Parliament to the #Huskters on the street corners, so too will the Asian component.
      Now, #NOSTRADAMUS clone says, “a den de Fire a go hot, undah #DuttyNearga Foot.”

    • FROM THE SIDELINE you of all people should be aware that the ALP administration pushes more than anything else the pure selling of our passports (to who so ever will) over the investment option. It was the selling of the passport option that the agent in the video was pushing because that is where the government placed the emphasis. In St. Kitts on the other hand, the government has placed more emphasis on the investment option and that is why St. Kitts is doing so well and leaving us behind in terms of infrastructural development and the assistance it can provide to its population in these serious covid pandemic times. I am glad you raise the issue that can arise down the road with CIP citizens (of all types and colours) becoming the majority in the country. Yes, you cannot discriminate against citizens. A citizen is a citizen. I will leave you to extrapolate on some of the ensuing consequences down the road.

  5. CIU issues CYA (cover your ass) statement on rogue CIP agent shameful and desperate attempt to monetize the granting of citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda. Fixed the headline.

  6. Just give the Passports to the Hucksters at The Bridge.They would surely do a better sales job than that man in the video.In my opinion,he cheapens our passports.

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