CDC recommends updated Covid shot for everyone ages 6 months and up


NBCNEWS: Everyone ages 6 months and older should get the updated Covid vaccines this fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.

The move follows a vote from the CDC’s advisory committee earlier in the day in favor of the recommendation.

“We have more tools than ever to prevent the worst outcomes from Covid-19,” the CDC’s director, Dr. Mandy Cohen, said in a media statement. “CDC is now recommending updated COVID-19 vaccination for everyone 6 months and older to better protect you and your loved ones.”

The shots are expected to be available within the next 48 hours in some areas, the CDC said.

It’s unclear whether most people will get them, however. Just 17% of people who were eligible for the last booster shot in 2022 got it, said Dr. William Schaffner, infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

The updated vaccines are rolling out amid a late-summer uptick in Covid cases. The week ending Sept. 2, 18,871 people were hospitalized with Covid, a number that reflected an 8.7% increase over the previous week.

Still, the number of Covid hospitalizations is nowhere near what was seen during the same week in 2022, at 34,546.

“Although hospitalization rates are currently low, we have seen rates increase in recent weeks and anticipate further increases as we enter respiratory virus season,” Megan Wallace, a CDC epidemiologist, said during Tuesday’s meeting.

The new Covid shots, made by Pfizer and Moderna, target a subvariant of omicron, called XBB.1.5. More than 90% of the Covid viruses circulating now are closely related to that strain, the CDC said.

The recommendation from the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices was broad, suggesting that everyone ages 5 and older get one dose of a vaccine this fall. The group voted in favor of the recommendation 13 to 1.

“A comprehensive recommendation is the easiest, most straightforward and simplest to communicate,” said Schaffner, who is not a part of the committee. “I think the more people vaccinated, the safer our communities will be, the fewer people we will have in the hospital.”

Some vulnerable groups may need multiple shots, including children 4 and younger who have never been vaccinated and people with weak immune systems.

In general, the elderly are most at risk for the most severe complications of Covid, including hospitalization and death.

But the CDC’s advisers included younger adults and children in their recommendations, citing evidence that 54% of kids and teenagers hospitalized with Covid have no underlying health problems that would otherwise increase their vulnerability.

The advisers considered rare incidents of heart inflammation called myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid vaccinations. The risk was most notable, according to the committee, within a week of either of the mRNA vaccines among teenage boys.

Still, the committee said, the benefits of vaccination outweighed the risk of myocarditis even in this higher-risk group.

The CDC committee’s recommendations only apply to the updated Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, which were greenlighted by the Food and Drug Administration on Monday. The FDA is still reviewing data from another vaccine maker, Novavax.

For the first time, the cost of Covid vaccines will not be covered by the federal government, though most insurance plans, both private and public, will cover them. The list price will top $100 per shot.

Those who are uninsured will have access to the shots free of charge through community health centers, as well as a “bridge” program from the Biden administration through the end of next year.

But previous federal funds that went toward outreach, education and programs that assured vaccine access in vulnerable lower-income areas have dried up.

That worries Dr. Julie Morita, executive vice president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former head of the Chicago Department of Public Health. “These groups may not know the vaccines are there, and they may not have the means to get to the shot locations,” she said. Morita is not currently on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices but served on it from 2004 to 2008.

study published Friday in JAMA Network Open found it is safe and effective to get the Covid shot and the flu shot at the same time. The vaccine combination is likely to continue in the coming years.

“Every year, we update our flu vaccine to match the flu strain that’s circulating,” Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health and former White House Covid response coordinator with the Biden administration, said on NBC’s “TODAY” show Tuesday morning.

“We’re starting to do the same thing with the Covid shots,” he said. “It’s just your annual Covid shot at this point.”

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  1. Let’s work together to iradicate poverty, make sure everyone have money to spend and live healthier lives, let’s work together to stop the wars. Let’s do these first! If we can’t work on those things we can’t listen to the Central Death Community .

  2. Don’t we all see now it’s the vaccinated people who are falling sick and dying??Why is the governments around the world putting a blind eye to this shit again, I can bet britz colleagues are not going to do that bs…….

  3. Here we go folks, prepare yourself for the RELAUNCH of PLANDEMIC 2.0. for 2023/24.

    Like before, it starts with scaremongering tactics, then mask wearing, followed my lockdowns and vaccination programmes, and eventually leading to many job losses and SMALL business closures.

