Carlisle Bay extends layoffs until May 2021

Carlisle Bay/ Kiwi Collection photo

Letter from Brian Murphy General Manager of Carlisle Bay to staff.


As you are fully aware it has nearly been one full year since Carlisle bay has been faced with challenges that Covid-19 has brought upon our shores.


As a hotel and as a community we have learned to live and work side by side during these challenging times.


From the recent news reports locally and globally it seems that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


However, in saying that, we still have a long way to go before the travel industry returns to normal where we can welcome our guests back to Carlisle Bay without having the worry about potential lockdowns, curfew and receiving a negative COVID test before returning home. With the news of the rollout of the vaccine globally and even locally there is hope for international travel returning.


The UK have advised international travel will not resume before 17th May 2021. The announcement was made by the UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson on February 22nd, 2021. The UK has atrised that they will review this date on 12th April 2021.


Despite the efforts of Carlisle Bay’s UK and North American Sales Team by implementing further specials and increasing commissions to entice new business; the Resort has seen a reduction of $1.2M per Room Revenue for the first 4 months of the year, to which an additional $600K which was forecasted for Food and Beverage revenue; thus bringing the combined total loss to just under $2M to date.


Considering this new information, Carlisle Bay has taken the decision to extend the current layoff period until May 10, 2021. Please understand that this decision was not taken lightly as we are all aware of the impact the past 12 months has had on everyone financially. We will continue to provide Food Care packages for all laid-off team members which will be distributed on every Friday to try and lessen the financial impact.



We will endeavour to support you with any queries that you may have, and we will keep all our employees updated through regular communication as developments arise by email. If you have any queries, please email me at brianmurphy@carlisle-bay. com.


We trust that this current challenging time will come to an end soon and we hope that we will be back to normal levels of trading soon. Thank you for all your effort and hard work.

We deeply regret that it has come to this but unfortunately it is beyond our control.


Yours sincerely, Brian Murphy General Manager Carlisle Bay Resort Limited Tel +26RA Carlisle Bay, Old Road, St. Mary’s, Antigua, West Indies


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  1. Wicked and evil company with their agenda along with assistance of the Union to take advantage of and exploit the staff. This is the third time for the past year they have closed and reopened to avoid paying the employees their severance and it’s so unfair. The place needs an extensive overhual because it is speedily falling apart.
    This government passed a law that allowed these businesses to lay off people with no consequences. They don’t care about the hotel staff!

    • Really sad on all of us and all the top managers eats big every day especially the Rooms Division Manager Deonne Maxime that don’t have love for any one but her dog. The place is falling apart CB is a waiting desaster. We need justice!!

  2. They send us home saying they giving care package with one potato
    One milk
    One box a mac n cheese
    One rice
    One tomato
    One chicken
    One sugar
    One juice
    How long is that to last 1 day smfh

    • Tough time for everyone and I applaud that one manager who went out of his way and using his own money to buy proper care packages for the staff in his department because the care packages i saw from the hotel were mediocre. You’re a true definition of a person with good human qualities.

      Gordon Campbell Gray wept!!

  3. 😭This is so hard on us to be home for the third time in less than a year and it’s so much hassle to get your own damn thrift fund. We know it’s a pandemic, times are different and everyone’s feeling the effects, but all who are involved in this unfair treatment to the staff are wicked wicked wicked f*cking people. I don’t see why the union gets our money for them to allow them to do this BS!! They are the only hotel in Antigua playing these lay off games to frustrate staff. TIME FOR A STRIKE!! banks keep calling, bills keep coming.

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