CARICOM Chairman Browne condemns attack on PM Gonsalves



As chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda and in my own capacity, I condemn the physical assault upon the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves during a protest organised by the opposition political party.

The assault was serious and almost fatal. As it is, Dr Gonsalves injury to his head is still being medically assessed.

The introduction of violence into the political life of CARICOM is shameful and deplorable and those responsible for it must be brought to justice with all due dispatch.

The assault is all the more shameful because it occurred as the Prime Minister was walking into the national parliament, the highest law making body of the State where a robust debate was taking place in full regard for democratic principles of dissent and discussion.

There is no place for violence and personal physical assaults in our CARICOM democracies where the rule of law prevails and rights, including the right to peaceful protests are fully upheld.

All law abiding and well thinking people of CARICOM should join in resolution that such gratuitous violence will not be tolerated in our peaceful societies.

Our prayers are with Dr Gonsalves for a speedy recovery.


He has been and remains an invaluable Caribbean son and leader, deserving of the greatest respect.


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  1. Protest without violence is absolutely necessary to maintain good order and discipline. You can make your feelings be known without the physical attack on politicians elected to work on your behalf.

    VOTE THEM OUT! When they are not improving the economic, social and infrastructure of the country.

    No need to violently attack any Political figure. Use your voter card and relieve the deplorables of the responsibility to improve your communities and livelihoods.

  2. @ . Hmmmmmmm:
    Do you people have BRAINS?I am from Antigua. I never remembered anyone throwing objects at any Chief Minister,Premier,Prime Minister,in Antigua and Barbuda. We may not always get along. However we had a certain level of respect for those persons. Unlike now there seems to be no love lost between the people and the present Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda. Based on his abrasive utterances. He could riled up someone to the point. Where by what happened to Gonsalves could happen to him. I hope it does not ever get to that cliff.

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