Burglary, Arson, Rape, Robbery, Kidnapping—U​rgent Crime Fighting Tool—Part 1



Demand of legislation enactment

Certain kind of business owners should be given the legal right to deputize employees on the business property with the right carry and use weapons/firearms, at minimum, on the business property. 

Which means a businessman with a gun can assign or a weapon to an employee or person for security purpose on the property of the business/owner but would be in violation of this law if they take it off the business/owner property.

To qualify, the business owner must meet certain requirements that may include but is not limited to providing look out and prompt reporting of the area when the police need it in their location, business insurance, continuous safe use and basic proper use of force education for owner (s) and staff, cameras on the outskirts of the property working at all times (with inspection of system by the police at particular times and access to the police of recordings pointing outside the property without having to get a warrant). 

Persons who the business owner may assign a firearm to on the business/owner property must have had fire-arms training, the business owner must have business insurance that covers negligence, and the staff must 2 hours training in legal and proportionate force or have completed law school or was in law enforcement to reasonably understand what legally proportionate force is. 


This course can be given by the police force (BY QUALIFIED STAFF) or be given by any person who has completed law school). Those who have completed law school and are giving such lessons will be preferred, as law can be more in depth for business owners and staff. 

Also, the right to carry is only on the property of the business/owner and even at the business owner private properties may be allowed if all requirements are met within this legislation. 

The purpose of this legislation is to provide the natural and human right of defending oneself and property. This will also provide law enforcement with additional tools that are required to intercept and obstruct inherently dangerous crimes in a small island that should be relatively easy to safeguard.

This will also protect the community and encourage business owners and the community to report suspicious activities and those BARRK crimes to law enforcement.

This will also allow invitees/public/tourist to feel safe and not having to fear the consequences of being attacked on property from criminals with deadly weapons and business owners and other qualified staff not having a firearm to act proportionately.

The tool can also help law enforcement agencies investigate and prosecute crimes.


There will be better legally trained individuals (business owner and staff) in knowledge of at least basic criminal law, criminal procedure (constitutional law), tort, administrative law, etcetera).

This is just my way of being innovative in helping Antigua fight inherently dangerous BARRK crime (BURGLARY, ARSON, RAPE, ROBBERY, KIDNAPPING) through the use of my pragmatic research on the local police and the communities on the entire United Islands of Antigua and Barbuda. 


These are the creative and effective tools and not the lazy tool of simply enhancing punishment, this never deters criminals, and getting rid of opportunities to commit crimes is the best focus. 


Yours truly


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of (ANR) or its affiliates. The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical, or professional advice. ANR does not endorse any specific viewpoints, strategies, or recommendations presented in this article. Readers are encouraged to seek professional advice before making any decisions based on the content of this article. ANR and its affiliates are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for any losses, damages, or actions arising from the use of this information.






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  1. this is good an bad because u have ppl who fire gun out a fright an gonna think everybody out to rob dem I hope you all won’t give ediats gun to use to put out our lives in danger out there by putting guns in the hands of cowards an who frighten easily

  2. Thanks for sharing, I like these ideas.

    As like in medical care and life, prevention is key!! Resolutions after the fact have too many life long repercussions, like recovering the stolen items, restitution, replacing broken windows, glass, doors, for those who experienced trauma it is difficult to recover from their acute stress response which can become PTSD later and form from there other issues as in depression or anxiety, stemming from that more physical problems. Preventing crimes in other words is better than having to recover from them. While setting precedent in law and setting an example of someone may help in judgements/convictions and sentencing it may not be always known to other criminals what these precedents are and ultimate result of their actions may be last thing on their mind. Crimes have many implications as to why they do it… but mitigating and avoiding these factors is best.

    Prevention, prevention, prevention!

    Cheers MWOH, thank you for sharing with the public at large your ideas.

