Cabinet Backs Health Minister’s Call for Sir Lester Bird Medical Center AC Replacement


CABINET NOTES – The Minister of Health reported that the air condition system at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center has been malfunctioning and needs to be replaced at a cost of 1.5 Million USD.

The system is driven by two units and the Cabinet was advised that the replacement may take place in stages; however, the units must be replaced quickly since patients’ need for comfort and the clean air that is necessary in operating rooms can come only from a working air conditioning system with many filters.

The Cabinet voted to provide resources needed to complete phase one of the replacement and to purchase some single units that can relieve the discomfort when the days are really hot.



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  1. How old
    Is the hospital to need new Aircon. Suspect it wasn’t done right in the beginging. Don’t we have a warranty on this from the company who built it ?

  2. Brand new hospital already needing to be replaced. All thanks to the nasty power APUA provides. Power surges and brown outs are the death knoll for electrical devices. Now they know what happens in our homes. This sweet me bad.

    Let’s see how soon govt get a new system in. A system that isn’t over paid for with our taxes to some kiss ass “vendor”.

    New hospital and things already breaking down or can’t be maintained due to lack of funds. Govt teef off so much tax dollars and here is one of the results why it can’t be replace quickly.

  3. SMH I just hate when politics is placed in the midst of everything unnecessarily, why should it sweet anyone that the ac system is bad at the hospital? what happens if u or a family member get sick and need to do an emergency surgery at the same hospital? would it still sweet you that much if the ac situation is not sorted? whether or not the politicians thief or squander the money this is our only health care system so you people need to think with your brains and forget the spewing of the verbal diarrhea under the articles

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