Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris has stripped Shawn Richards of his portfolio as Deputy Prime Minister.
Harris has also stripped Richards of his ministerial portfolio.
Additionally, Harris says he has asked the Governor General to strip several others of their ministerial appointments, among them, Nevis Premier Mark Brantly.
In an address to the nation Tuesday afternoon, Harris says he’s asked the Governor General to dissolve parliament effective today. He says he will soon announce the date for fresh general elections.
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Gwarn up Tim
Pearl “FOOTS” Quinn ready to move by u
Team DISUNITY is coming undone!!!!
I hope TENMAN now understands that the Governor General could not fire the Prime Minister. It is either the Prime Minister is ousted by a vote of no confidence or he dissolves Parliament and call fresh elections. He has opted for the latter rather than losing a vote of no confidence and giving the Governor General the option of seeking to find the member who commands the majority of Parliament to form a new government.
Tenman is famous on this platform for relentlessly spewing his web of deceit ,confusion and imaginary facts.
Charles Tabor your constant correcting of him and others on this platform is with facts is noteworthy and appreciated.
The misinformation continues though.
@JAJ – Wait Harris has to eat his own vomit but you wish to label this a loss for me? I made clear that Harris will not convene parliament. Instead he has done a hail mary. How come you holding me so close to your chest/breast? Face reality, even Lovell who, Tabor labels a constitutional experts argued that Timothy Harris is done.
@Tabor-Your need to think you are right, even when wrong, only makes persons continue to see you as a clown. The 7 MP’s were provided a legal opinion which made clear the GG does have the power once he gets that letter showing no confidence in the PM. Your guy Lovell, who you label a constitutional expert, made clear in an interview that the deputy was most likely to take over (Citing the same letter) see (LOVELL: Timothy Harris will not be Prime Minister for much longer in St. Kitts & Nevis, April 24, 2022)
TENMAN you are still propagating your utter and complete nonsense. Who is worse you or BEEF. I am even disappointed in the six Parliamentarians who wrote the letter to the Governor General and expected him to act on it and remove the Prime Minister. Brantley above all surprised me more than the others since he is a lawyer and Harvard educated person. The Deputy (or any other person) could only take over after a successful motion of no confidence and the question is put by the Governor General as to who commands majority support in the Parliament. The Prime Minister dissolved Parliament hence no motion of no confidence could be debated. Harold knows that because we discussed the issue from the moment the letter was written to the Governor General. Harold said Timothy Harris will not be Prime Minister in St. Kitts for much longer and is he completely wrong. It is the absence of the no confidence motion that saved Timothy Harris up to this point. TENMAN if there are any clown in this matter you are the biggest CLOWN and you are still stringing words together which make little sense and shows how ignorant and misinformed you are.
Wait they went to parliament? 7 out of 11 MP’s make clear they have no confidence in this man, and you think he has saved himself? Anyway Harris done as PM,coalition governments like the UPP have nothing to hold them long term. May take a trip down SKN (2nd home) and go vote labor
Power does corrupt,and absolute power corrupts,absolutely. They all want Power at the same time. They all want to be the de facto Leader. Tim Harris no more Coalition Government, it would not work.
TENMAN you are still propagating your utter and complete nonsense. Who is worse you or BEEF. I am even disappointed in the six Parliamentarians who wrote the letter to the Governor General and expected him to act on it and remove the Prime Minister. Brantley above all surprised me more than the others since he is a lawyer and Harvard educated person. The Deputy (or any other person) could only take over after a successful motion of no confidence and the question is put by the Governor General as to who commands majority support in the Parliament. The Prime Minister dissolved Parliament hence no motion of no confidence could be debated. Harold knows that because we discussed the issue from the moment the letter was written to the Governor General. Harold said Timothy Harris will not be Prime Minister in St. Kitts for much longer and is he completely wrong. It is the absence of the no confidence motion that saved Timothy Harris up to this point. TENMAN if there are any clown in this matter you are the biggest CLOWN and you are still stringing words together which make little sense and shows how ignorant and misinformed you are.
St. Kitts was doing so well , I guest nothing last forever.
St. Kitts is still doing well economically compared to the self-proclaimed economic powerhouse Antigua. Their problems are not economic like Antigua, but stems from politics and the coalition government.
you seriously attempting to compare SKB and ANU? not possible. Different population size, size of public sector/wage bill etc etc.
This move is the start of total dictatorship. Tim oh Tim. When your deputy shows mistrust in you and your ability to run the country, its a sign that your days as Leader are numbered. Selling Ice to Eskimos was a risky move and you knew it would backfire. I am happy his deputy had the balls to stand up and say NO MORE LIES and incompetence. Where would he have recouped this huge shortfall in revenue if his pie in the sky promises were delivered? Y’all think Politics easy? Ask Harold et al how quickly it is to lose favor with the electorate and what a huge let down it is when you know that your days are numbered politically.
If Antiguan people had the balls they would shake up the ruling party. If your not delivering, get the hell out. We to timid in Antigua, we allow dictatorship, corruption, insults from Gaston and turn round and vote for him if he can give a hand out. Time to kick up rumpus and show the politicians who really rule. Maria $1000 only last for a day or two, while she and Gaston splurge for a life time. Wake up people.
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