Cabinet approves MoU with Antigua & Barbuda for digital transformation


The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister approves the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Wednesday between the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Information, Communications Technologies, Utilities and Energy of the Antigua & Barbuda on Cooperation in the field of sharing successful Digital Solutions implemented at Population Scale for Digital Transformation.

The MoU intends to promote closer cooperation and exchange of experiences and digital technologies-based solutions (viz. INDIA STACK) in the implementation of digital transformational initiatives of both the country. MoU envisages improved collaboration leading to employment opportunities in the field of IT.

The MoU shall come into effect from the date of signature of the Parties and shall be remain in force for a period of 3 years.

Both G2G and B2B bilateral Cooperation in the field of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) will be enhanced.

The activities contemplated in this MoU would be financed through their administration’s regular operating allocations.

MeitY is collaborating with a number of countries and multilateral agencies for fostering bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the ICT domain.

Over the period, MeitY has entered into MoUs/MoCs/Agreements with its counterpart organizations/ agencies from various countries to promote cooperation and exchange of information in the ICT domain.

This is in consonance with the various initiatives taken by Government of India such as Digital India, Atmanirbhar Bharat, Make in India etc. to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

In this changing paradigm, there is an imminent need for exploring business opportunities, sharing of best practices and attracting investments in the digital sector with the objective of enhancing mutual cooperation.

Over the last few years, India has demonstrated its leadership in implementation of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) and has successfully provided delivery of services to public even during COVID pandemic.

As a result, many countries have evinced interest in learning from India’s experiences and entering into MoUs with India for learning from India’s experiences.

India Stack Solutions are DPls developed & implemented by India at population scale to provide access & delivery of public services It aims to provide meaningful connectivity, promote digital inclusion, and enable seamless access to public services.

These are built on open technologies, are interoperable and are designed to harness industry and community participation which foster innovation. However, each country has unique needs and challenges in building DPI, although the basic functionality is similar, allowing for global cooperation.

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  1. Mr. Editor lets fix the little things first. Antigua and Barbuda is not a UNION. It is a Unitary State. Therefore, your first sentence, “The Union Cabinet” is false, and I think deliberately so. You cannot refer to our cabinet as the Union Cabinet.

  2. What I have to say is that GB you had so much potential to be a great Leader. If only. If only your head was in the right place. If only you had put country above self . If only you would have been contented with sufficient as any great leader should.
    You allowed greed and material lust to destroy you and now you are eroding ABLP legacy. Of course corruption always abound but at this stage it has surpassed by many folds anything before.

    • Yes, @ Frankly Speaking, it was the “potential” that attracted me to the ABLP when Gaston Browne first took office, and many of us thought ‘at last’ it was going to be a new dawn for Antigua & Barbuda.

      But as you mentioned, overtime “greed and material lust” waylaid him and messed-up his potential and SADLY the country.

  3. History will prove both you and Brix wrong. As the man is moving on, he is making history as we speak. Just look at his performance as chair of COSIS. Look at him being the PM responsible for bringing us a landed Campus of the UWI. Look at him buying WIOC for only $30Million while UPP was ready to pay $80 million. Let me stop right here because the list is very long.
    But you guys cannot fool us. You never liked the man and all you do is hate. And hate blinds you.