  3. It’s good that this site is more clearly identifying opinion pieces now to avoid being accused of pushing particular agendas. For this particular article, it’s nice that the author has been given a platform to articulate his stated expertise in this area, and his future articles are welcome. In my opinion, the author makes many good points as usual, but there is always a risk of violence getting worse instead of better if more weapons are in circulation. We can’t assume that every employee with access to weapons is completely trustworthy or can keep those weapons perfectly secure. It only takes one bad guy who gets his hands on a gun to cause all sorts of trouble in other places away from those businesses. Also, the author tends to trivialize other suggested solutions such as increased punishments or social interventions to help prevent vulnerable youth from going astray. There is no harm in having discussions with various stakeholders and coming up with a comprehensive plan that addresses all issues in a balanced way instead of fighting over who’s idea is the best. Everyone is an expert at something e.g. average citizens are experts in the behaviours of persons in their own neighbourhoods and communities, and their insight is valuable in planning as well. Just my two cents.

  4. @Ok, truly appreciate your imput. There is only one thing that I believe is at the max and does not need any urgent enhancement, and that is the available punishment in Antigua prison. It is well known and enhancing these serve no purpose, it does nor deter.

    I also was the one who expressed tremendously conditioning of youths and society by having programs in school that encourages students and people to cooperate with law enforcement and providing society with an avenue to give their needs, wants and opnion to law enforcement because these information and cooperation are vitally important. It is one of the aspect I included in my Intelligence and National Security Unit (INSU) idea I constantly publish here.

    However, I am so honored you responded and participated here. I sincerely thank you for doing so and we are better together and listening to each other. In my research, I have proven listening to experts and much less regular people are not happening at all locally in law enforcement, politics or anything that is of national importance.

    Please read my part 1 tomorrow, this one will be even more important

  5. @Just call me doc, you seem to be knowledgeable and behavior and society. It could be the only conclusion on why opportunity reduction/prevention is of utmost importance to you as it is to me. Careful and pragmatic research have shown me at this stage, with criminals now this far comfortable with committing these types of crimes, it will take a substantial amount of time to undo that. So focus should be on prevention and opportunity reduction. That is currently the only effective way to substantially decrease BARRK crimes.

    @just call me doc, well said, you are a genius. Thank you so much for corraborating my research and method.

    Please read part 2 tomorrow in this series.

  6. @Good an bad,
    Remember that same risk exist in giving the business owner his license firearm. Also the firearms training and required legal proportionate force training assist in eliminating that unreasonable fear and unproportionate use of force risk. Officers are trained in this way and we can conclude some were afraid too but have berm trained/educated to overcome such paranoia and now exercise caution.

    However, your response highlight a very serious point that must be considered.

    You are the man or woman for this. Thanks for contributing.

  7. Good afternoon to each and everyone not a bad and not a good idea because people of Antigua and Barbuda think about it in a diplomatic standpoint the scale is still swinging

  8. @ΜWOH – My Way Of Helping…more guns in the hands of people who’ll be [eligible] to receive a license/privilege, to own or carry a gun/guns does not stop criminal behaviors. PERIOD!

    Nations whose citizens have less access to owning guns or getting gun licenses have far less crime(s) than Nations whose citizens have access to guns.

    One thing is pellucid; for every legal gun, there are probably twice that amount of [illegal] guns on the streets; and, thus does not include untraceable #ghost_guns.

    A…Mc Gruff the Crime Fighting protocol used by law enforcement for decades couldn’t I take a #Bite_Out_Of_Crime.

    B…The Century/100 year old #WAR ON DRUGS and GUNS have produced more addicts, deaths from overdoses and guns than most wars.

    C…BAARK is just another fancy term used by the bumbling bureaucrats. It’s BARK is worst, than its bite.

    REAL and TRUE #CRIME_SOLVING is accomplished by a proactive community whose citizens, denizens come together with respect for each other to protect, nurture and enhance its well being for ALL, and not just a privileged few.

    Guns neither solve nor stop criminality!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  9. @Ras smood, you make some good points that must be considered and was in fact considered.

    However, the point of my recommendation is that guns already owned, and being used by a licenses gun holder is available for use on that license gun holder’s property but others authorized on the said property.

    It does not require additional guns, it does not require additional nationwide license but the simple authority to use what is already on the property for the protection of the property.

    My plan is simply authorizing owners to allow trusted individuals to drive a cart on their property that was already on the property and could be used safely on the property by others.

    This act also confuses criminals on who actually is in possession of the firearms on the property and making it hard to decide when to commit the Burglary and robbery while folks are all over such property.

    So my friend Ras smood, the problems you highlighted are not issues within my recommendation. And gun possession does deter crimes.

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