The Cabinet has agreed to build several two bedroom homes that will cost about $100,000.00 well within the capability of the prospective homeowner.
The cabinet is responding to demand of men and women whose income are in the $3000.00 per month range who may have found the new stock of houses outside of their capabilities.
All houses built by the Gaston Browne administration are and will be hurricane resistant.
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This will be an election gimmick like the 500 homes in 500 days leading up to the 2014 election. Never again Gaston Browne will we be fooled
* Go and visit Denfields community at Cooks extension
* Go and visit Paynters community at the Piggotts area
* Go and visit the Dredgers community at the Villa area.
You will see how many houses has been built and many lives has been improved …..
Promise made .. Promise Kept!!
The point is BLUDDY BLOKE (Joke) all them house no add up to 500 homes in 8 years or 96 months or 2920 days. Don’t forget 500 homes in 500 days. Go spin that and come again.
Tell us how much UPP completed in 10 years hope that you still have data
The UPP gave you many duty(freebs) free. Then they told you no, and you switched sides faster than the wind blows. Now you are doing well with about 4 to 5 checks monthly. It surely pays to be a paid arse kisser of a COMRADE.Just make sure to protect that garden from any Goats.
Was the UPP 365 in a year one as well
Beautiful idea. This will help a lot of poor people to get a home for their families and so on……
3 years of hardship for many citizens nothing to assist the ones who are struggling, now election is close money comes from all over the place to do things
You seems to know everything EXCEPT HOW TO MAKE CHILD
@Sliffy Leaks:You seems to know all things about others,but not about yourself.
A house to cost $100,000 in Antigua? What would that be the size of,a fowl coop.If someone is making $3,000 per month.There are deductions I am sure that comes out of that monthly salary.Could that person really afford a $100,000 house.CABINET IS NOT BUILDING ANYTYHING,IT IS THE PEOPLE MONIES GOING INTO BUILDING THOSE MINI CARDBOARD HOMES.THEN THE BIG BAD WOLF WOULD COME AND HUFF AND PUFF AND BLOW THEM DOWN.LOL.
What are trying to say, I cannot get a home worth $100,000? $100,000 is alot of money to me. I prefer to own a home and not pretend to own one.
We would be fools to believe what these people are saying. The houses that now cost an arm and a leg was for these same people. Wicked se a people.
After deductions of living expenses and rent etc the government can tell us what will be the monthly mortgage payment. Will it be $100 or $50.
Rephrase that please and leave rent out, ask after bills and food what will be left to pay the monthly loan, you ain’t got no rent to pay once you’ve secured a mortgage and the house, the rent you would have been paying to a homeowner will now be paying your loan
Ok ANTIGUAN point well taken (leave out the rent). However, I still say that after deducting their daily expenses even gas if they drive, they could hardly have anything left to pay a mortgage. I know because my salary is about $3000 after social security etc.
Just set your goals & priorities straight and you meet your goals….. This is what you refer to as EMPOWERMENT that ABLP is advocating & NOT HANDOUTS that.UPP is preaching……
I have said it before, and I will say it again. Too much focus is being placed on homeownership. People need a house to live in for the rest of their life, which is true. But not everyone should be forced into homeownership. Homeownership comes with lots of responsibilities of maintenance and mortgage payment. And you never know when later in life you want to move to another place. What I believe the focus should be is in affordable rental homes of good quality. The houses that are offered for rent to low-income earners like the $3000 salary scale are, in my opinion, not fit for humans. But in Antigua a lot of wickedness is going on. Especially when renting to the Spanish community. A lot of dilapidated wooden houses are being rented for $800 per month. Many don’t even have a bathroom inside the house. Since private individuals are taking advantage of these groups of people, I believe the government should get into social housing for rent. And of course, the rent to own option should also be on the table.
@From The Sideline…so, plain and simple, this is an #Election #Ploy?
Ain’t nobody forcing anyone to own a home, why would you want to rent for the rest if yiur life, even after retirement. You did make some good point thougg about the over priced rent that some peoole are made to pay to private Citizens
If you study the market closely and you are making a good salary, it makes sense to rent than take on the responsibility of ownership. Think about it
People need to be creative in home ownership. In the past, people use to build their own home out of pocket with the help of a few friends. They have alot of youtube videos on how to do it yourself.
