Cabinet Notes: Upon the arrival of 156 Chinese workers by a China Eastern Airways charter on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, social media became abuzz with speculation and false reports, which the Cabinet feels compelled to address.
The Foreign Minister provided a 15-minute interview on a local radio station this morning, Thursday, October 1, 2020, details of which he shared again with the Cabinet members.
The charter, following its discharge of passengers, left Antigua for China with 163 Chinese nationals on board. There was a routine rotation of employees of CCECC—the firm which is building the Embassy on Marble Hill, and the Cargo Port at the Deepwater Harbour.
CCECC has also been involved in construction projects in Antigua for more than 35 years, including the Creekside Bridge, the Multi-purpose Center, the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, the V.C. Bird Air Terminal, and other construction projects. The CCECC is also building its Americas and Caribbean Headquarters building in Antigua, to which several of the arriving workers are assigned.
The workers arrived with Covid-19 negative certificates and are being quarantined in their own quarters; their documents were examined by Immigration officers without them mixing with other arrivals.
The Ministry of Labour also provided the lawful coverage required, and the Ministry of Health will test all again following the two-week quarantine.
The charter flight was arranged to avoid having the workers transit a third country, and mixing with others who may be infected.
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Everybody talking bout slavery days yet you allow 163 to come work yah ?? AWDFY
This is conformation of my point to the health minister, this administration testing arriving passengers for free and your citizens are required to pay three hundred dollars. Are the Chinese going to pay for the covid 19 test? What about Social Security, Education Levy, Medical Benefits? It’s time for Antiguan to wake up, Antiguans and Barbudans not working and these greedy politicians signing work permits for Chinese, Mexicans, Phillipines and all others. “WICKED SET A PEOPLE.”
Using even a smidgen of common sense one has to conclude that for CCECC to charter a plane to come to Antigua to transport “workers” it has to be cheaper than employing local labor and the assumption would be that the “workers” are the unfortunate free labour from either China’s evil internment camps or purchased from North Korea. China is a suppressive COMMUNIST country that has intentionally infected the world with the Wuhan virus that has ruined economies and killed thousands of loved ones…why on earth are we being forced by our Govt. to have these people taking over and ruining our country?? They contribute nothing to our economy and are (to be repetitive) the most racist country on this planet. China wants Africa and these island for their own self benefit. We need to sue them not get into bed with them for the proverbial few pieces of silver they give in bribes.
You could not have said it better.
Remember when the airport was being extended and they were living in the old factory on airport road ? Clothes hanging out of windows and no running water. Some kinda welfare check needs to be carried out on these sites and how they are being treated man. A regular head count would be a good idea.
Keep on voting the current regime in. This will all get better.
@SWR. Yes. And this was done from the first trip made to China by the Darg. He asked for many millions to help out the economy which he told them was very bad when he got in. He got the money but we were the exchange. Now the devil is exacting his pay. And right now it looks like there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.
We know what we have to do, but we are too coward to do it, so we are waiting for others to come and do it for us.
How sad!
I liked when they embarked from the plane and maybe planted the Chinese flag. What was the message? Antigua will be totally theirs one day?
Antigua is currently run by idiots on the take.
Yet idiats will still vote them back in again.
Should be disembarked.
This is Kimoy isaac son of Clarence marsh and we need to get them out of Antigua all them Chinese workers.
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