Caribbean countries too swift to block CARICOM nationals

Cross-section of Caricom leaders

Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the policy of placing restrictions on CARICOM nationals while at the same time welcoming visitors from countries with high covid rates was inconsistent.

Browne says some of his fellow Caribbean colleagues were too swift to block CARICOM nationals.

He did not call names but Browne says Antigua has remained open to call CARICOM nationals even during COVID.


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  1. Let the record show that Antigua implemented a ban on persons travelling from the Dominican Republic. That ban came into effect around the time 30 odd persons came from there and tested positive. That ban still remains in effect to this day.

    • Skyy like I always say Liar , Dictator , Traitor and self Enricher only see what others do , not what he does. Can somebody hand the lying MOUSTACHE a mirror

      • I was thinking… Till now ppl can’t understand Caricom Countries does not = Caribbean countries

    • The truth in its true perspective is that these said Santo Domingo nationals attempted to circumvent certain health protocols put in place in Antigua and Barbuda as in every single airport the world over. Give A & B a break, man! Stop trying to belittle us at every turn for your narrow, childish motives!!!

  2. Read the statement again. The Dominican Republic is not part of Caricom Community of Countries.

  3. That’s because the other PM’s are looking after their own people. The ALP is more interested in importing foreign criminals. I would take PM Mottley of Barbados over this ALP clown any day of the week.

    • Byam. Common Wadadli PM is the most visionary forthright Leader in the Caribbean baring none. The lady leader bad played DA and wanted to get of LIAT but you in Wadadli have visionary Leader that would not allowed it. ( Scotia Bank, West Indies Oil, etc) . You continue to spout hateful and foolish comments about this visionary Leader cause you are so blinded with your Political gamesmanship. It’s an article about other Caribbean Leaders who have a disdain to black people that looks like them but to other races they open the flood Gates even before the pandemic. Everything isn’t about you all dirty Political games. I guessed you’ll are covered with the blood of deception and ignorance.

      • “Tree Bind Mice”

        The PM is a fool of questionable character. He’s not fit to be in the same room as the roly poly Bajan PM. Bajans don’t want foreign criminals in their country running riot. The ALP is the only government whose main aim is to import foreign riffraff to kill and thief. Gaston “bag money” Browne is only a visionary to the willfully blind.

    • So get lost!! Your type of mindset would do well there. Here we don’t need your putrid diatribe.

  4. All of y’all blk mfos are slave and slave descendant, yet y’all hate each other…
    Y’all mfo need to be thrown bk into slavery so y’all can learn unity..

    • Y’all?? Repeated at least FOUR times!! Clearly covid-19 is NOT the only scourge that needs to be eradicated asap from among us!!!

  5. This man speaks from both sides of his mouth! Look he just blocked one of his own Antiguan citizen from returning to Antigua: He said don’t return Choksi to Antigua!

  6. Mehul Choksi is a Caricom national; an Antiguan citizen at that and he is blocked from entering Antigua. These Prime Ministers are shameless

    • No one is blocking his fat, scamming, lying libba. INDIA is calling for their son of the soil. Why is he so afraid to clear his “good” name???

  7. What others are refusing to accept into their Nations,we take in. Are we supposed to be proud of that. Those other Leaders are looking out for their Citizens and Nations. Unlike you Gaston Browne.You are only concerned with those people coming in and voting for the ABLP in future Elections.

  8. The jackass prime minister of saint lucia did it he block caricom natinals and his own saint lucians from coming in but allow visitors to come in.

    • Well this month is general elections in St. Lucia
      The people will decide if they want to continue with the whitewashed Uncle Tom Sellout or not

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