Bus Driver Convicted for having oral sex with minor


Leroy Campbell has been found guilty in the High Court committing several sexual offenses against a minor.

On Wednesday, Campbell, a bus driver, was convicted by a jury of 6 women and 3 men on two counts of serious indecency and one count of indecent assault of a minor.

Following the guilty verdict, the presiding judge, Justice Ann-Marie Smith, ordered Campbell to be remanded in His Majesty’s Prison for sentencing at a later date.

Campbell, who was represented by defence attorney Wendel Robinson, was accused of assaulting his 15-year-old victim after took her to Cassada Gardens where he kissed her on the lips, performed oral sex on her and forced her to perform oral sex on him.

The assault occurred on 16th December, 2018.

At the conclusion of the week-long trial, the jury arrived at a unanimous verdict after deliberating for approximately two and a half hours.

Robinson, meanwhile, has indicated that he will appeal the verdict at the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal where he says he is reasonably confident that a decision will be returned in his client’s favour.

“I have been instructed to file an appeal on several grounds,” the attorney told Pointe Xpress following the delivery of the verdict.

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  1. Well the Jamaican jockey thought he was untouchable, guess he didn’t know antigua is not like Jamaican……Gd for you,longtime you’re doing that but only this victim won’t accept payoff…….Take the jail,u did the crime I know for SURE

  2. I can’t wait to hear on what grounds you’re going to appeal this case Mr. Robinson. A grown man had oral sex with a minor and some court will agree that this is ok?

    • Welcome to the world system that supports pedophilia….I don’t know how he reoresented that man with the evidence leveled against him.

  3. I don’t get it🤔🤔🤔 why grown men go with little girls??? Come on guys, gwarn go wendy’s….plenty adult women over there. Stop interfering with the children. We can do better my brothers. If you looking for a wife, go to church you must find one there, but cease and desist from interfering with the little school girls mon, that is not right.

  4. This man has been doing this for donkey yeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrsssssss. He did it to me when I was around 13/14 but I was to nieve and scared to talk(he knows how to manipulate well) . I’m glad that justice is finally being served!

  5. Leave the little girls alone. Simple. It doesn’t matter how mature they look, and even if THEY are the ones to approach you in the first place (because we have to all admit that some of our young girls smelling themselves and fast)… YOU are the adult in the situation. Find a grown woman somewhere and get your fix there. There are plenty of grown women out there who would gladly accept a fling. Leave people children alone. Your crimes will eventually catch up with you some day.

  6. There are plenty of them in the system but because of who they are everything goes under the carpet and it continues. There are lots of pedophiles but the same system corrupt as hell, turn a blind eye when it suits them. Most of those Minas who do not return home, when they are found guest where they were, and with hoom.

  7. There are plenty of them in the system but because of who they are everything goes under the carpet and it continues. There are lots of pedophiles but the same system corrupt as hell, turn a blind eye when it suits them. Most of those Minas who do not return home, when they are found guest where they were, and with who.

  8. most of the crimes committed in Antigua is because we open our country to all and sundry to come and give our little island bad, sort out the eligal Jamaican and guyanese and the other countries criminals that is not contributing to society but rather committing crime to survive, immigration do job.and politician need to stop calling in a favour when the immigration doing their jobs, free up.Antigua for Antiguans to get jobs and that will decrease the robberies

    • Well said could have said it better. Antiguans are endangered species in our own country. Proper Processing of those people
      needs to be done. God 🙏 Antigua a paradise the jem of the world. 💔

  9. There are plenty of them in the system but because of who they are everything goes under the carpet and it continues. There are lots of pedophiles out their but the same system corrupt as hell, turn a blind eye when it suits them. Most of those Minas who do not return home, when they are found guest where they were, and with who.

    • Leroy is nothing but a dirty nasty jamaican rapist who act all muchy n uprite i too glad his ass gone to jail tek dat in u nennen leroy

  10. its so how funny these grown men and bus drivers love to put seed on young girls but confine and protect their daughters at all cost saying what they would do if they caught a man with them. Then again some police and politicians love to screw young girls too. it’s a world wide thing and sad to say it won’t stop stop until drastic measures are taken

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