Bribery In Voting – Can We Ever Solve it? Election Fraud is A Serious Problem!.

Audley Phillip
Bribery In Voting – Can We Ever Solve it?  Election Fraud is A Serious Problem!.
……………by   Audley Phillip

As we head into the much anticipated by election in St. Mary’s South, there has been much talk about political inducement or bribes and the role it is  playing in this all important seat for both the ABLP and the UPP.

Sadly, inducements or bribes have long been a part of our political landscape   and it is something that has all been made normal and almost  acceptable in every election cycle.  The only reason why the spotlight is placed on it now, is because  we are concentrating  on a single constituency poll as opposed to a  broader general elections poll.  All focus and attention has shifted to St. Marys South and it is clear that the stakes are  enormously high as we go into the final days before voting takes place.
So what exactly is an inducement or bribe?  An indictment or bribe is an object , situation or an action that is used as a means to influence another person’s behaviour.  Inducements or bribes can range from minor acts, to acts that result in infringement of election laws and regulations.  Inducements or bribes can take many different forms, for example, gifts, hospitality entertainment, political or charitable donations, appeals to friendship and loyalty, employment or other commercial opportunity or preferential treatment, and so much more.
Whenever voting is involved, one question is ubiquitous.  How can one tell if the results have been skewed due to bribing  of the voters?   Democracy is a system where people vote for solving issues or to make governance decisions.  In the simplest cases, the majority wins, which has its own problem.
Money is power, freedom,  a cushion, the root of  all evil and the sum of blessings.  Money is power and king in voting schemes. The problem is that in most cases, and with most voting, the actors are not all honest.  When bribers target the right people,  especially those who are willing  to sell their votes, the party with the most money wins.  Regardless of what is being decided by a vote, there should be no room for any type of bribery.  But that is in the real world.
Instead of platforms, merit and credibility, cash has become a determining factor for who wins in most elections these days.  The influx of cash from all kinds of nefarious sources  and groups sways leaders regardless of what is in the public best interest.  The introduction of money into politics has allowed politicians to buy leverage that alters the fabric of our economy and country.
There is no easy or quick fix to this but if we do not do something about these political inducements and bribes as well as the overall influence of money in our politics, all our elected representatives would be tarnished now and into the foreseeable future.
Until we have meaningful electoral reform where handing out these inducement are made wrong  and punishable, money will continue to influence our elections.,

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  1. “Sadly, inducements or bribes have long been a part of our political landscape and it is something that has all been made normal and almost acceptable in every election cycle.” ~ Audley Phillip

    These are the kinds of polemics that pass for journalism these days in this country. The writer boldly asserts that bribery has been a part of our political landscape, a claim that is oft repeated by the UPP whenever they lose an election.

    Yet, not once has anyone, neither the UPP nor Audley Phillip, ever presented even a single shred of evidence of bribery. The elections law makes it abundantly clear that bribery and treating are crimes. However, the people who claim that there is bribery have never presented the evidence so that offenders can be prosecuted.

    The weird thing about the UPP and its acolytes is that whenever they win, it is just a signal of their hard work and superior campaigning. But when they lose, it is because the ABLP bribed people or the electoral list is corrupt, or some other namby-pamby excuse. It is never because the ABLP was more strategic and employed superior tactics.

    It is the usual playbook of the UPP, here being repeated by Audley Phillip, to call the integrity of electoral officials or the Antiguan public into question by suggesting that they lost because of some corrupt practice.

    What a set ah people can’t accept the reality that the voters reject dem. UPP supporters remind me of dem man that want to give knuckle but can’t tek it.

    • @ Wash an’ Basin
      You know what i like about you ABLP supporters. You are a bunch of hypocrites.

      Outa GASTON MOUTH U HEAR HE SAY HE STOLE THE ELECTION BECAUSE OF THE FRAUD HE EXECUTED IN TRANSFERRING VOTERS TO VARIOUS CONSTITUENCIES TOHELP HIS COLLEAGUES TO WIN THEIR SEATS. IS NOT THAT ENOUGH PROOF? OR YOU WENT DEAF TO WHAT HE SAID? ABLP BRIBE VOTERS BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO RECORD TO RUN ON. This has been going on since time immemorial and the only time they lose is when they have no money as in 2004, when Asot admitted that the part was broke and had no money, so they couldn’t depend on patronage.

    • U r a dam wicked bicch wat ever u r. U know dam well it is wat it is bribery it is u blind u come running ur stinking mouth because the man talking the truth. Dem nar fine evedince cause r u r cover up an have more money throw way wenxr u fine r u tax the same ppl for all kind of things. Bunch r power hungry influencel fools u all r. Politicians only getting richer an r friend or family member like u getting ur own cut so continue to defend dem. Only God word last all the money an everything u all grabbing for take it wit u. Wicked bastareds.

    • @Wash an’ Basin..,plain and simple, the Nation needs more #Whistle_Blowers like the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Legal Affairs.
      Hi Miss Walsh, hopefully, you Johnny Cochran style Attorney Dream Team is preparing you well for what will be a very interesting case, of our Judiciary.

      Wash an’ Basin, time is longer than rope, and one day, hopefully sooner, than later the #glove will fit these crooks who don’t seem to leave their fingerprints, on ELECTION BRIBERY!

      Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
      De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

      Vere C. Edwards

  2. I would agree, there need to be a body with arresting and prosecuting power that is independent to perform these investigations, make arrest, and prosecute.

