The British police officer extradited to Antigua one year ago has been found guilty of rape.
PC Lee Martin-Cramp, 26, was charged with raping a foreign student while attending a family wedding three years ago.
More details later.
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Good for him. Raping then fleeing. Thinking he could get away with it.
He most likely aint going to 1735 he will remain in a humane environment fit for civilized standard of living while we black bastard decendants of slaves go to the dirty run down third world backward jail…..
Here’s an idea! Don’t be a criminal and end up in jail in the first place irrespective of skin colour. Jail isn’t a hotel nor should it ever be.
FYI jail is a rent free hotel. Those who check in get free food, rent-free rooms, library, recreational facilities, etc.
Soooo will he staying at his hotel room ( I mean prison) at the old US base or will he be upgraded to Hoyle 1735🤔
I am almost certain that the British Government would never allow this man to be warded at 1735, having already negotiated for special holding arrangements for him. If 1735 was deemed unfit for him before trial, then it would be the same thing upon conviction. I feel certain that both the British & the Antiguan governments would enter into an arrangement to allow this rapist to return to the UK to serve his time. Don’t dismiss the shipping out of this convict in the dead of night and never hear anything about this case again. Watch and see!
I hope not cause it would be so unfair for our ppl spend time there for petty crimes and he be placed in some push environment to serve his time
They should know how to behave when u visit another man’s premises the law is the law and the punishment is the punishment
I think if he was an Antigua police officer you would not have heard the last from the usual culprits condemning our police force. Well why we condemn the British police force.
So its ok to do a crime and still live humane in this world? Is this the idea or example we’re giving to others who think about committing crimes in the future? This reminds me of the Dominican guy killed in Anguilla and the white man flew back to his home after posting bail. New slaves huh smdh
I’m in Britain the country off this mans origin where people’s rights are always considered first there was not even a photo off him in the news so thanks to the web here I am I don’t know wot the 1735 is but for Justice to be served he needs to go there it’s only fair skin colour doesn’t come in to it his victim should have a say
The COWARD hid his face as he was leaving the courtroom. He do well he a hide from the camera now. This should serve as an example to anyone who thinks they can come to paradise and do as dem like and get away with it. Kudos to the young lady for being strong enough to file a police report and actually testifying against this POS.
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