  4. From the sideline- He does not listen to the most deafening cry from the people. The African Saga, the Alfa Nero are two typical examples. The spending of government Money right now at St.Mary’s South is a disgraceful. He is competing with the heavy duty equipment owners and working for government and getting paid. Flipping of government lands using inside knowledge is a crime. Look at his appointments – Baba as ambassador- why – he is a kick-backer. Then he got involved in farming. Developed a Agriculture project. Again using government resources- APUA water, electricity , drilling of wells , roads and the Chinese worked to build dams. He and his partner is now being given more and more of prime government agriculture properties/ lands with infrastructure. The puppet ministers go to Cabinet and make decisions to feather his nest because they are all grabbing.
    This poor little country has been raped over and over by those we the people put to look over it.
    He was lack luster and reading too much in that speech. Not his usual brave, up tempo. I actually said to my friend this is the first I have seen GB looking like he was lost. Lack of preparation… poor performance.
    I will always compare Antigua with Singapore. The big difference between both countries is the word – Corruption and worst yet corruption in public office.
    Then I expected him to be a bold snd decisive leader. That was one of the potential I admired and shifted my vote from UPP to GB and ABLP. Instead he has become a BULLY in every sphere- On radio, on social media, to the citizens of this country- his employers , during elections, in Parliament. In negotiations with workers and even at CARICUM and OECS levels. His leadership style has moved from bold leadership to dictatorial leadership- and we as Antiguans better had be careful here.
    From the sideline- Do you want me to say more because there are scores of specific instances I can point on and add to every point I made.
    Our Prime minister very often insults our intelligence and any rational Antigua that love this country will give him an F.
    A bit more- crime is on the increase and not being addressed , our people are imprisoned in deplorable conditions- School children violence in our capital, St.John’s . Our water crisis continúes despite timelines given, our infrastructure is poor. Our hospital- health care is on the decline- clinics after clinic closing for lack of maintenance. Health care is paramount. These are areas that our government lead by our PM should be feverishly working on to address. Instead the greed , the rush to become wealthy and more wealthy is what is driving our politicians.
    Robin get fu he and at his age and wealth still grabbing for plenty, Maulwin get fu he, Western get fu he , Cutie get fu he , Michael get fu and gone left are we , Melford a get fu he , Max get fu he, Chet a pile up fu he – Mathews want fu he and he say he young and and can eat plenty , get what you can take.
    Potential is one thing. Where you head is , is another- greed and corruption abounds. Again this government has failed under the leadership of GB – simply because his head and heart are in the wrong place.

  5. From the sideline- He does not listen to the most deafening cry from the people. The African Saga, the Alfa Nero are two typical examples. The spending of government Money right now at St.Mary’s South is a disgraceful. He is competing with the heavy duty equipment owners and working for government and getting paid. Flipping of government lands using inside knowledge is a crime. Look at his appointments – Baba as ambassador- why – he is a kick-backer. Then he got involved in farming. Developed a Agriculture project. Again using government resources- APUA water, electricity , drilling of wells , roads and the Chinese worked to build dams. He and his partner is now being given more and more of prime government agriculture properties/ lands with infrastructure. The puppet ministers go to Cabinet and make decisions to feather his nest because they are all grabbing.
    This poor little country has been raped over and over by those we the people put to look over it.
    He was lack luster and reading too much in that speech. Not his usual brave, up tempo. I actually said to my friend this is the first I have seen GB looking like he was lost. Lack of preparation… poor performance.
    I will always compare Antigua with Singapore. The big difference between both countries is the word – Corruption and worst yet corruption in public office.
    Then I expected him to be a bold snd decisive leader. That was one of the potential I admired and shifted my vote from UPP to GB and ABLP. Instead he has become a BULLY in every sphere- On radio, on social media, to the citizens of this country- his employers , during elections, in Parliament. In negotiations with workers and even at CARICUM and OECS levels. His leadership style has moved from bold leadership to dictatorial leadership- and we as Antiguans better had be careful here.
    From the sideline- Do you want me to say more because there are scores of specific instances I can point on and add to every point I made.
    Our Prime minister very often insults our intelligence and any rational Antigua that love this country will give him an F.
    A bit more- crime is on the increase and not being addressed , our people are imprisoned in deplorable conditions- School children violence in our capital, St.John’s . Our water crisis continúes despite timelines given, our infrastructure is poor. Our hospital- health care is on the decline- clinics after clinic closing for lack of maintenance. Health care is paramount. These are areas that our government lead by our PM should be feverishly working on to address. Instead the greed , the rush to become wealthy and more wealthy is what is driving our politicians.
    Robin get fu he and at his age and wealth still grabbing for plenty, Maulwin get fu he, Western get fu he , Cutie get fu he, he snd he Pinckney, Michael get fu and gone left are we , Melford a get fu he , Max get fu he, Chet a pile up fu he – Mathews want fu he and he say he young and and can eat plenty , get what you can take.
    Potential is one thing. Where your head is , is another- greed and corruption abounds. Again this government has failed under the leadership of GB – simply because his head and heart are in the wrong place.
    This could well be my last post about political issues. I get angry when I write and reflect on the corruption.

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