    Thanks for highlighting this at this time.

    • Wishful thinking…who is going to Bell the Cat. The three arms of Government are controlled by all the very same people…The Politicians.

  3. Antigua Bribing labour Party
    This party is built on bribery, they claim they are doing such a good job. Why them have to bribe people.
    Corruption, self enrichment do what ever it takes to win mentality, even during the hurricane 🌀 them trying to bribe people , it’s not going to work.

    Gaston Labour Party is not going to win his time is up he is very desperate for saint Mary’s south

    • Oh Quest its a nasty game they all play…gaining power at all cost. Both side guilty as charge. The people just need to open their eyes and stop this blind loyalty to politicians and political parties….who only come out every five years.
      We hear stories of bribery…but we also hear stories of consultation with the Devil…Satan himself. Politicians so desperate for power traveled to lands so far to bring an Obeah man ….no wonder our dear society has become so decadent…where corruption flourish….and its people suffered.
      Do you think they really care about the people…

  4. It’s called #PoliTRICKS, and all political party’s are guilty of it to some degree.
    The more serious aspect of bribery, inducement is where the Ruling Arm, of the Government can use the Government Treasury and other government agencies to perform this vexing issue.
    Due to the fact, that some people live #hand_to_mouth, some people are born into this type of normalized behavior and some people just don’t care, this problem(monster) will continue grow and hopefully will become so large and overwhelming, that it destroys the DEMONACRY, which controls the Parliament and give the People, a fresh start.
    This shit is so deep rooted like a one hundred year old tamarind tree, that to at least curtail this beast, it will require some form of agency with the powers of 9.0 Earthquake and a CATEGORY 7 HURRICANE, to destroy this beast and give the Prople a fresh start.

    UPP and SIMON Will emerge as winners in this by-election in St. Mary’s South. Many individuals young and old are tired of this, as they become better educated, to the dirty game, of POLITRICKS.

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  5. Funnily enough, I’ve been following two by-elections in the UK 🇬🇧 online (in Tamworth Staffordshire & Mid Bedfordshire); and the politicians – from all parties – involved didn’t get involved in connivance; inducements or undignified coercive behaviour.

    The contestants just went door to door, posting leaflets abd just plain straight talking to their constituents about why they should vote. Simple.

    Now look at what’s going on here in St Mary’s South by the ABLP with persuasive bribes and undignified underhand incentives. Nasty!

    Disgusting political behaviour that should not be allowed to take place in the first instance.

    Our political STANDARDS have fallen so far into the
    gutter that we must now demand better than this my fellow citizens of Antigua. 🇦🇬

    I feel so ashamed at the difference between Antigua and the UK in the run-up to both by-elections – what a divide!


      • Remember, when Brixtonian writes, the Gastonites and ABLP acolytes take flight …

        … Because they have no idea how to reply 😁

  6. Audley Phillip what has become of the DOMINICAN QUEEN CONTESTANT that you claimed used you for $$$$? Was that a bribe in exchange for loving? Hope not!!!!

    “Audley Phillip told Dominica News Online that the young woman spent over $10,000 on his credit cards, as well as making phone calls to Germany and England costing over $4,800.”

  7. Editor, Audley Phillip has NO CREDIBILITY!! Remember that lying, malicious, deceptive “article” he wrote about Venezuela aircraft in Antigua???

    Why permit an imposter “journalist” to tarnish your news portal? NO VENEZUELAN MILITARY PLANES LANDED IN ANTIGUA but Audley Phillip asserted such in an “article” he wrote in 2019.

  8. “Phillip said he normally called the young woman as he left work or to inform her he would be home late. The woman would normally be at home with his son and daughter.”

    Was he trying to use the DOMINICAN QUEEN CONTESTANT as a babysitter???

    “I understand that she’s now living in Germany with her husband,” he added.

    Could it be he failed as a man to cater to her needs?? 🤔 and so she found a real man to do so??

    Audley Phillip tell us since you’re an “expert” in everything

  9. Some involve in bribery….others dabble in Obeah…with one objective to hold the reign of power….when you bribe many benefit and but only the Obeah man laugh to the bank..
    I wonder…is it really true that 17 big intelligent men in the dead of night gathered at the cross road where the Saints meet…chanting and breaking eggs…declaring victory in God’s name….IS THIS A TRUE STORY OR A MERLIN TALE.
    Two evils 😈

  10. Ah wa ya DAVE BATTY RAY na reach yet wid a comment and his big words like we care

    Dave come sing for your supper aka handouts

  11. Wash an’ Basin
    Should you be walking along a Village Road and you encounter a manela evelope with a note. With the note is $100,000 cash in the envelope that says:
    “Captain Smithy’
    This is an apprecition for your gallant efforts in saving my life; and knowing the income you lost while while diverting and coming to my aid. This is a small token. Hoping to see one day under better circunstances
    All the best John L.”
    My question to you Wash an’ Basin: What would you do?
    We await your response

    • @Antigua ja’tiame


      No wonder he said he is a BORN RACIST!!! He only love brown……BROWN PAPER BAGS!

  12. Where did Dwayne George get $25,000.00 from?

    It must be investigated make that lazy AG look into it and if not him get the GG involved. If all that fails, bring Scotland Yard into it.

    Antigua people deserve to know what is going down on our island. We want the truth.

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