Cabinet waiting for more data before lifting vaccine mandate for entry into Antigua and Barbuda

5 planes at VC Bird Airport/file photo


The challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic continues to engage Cabinet, even when the announced policies are being examined to determine the degree of their success.


It was agreed that insufficient new data had emerged in the seven days since the prior Cabinet to warrant a further examination of the proposal to eliminate the requirement of vaccinations for entry into Antigua and Barbuda.


It was agreed that the review of the entry requirements will take place when the new data become available.

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  1. Cabinet only make decisions that somehow benefit them in some way, shape or form. It’s election time so the focus is about what or who can help them win votes. One of the most bad minded and wicked man in the cabinet after Gaston and Cutie is Lionel Hurst. If it doesn’t benefit them, it wont happen.

  2. As long as they release the data for independent and public scrutiny – GOOD OR BAD!

    Then I’ll have no problem …

    • Hopefully, I won’t have to re-start my business elsewhere – EMPLOYMENT FOR ANTIGUANS (whether vaccinated or not – but negatively tested though -, if you can do the work that’s all I care about).


  3. It’s time for the people of Antigua to stand up against our lock down. It’s time we take our freedom back. No more vaccine mandates. We are all going to get COVID-19. We have no choice but to live with it.

    It’s time we all stand together to fight for our freedoms like our brothers and sisters in Canada. Yes the same Canadian folks the government here is allowing in.

    This happened Friday, February 4th, 2022.

    Notice the Canadian citizens are united and standing together to fight for their freedom. Also notice the police are allowing the citizens to protest against all the vaccine mandates. The police are not firing rubber bullets, real bullets, tear gas or water at the protestors. The police are allowing the people to PEACEFULLY protest. No one is destroying any property. Stand up for your rights. Rise up my fellow Antiguans. Enough is enough. It’s time to stand up for our rights.

    Enough of the financial suicide that the government has done to us and our country. End government overreach. It’s time we get proper people in the government who want to make our nation better and truly represent us, not themselves and their personal crusades.

    Go Canada.

    Let’s go Antigua.

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