@From The Sideline
The government should stop allowing more people in the country as there are no housing available. The salary for most Antiguans is too low for the cost of living. Salaries need to increase especially in the civil service and for hotel workers. People are not building rental houses because tenants don’t pay rent and don’t look after rental properties.
A lot of what you wrote don’t make sense. Most people have a desire to own their own home but their salaries are too low. If they want to move they can sell.
If government gets into public housing, the tenants won’t pay rent especially with a labour government. They will think it is their entitlement for voting for them. Who is going to maintain the properties? Labour government won’t maintain them.
A lot the Spanish people are not used to anything better. Visit the DR and see the shacks in the hills on the way from the airport. Why you think they built all those shacks at Perry Bay?
If you tell a lie long enough, it soon sounds like the truth.
This is a remix of the 2014 gimmick. Same performers but different audience. We will not fall for the horse dung again. What we thought was going to be dream has turned into a nightmare. A government that can’t provide water needs to go! Let’s stick to the basics. We need the water problem fixed.
Obviously you don’t know what’s going on in Antigua, please take a drive down to Fort James and when you almost get there look at your left and at your right and you’ll see what’s going on. A reverse osmosis plant is being built to improve the water situation in and around the capital, in time others will be set up.
Blah, blah. Show me the water not the RO plant. Labour is always building pipe dreams. We need pipe water. You’ve had 8 years to fix it. Move with you bull shit cause no water there to clean you up!!!
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on you. Fool me thrice shame on me. The shame can’t be on me this time around. Cabinet can keep the houses. We will do business with the new government led by Harold Lovell and the redeem team. We want real houses that we can live in not invisible ones like the 500 houses in 500 day.
Just imagine a hypocrite that’s opposed any government that is doing something for poor people. They opposed the Boobie Alley project, they are against any projects that would uplift the poor people livelihoods and now oppose housing for the same people. Now telling the same poor people that they loved them and their opponents don’t give a damn about them. Wow.. These people have no decency and integrity. These people needs a dose of hush. Tap fooling poor people with your ignorance it wouldn’t uplift their lives. For Jah sake have some hearts
Obviously you don’t know what’s going on in Antigua, please take a drive down to Fort James and when you almost get there look at your left and at your right and you’ll see what’s going on. A reverse osmosis plant is being built to improve the water situation in and around the capital, in time others will be set up.
Is ‘the cabinet’ building these homes?
Seems odd.
Surely it’s a national housing project, overseen by the civil service, and will continue whomsoever is in political power.
Citizens, time for us to strip away the red, blue and green personalities, and understand what our civil service should be delivering, no matter who is in political power.
But that’d require the civil service to become fully non-partisan, which might be a big ask because they represent plenty votes.
These hypocrites were silent like a lam heading to the slaughter house when Harry says he will pay all the bills that this present government he claims owes. How could anyone that have even a peanut brain would believe that any government would tax payers money’s to private companies employees money’s? How could anyone associate themselves with people who rape their child underage friend, a well known Con Artist, a murderer of a young woman, a man who enjoyed cussing women, people who consistently makes fools of themselves publicly by using words we never hear(foots) etc. A leader who says publicly that you could everything for your wife and she Tun round and hab man with you? How could any honest and decent person follow any political party that took back lands from poor people? How could anyone follow the same political party that oppose everything that would uplift poor people lives? The sad thing the same liars are saying that their opponents don’t live poor and black people. These people are so pathetic they even oppose the CCJ instead chose the slave masters at the privy council knowing that poor people can’t afford the big cost to seek justice. All you UPPITES are nothing but butt licking political whores and dangerous hypocrites.
Wait aren’t they still in power?
I never thought it was realistic to complete 500 houses in 500 days. However, I will give kudos where it is due. The Gaston Browne led administration has done a great job with the housing project initiative. In fact it is the best thing any government has done, in any sector since the colonial masters left our shore. I am still against politicians involvement in businesses using inside knowledge and abusing the resources of the state to compete with privately owned and operating businesses.
Is the National Housing Project responsible for building these houses? Can I go there and apply? Enquiring Minds would like to know.
Just set your goals & priorities straight and you meet your goals….. This is what you refer to as EMPOWERMENT that ABLP is advocating & NOT HANDOUTS that.UPP is preaching……
EC $100,000 Divided by $2.70 =US$38,000.A house for that kind of money I would really like to see built.I am the owner of 4 houses on the North Side of Antigua for some years now. Perhaps I should have waited and pay the Government to build them for me. LOL.Do you think they would last long?
