Church Leaders Raise Voices In Support of Customs Officers, LIAT

The cross - a symbol of the Christianity


We, a group of concerned ministers from a wide cross section of churches through- out Antigua and Barbuda, wish to add our voices to those that are calling for justice for Mr.  Cornell Benjamin who was brutally attacked a couple of months ago and in the recent killing Mr. Nigel Christian.  We wish to commend the Government for declaring their intention to seek out-side assistance in an effort to solve these heinous crimes.  We further encourage that no effort would be spared in expediting this process so that justice will not only be done but that justice would be seen to be done.


We are mindful of the many fall-outs as a result of Covid19 and acknowledge that we have all been touched by the effects of this pandemic.  Under these circumstances, we pledge our support and solidarity to the many Antiguans and Barbudans who have been severely displaced and traumatized in the process.  We encourage all to bear in mind that we are our brothers and sisters keepers in this time of great crisis.

In the matter of LIAT, we wish to express our solidarity to the powers that be, seeking to arrive at the best possible solution to this grievous situation.  We are acutely aware that any decision that is taken will further affect all of us and must not be taken lightly.

We take this opportunity to remind the nation of Antigua and Barbuda that, the God of heaven and earth sees our every move and will swiftly intervene to liberate the righteous.  Hence, we call upon those who have faith in the power of God, to seriously consider and enter into much prayer and fasting as we intercede on behalf of our nation.

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  1. Chupzzzzzz!!!!!!! Wtf were the church when other crimes were being committed?? Where was the chruch when the lady got shot and killed in Hertiage Quay all them years ago and up to now still unsloved? Where was the church when that guy was gunned down in Potters I could go on. Them church leaders need fu have several seats. All them kay bout is tides and offering and who can build the biggest church.

  2. Awake Zion! Awake ! Silence gives consent, for too long their is no voice , make you wonder where are the people of God through the covid, through the violence its like fear has taking control of the people, Arise children of God stop sleeping , start declaring, start warring against the principalities in high places, Be a light unto the world . One international day of pray and fasting when we heard covid coming to our shores and then fear like it takes over with everything. We have to be persistant for changes and for justice.

  3. Yes, the church men need to be fair, honest, non-partisan and consistent. Chuptz to anything short of that. In Jamaica recently, it was announced that a group of pastors had United to form the latest political party there. I suspect strongly that this sudden concern with selective manifestations of social ills is closely related. Don’t try that here.

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