Cabinet questions new APUA disconnection policy


The Cabinet says the announced APUA disconnection policy has caused panic among residents.

“The Cabinet was of the view that the APUA announcement caused many customers to panic and to pay their bills before thirty days elapsed because they feared being cut-off.”

The Minister conceded that disconnection by regions/villages has changed. A discussion followed about the wisdom of that policy.

The Minister responsible for APUA explained that the amount of electricity consumed in Month 1, is not determined until the end of that month.

The bill to pay is not delivered until the end of Month 2, and the payment is due by the end of Month 3.

The Thirty-day rule is therefore precisely what it used to be, but the announcement gives the impression of being calculated differently, the Cabinet members remarked.

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  1. There should be a grace period after the 30 days giving the low income that extra time frame since some people received late salary and also live by paycheck-to-paycheck.

    • 30 day grace what? U already get 90 days after you use it to pay for it. Are you asking for 120 days. Do you know how much monies lost when they don’t pay. ?

      Other islands have pay as you go. When ya credit run out that’s it. People need to learn of you can’t afford it. Leave it be. If you know you budgeted $100 for elec. Try and stay within that band. Turn off the flood Lamps . Watch less tv. Stay off the PC more.

  2. lies, lies, lies, there is no month 1 month 2 and month 3 story.. that is a lie. I paid a bill yesterday which is due on October 12th.This morning they came and took another reading… so there is no way it takes 2 months for me to get that new bill. I can assure you that the new bill will be printed and delivered to be before the end of October.

  3. So what is this story really saying? It speaks to Cabinet and it speaks to the Minister of A.P.U.A. Did the Cabinet agree with the ‘new/old’ policy? What is the story really saying?

    • @ Beef-I am trying to figure the same thing as you are.As far as i am concerned the story is saying absolutely nothing..

  4. Why is this so hard to understand?? APUA produces a bill one month after their services were used. Example August bill due date September 20th. APUA is giving you an extra 30 days after the due date to buy food, pay cable, go movies or an all-inclusive fete. After October 30th and the bill is still outstanding then you will be disconnected. This is more than fair and reasonable

  5. What about people who are being over charged. For example, i live in an incompleted house, hasn’t done any work on it for over a year. The inside isn’t sepreated to the roof so 1 light bulb is been use, 1 room with 1 fan and a tv, and 1 fridge in the kitchen.. my nomal bill ranges from $80+ to $90+ but since june it had a huge fluctuation with nothing added to my home. June $120+ , July $140+ August $156 and sept $190.. what about these things, went to them several times and nothing is been done.

    • @ Blessed- What is soo hard for you to understand,that We are not responsible for how APUA produce their bills. They choose to produce it a month after use,the fact remains you have to pay for it..This new policy,although not entirely new,since the 30 day delinquency period has been existing for sometime now,will undoubtedly bring some added hardship to the poor and sometimes even to the Middle Class,given the fact that the bills are not very small.. With the zone policy ,it takes the company 3months to get back to an area,that means that if someone is a bit strapped for Cash this month,they can always try to make up and get the bill paid before APUA reach back to them.With this new Policy,its Due date today6th October,its Cut 6th November.Are we insinuating that we have no poor and struggling among us ? Unlike the other islands around the region where their utilities are privately owned-APUA is owned by the Government,so we cannot compare the stringent policies they use with that of a Public owned monopoly providing an essential service..Where is the duty to the poor and vulnerable who may genuinely be struggling from day to day..As the older folks would say”Time heals ,time reveals” .It would seem that the minister of APUA is totally detached from the fact that everyone do not have a 6 figure bank account,i hope him and the cabinet will stop to consider that those they put to run affairs of APUA do not need the general public now or later-in a few short years which goes by very fast,they (the cabinet ) will need the people.. I would suggest they listen to the voice of the people NOW and do not wait until you need them,they just may not want to hear you then.. Thank God ,i can pay my bills..Maybe you can to,but unlike you i do not see everything through the eyes of Red/Blue.. I see through Right& wrong or Fair and unfair.. For over a decade all sort of shenanigans took place within the Authority, the same people who sat through the partial destruction of the company,still sits there today,no one has been held accountable for anything- why now try to kill poor people for their losses.. I am an ABLP supporter,but i do not condone ignorance from no one..You,ll need to know that there is life outside of politics and Politicians are not feeling your daily pains.

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