Really? How come CABINET is building homes for people? What happened to the government agencies that have that responsibility? No longer relevant? Is it that the real estate developer we have as a leader of Cabinet is in fact the one responsible but is putting forward the name of Cabinet to cover his passion for land and houses?
Does he thing we are so dumb we cannot see this? Does he think we are so scared of him that we will see it but be afraid to do anything about it?
Guess he’s right. We have taken this kind of behavior as natural for him.
I would like one, I am young and working. I have struggled to much in my own country. I need help getting one of these.
It seems that many are missing the point I was trying to make. Perhaps we really suffer from comprehension in this country. I was simply explaining that homeownership is not something that people should be going into before having given it careful thought. My points are simply this. Once you comit yourself to a 20 to 30-year agreement there isn’t much flexibility thereafter. When my daughter asked me for a puppy, I questioned her if she realizes she will have to comit herself to take care of the dog for at least 15 years of her life. Knowing children, she will say yes. But after three years that promise went out the door and the dog became my responsibility. And yes, a person will need a roof over their head for as long as they live. But surely our lives are unpredictable as Covid has proven. Many are struggling to keep their property, not to any fault of their own. Circumstances just changed. And we all keep saying a home is for many of us the most important investment we will ever make in our lives. A car is different. The bank takes back the car, and you find some funds to buy another cheaper car. One should also understand that the way in which interest is calculated in the first half of the term you almost pay only interest and hardly touch the principal. That is the frustration most homeowners experience, when in the latter years they fall into payment problems they find out that the principal is still that high. Many times, the loan officer you dealt with is not even with the bank any longer. and you are just another customer. If for whatever reason you wish to move to another location or even migrate, you are stuck with the mortgage. You must find a tenant, or you must sell. When it comes to your estate, you must make a will. God forbid if you have many children. Who do you leave the house to? I have witnessed firsthand the family feud that suddenly occurs. Brothers and sisters become enemies of one another. In those cases, it would have been better if you just had a sum of money or shares to distribute. When you look at the sum of your total interest paid, I wonder if that money could not have been saved instead. If you borrow $100,000. at 8% for let’s say 25 years, your total interest payments will add up to $131,542. And again, people need to understand that a house needs lots of maintenance in order for it to keep its value or increase in value. Buying houses for investment is a totally different ball game. Now you are doing business and creating wealth. And as the PM’s history is, so is mine. You can make a hundred thousand dollars in like three months. You borrow $200K to build a house, ensure that you do not have cost overrun and sell it for $300K. That can be done in three months. And the more houses you build, the higher your income will become. These are not mortgages for 25- 30 years. These are business loans. Sometimes cash secured or sometimes with collateral backed. So people that are on the verge of making that decision of homeownership needs to be given all the pros and cons of this so that they can make an informed decision. It’s not a bed of roses. Shit happens. Couples get divorced etc. Weigh every thing in your decision making. And as a christian I will say, Pray for it.
Well said. I owned my own home and don’t owe bank one red cent.
@From the Sideline
Don’t know which planet you live on but the dream of every person is to own a roof over their head. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Paying back a loan of $100,000 is like renting one of those houses you mentioned in Johnson’s. After all, people have to live some place. Just give them enough land so they can expand the house later and when they get old they will own something and not knocking all over the place paying rent.
After five years a car is junk, but after five years a house appreciates in a value. Just don’t build the poor people junk. And by the way, Gaston could not say on his radio show where these homes will be built. Is this an election gimmick?
Most of what you say have no reality to poor people owning their own home.
Reality April 19, 2022 At 2:43 pm
“Don’t know which planet you live on but the dream of every person is to own a roof over their head.”
From The Sideline April 15, 2022 At 7:45 pm
“I have said it before, and I will say it again. Too much focus is being placed on homeownership. People need a house to live in for the rest of their life, which is true. But not everyone should be forced into homeownership. Homeownership comes with lots of responsibilities of maintenance and mortgage payment.”
Which part of my statement don’t you comprehend?
It’s really sad when so many of you guys cannot read and comprehend. That’s why we are having useless uneducated discussions. And when you guys cannot handle it, you go low. And turn to personal attacks.
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