    The previous major players have been removed and replaced by a more VIGOROUS pharmaceutical, medical, political and propaganda teams.


    I wonder what is Minister Molwyn ‘AstraZeneca’ Joseph’s take on this development?

    He’s gone very QUIET on this new phase of development.

    I’m intrigued as to how he’s going to try and hoodwink 64% of Antiguans to go through all this utter nonsense again!

    How does that popular saying go?:

    “Fool me once shame on you …”

    Ah, y’all know the rest.

    • Maybe,,,you should just stay away from S.O.E.’stories,,ya don’t do well there ,,plus,,,I will jump deep in your ass,,anytime you do.

      But,,ya did much better ,,here.

      • Hey @ WTF, if this is how you communicate with the written word, I have absolutely NOTHING to concern myself with – but at least you agreed that Antiguans aren’t going to put up anymore with Molwyn ‘AstraZeneca’ Joseph’s lies and falsehoods on Covid, lockdowns and vaccination programmes.

        NICE! 🤜🏽🤛🏽

    • @Brixtonian – good thoughts, they’re hammering the shit out of the “new” variants here in the states, of course just in time for a major election next year.
      Wonder if there us any correlation…

  4. Even babies who weren’t born during the first round of #SHOTS, gotta get #SHOT_UP, as the WHO, PAHO, CDC gangstaz, cruise on by in their HUMMERS!
    The #Rush(and, not Limbaugh during #Rush_Hour and #Drag_Time – hey! Hey! #MADEA have you seen Tyler, performing as Mary J. Blige, during Limbaugh’s #Drag_Time Hour honouring The Adventures of Barone Troomp aka Baron Trump. That Trump is a mess! I think, the Don is the first Artificial Intelligent Being(AI) to be a Commander. Heck, we’ve had everything else HUEmanly possible from Gangsters to Abolisionist to alleged Pedo’s to alleged Trannie to Cross_Dressers(they call those #Queere or #Gays, RIGHT???
    I, don’t know🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷. So, why not a Cloned HUEman like a Baron Troomp.
    Anything is possible these days!
    War is an ever evolving evolutionary process.

    I’m labelled as, #An_Illlegal_Alien who only understands English but speaks #GIBBERISH. And, #Gibberish cannot be held against me, in the Court of Law!

    We’ll be Right Back, after these COVID-SHOTS become permanent.

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🍆Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

    PS…if you see, anything but an eggplant or Choobsh, An-Choobah den your COVID SHOTS are working!

  5. It should be obvious to everyone in Antigua that the CDC is a captured agency. Big [P]harma is the CDC’s master. This “updated” monovalent jab was tailored for the XBB.1.5 variant which is practically extinct. The dominant variants circulating now in the US are EG.5, FL.1.6.1 and BA.2. 86. It should also be abundantly clear to everyone that “vaccines” injected into the muscle which generates antibodies in the blood will NEVER prevent a respiratory infection. Healthy children and adults are NOT at risk for severe disease from any of the circulating variants; however, I can’t say the same for the jab.
    The CDC’S own data shows, you would have to jab 1 million children to prevent “0-1” death — but those shots would cause 50 – 300 cases of severe myocarditis and, in the short term, 100,000 — 200,000 other adverse events.…

  6. They coming back again? They did not sell enough vaccines during Covid so they are rebranding Covid. Not my little pre mature baby, she not getting any vaccine. Be careful when you take your children to the clinics moms. These people are agents of SATAN. Why they dont end the world food/hunger crisis and climate change?. All they care about are their pockets. But the fool and his money will soon be destroyed. I done.

  7. People stay the hell away from these poisons. The CDC ,PAHO,WHO, are no longer trustworthy entities. They duped the world into taking shots they knee were downright dangerous and deadly. I have personally lost people who just dropped dead. The co-workers who bowed down to the mandates, putting money before health not only caught Covid-19 multiple times, but got really sick and continue to be unwell.
    Cancers have exploded in Antigua and Barbuda, and not just among the elderly, but the young, working age adults. We were warned by many, but the media vilified them calling their warnings misinformation.
    I say the CDC, PAHO, WHO ,Big Pharma, Bill Gates,the Media and all the medics who sold their souls for a dollar should face something akin to Nuremberg.

  8. B G is not satisfied with the number of deaths he caused so he’s going for the babies now. He’s still trying to depopulate the world. B G is evil, evil, evil. Revelation 13:4 -And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
    Which one are you, the dragon or the beast? Enquiring minds would like to know.

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