Cabinet Announces New Measures In Preparation For COVID-19

With the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring Coronavirus a global pandemic the Cabinet today announced a series of measures to help control the spread if or when it arrives in Antigua& Barbuda.
It reported today that the isolation and quarantine units at the Margetson Ward are nearing completion; and, preparations are at an advanced stage to have testing for COVID-19 virus being done locally with the assistance of PAHO.
It is hopes that his would allow for swift diagnosis of potential cases.
The Cabinet decided that immediate steps will be taken to increase production in the agricultural sector in order to mitigate a COVID-19 outbreak in Antigua and the impact it could have on food security, because of disruptions in trade. Therefore, the Minister of Agriculture was mandated to work closely with stakeholders, inclusive of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force and Her Majesty’s Prisons farms, in order to achieve this mandate. In addition, immediate steps are to be taken to expand and improve the agro-processing capacity of the nation. Technical expertise will be provided by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture which has already started a pilot programme. This is to ensure that agricultural products that are in abundance do not go to waste.
Several measures have also been put in place to ensure that our borders are protected, especially in light of the impending Sailing Week. To this end, there will be increased Coast Guard patrols of our coastal waters, and all vessels entering our shores will be required to give advanced notice before being permitted to dock. This will ensure that officials, including health personnel, are able to do the necessary screenings. Similar measures are already in place at the airport.
The Cabinet also decided that ten (10) additional ventilators are to be purchased for the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre, at a unit cost of US$30,000.00, and this will ensure that there is an adequate number of ventilators.
All schools in Antigua and Barbuda are to be provided with Vitamin-C supplements as a matter of priority. Cabinet further directed that, as a matter of policy, ALL PERSONS including students, who exhibit flu-like symptoms should remain at home until such time as they have been cleared by medical professionals to return to work or school.

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  1. Hon. Gaston Browne Administration is doing a FANTASTIC job with this COVID-19. Listening to D.Gisel Isaac and Knight on Observer Radio tonight. Now I understand why the UPP will never see POWER in Antigua ever AGAIN. D.Gisel Isaac is CONFUSED PERSON. If the UPP has done such a good job …Why The Upp only won only ONE seat. Something is wrong with D.Gisel and Knight. ABLP will win all seats 2023 including Barbuda.

    • Imagine if WILMOTH DANIEL was still the Minister of Health??? What a DISASTER that would have been.

      • The interior infrastructure of the Mount St. John’s Hospital facility will be in a better condition. The streets and gutters of St. John’s City will be in better conditions.

    • Under the UPP Government:
      1. Free School Uniform
      2. The School Meal Program
      3. Senor Citizens reduction in the APUA Bills
      4. No departure tax for Senor Citizens
      5. Petro Caribe monthly benefits for senor citizens
      6. The beginning of massive road program rehabilitation with Cubans
      7. Completion of the Library
      8. Completion of the Mount St. John’s Hospital
      9. New International Airport
      10. Constructed of a New Secondary School at Five Island (now Five Island UWI Campus)
      11. More Education Scholarships given out
      12. Paid outstanding back pay
      13. Raise pensioners monthly
      14. Every Public Sector received a 10% salary & wages increased across the board with the Police received more than that amount.
      15. Paid several long/decade of outstanding debts which had accumulated large interest over the period. Some of these debt go back to 1986. With good negotiation, some of the debts were written off.
      16. The constructed of a new cricket stadium
      There are more but time permitted me at this time to remember all.
      Can you still say that the UPP Government didn’t’ do anything while in government for 2 term? Yes, they had made several mistake like any government.

      • And wtf that has to do with the pending crisis of COVID-19??? Some of y’all need to learn time and place. COVID-19 don’t watch face, party colours or status in society. Pray to God for us as a nation to pull through because though we may be speard from an outbreak we will feel the after effects.

  2. What about we the healthcare workers especially those working at msjmc we also need free vitamin c

  3. The Cabinet decided that immediate steps will be taken to increase production in the agricultural sector in order to mitigate a COVID-19 outbreak in Antigua and the impact it could have on food security, because of disruptions in trade.


    • I hope with COVID-19 sitting out there at sea wondering if it should come to Antigua and Barbuda or not. I hope those in authority will take agriculture farming very serious.

    I am a supporter and I also voted for UPP in the last GENERAL Election. I have been following UTTERANCES from my UPP Party especially Ms. ISAAC. I WAS EXPREMELY disappointed last evening when I heard KNIGHT and Ms. Isaac on(OBSERVER RADIO) were making a MOCKERY of what The Government is doing to prepare for this VIRUS. You Guys are bringing Politics into this. At this time We should be pulling together. Ms. Isaac and Knight I am NOT happy with you Guys performance last evening. You Guys have DRIVEN and still driving Persons away from the UPP Party. This is not something to rejoice about. Also You Guys were happy that the Government had to pay all that money to Half Moon Bay. I am worried about Ms. Isaac performance in the Media. She should know better. I am wondering if my UPP Party can win any seat IN THE NEXT Election. Please be prepared when coming to the Media. This is CRUCIAL times. No time for Ms.Isaac POLITICAL games.


    100 % IN AGREEMENT WITH YOU. I was listening and was very upset. The UPP is falling off the CLIFF.

  6. I am so HAPPY that Someone raised this point. I cannot understand why the UPP do not have a PRO. Anyone will go on the Radio and chat STUPIDNESS. I was disappointed that Ms. Isaac allowed Knight to lead down that path. Very SAD.

    • Is Mr. Marshall no longer the PRO? I thought he took over after Damani was kicked from that position by Lovell when he sided with Richard Lewis for party leadership (instead of supporting Lovell who made him). Lovell viewed Damani as ungrateful and yanked him from the post of PRO and gave the job to Marshall.

  7. You Guys think that was AWFUL last evening on OBSERVER RADIO with GISEL ISAAC and KNIGHT ??? Listen to DAMANI TABOR and KNIGHT this evening to hear a BUNCH of HOG WASH.



    With All that you mentioned ….Why the hell We kicked Their ASS “UPP” out of Office. UPP will never win another Election in Antigua again. Put that in You Pipe and smoke ALL OF IT . Stop drinking that BLUE KOOLAID.

  10. This is getting more and more scary especially not it hit the carribbean father protect us all

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