Cabinet: No Liability for Antigua and Barbuda Following Crash of FTX, which is Registered Here


CABINET NOTES: The Solicitor General, the Deputy Solicitor General, a Crown Counsel, the Head of the FSRC, and other officials were invited to address the issues of FTX.


Questions arose about the immediate and long-term impacts of the bankruptcy of this parent company, registered but not licensed, in Antigua.


Though incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda, FTX was not granted a license to operate locally; the license was under review.

Nevertheless, the Company was deemed by its principals to be the parent company of several other firms that were established to carry on the Crypto currency business in several other states.

Following vigorous discussions with the lawyers, the Attorney General and the FSRC Officials, the Cabinet concluded that no liability attaches to the State of Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. Yet Gaston is so concerned about Franz’s bankruptcy in another jurisdiction. The stories that he has on Franz (if true) are negligible compared to this scandal. How much more reputational damage will we face under this administration as the FBI probe continues. For the love of crooks, scoundrels and money.

  2. Liability is hardly the point. The point is just one more thing to tarnish the reputation of Antigua due to lack of action. Exactly what they wanted, let them be registered in Antigua but not “licensed” by anyone. Wonder how much Gaston and Arthur Thomas made out of this little transaction? Certainly, enough for Gaston to fly to the Bahamas to meet with Sam Bankman-Fried about his application for licensing. Any bets on how that conversation went, “We won’t actually license you, we just won’t stop you from operating”. Sound familiar?

    • MrGreen tell us more, tell us all that you know because bring the money (&) come is our national jingle.
      For all who can’t sleep at night, here’s the new verse – Clarevue will Welcome You

  3. The geniuses has determined their is no liability to Antigua and Barbuda.
    Not so fast Gaston-Mr. Fake financial genius…..No liabilities? How about losses.
    Tell the people of Antigua and Barbuda about the losses. I hope that you are filing a claim for the monies lost by Antigua and Barbuda with the BK court in the Bahamas.
    My friends in the Bahamas informed me that your money was invested and now lost.

  4. I’ll wait for the investigations of FTX to conclude before I believe Antigua has no liability — As if THIS cabinet would tell the truth now when there’s an election just around the corner. Hoping for the best.

  5. Let’s see how this plays out…
    It didn’t take long for the crooks at FTX to crash and burn. SBF used the backdoor at FTX to pull of a Ponzi scheme of epic proportions.

    Franzie Panzie laughing 🤣😂🤣😜🤪

  6. We know Cabinet are a bunch of little P**sy Cats who had nothing to offer.
    There is a possibility there is no liability. But the little P**cy geniuses need to tell the people of exposure and losses and stop hiding brhing NO Liabilities. Tell the people how much money he authorized to be out into FTX.
    My sources in BA informed me, you personally out out money. So level with the people about the amount of Antigua and Barbuda money is at risk and is likely to be never collected

  7. Wait is there a suggestion here that The PM had a Crypto wallet? Interesting!!!!! Still waiting on the details of the trip with the Syrian young lady via private charter to Bahamas…He could ask for a License via a phone conversation… why a private Charter???

  8. Great point by the first poster. He was busy wrongfully digging in people’s personal business and missed the fact that his ‘Billionaire’ buddy was bankrupt! How sway!

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