BPM wins all seats in council elections


The Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM) has won all seats in the Barbuda Council elections.

The winning BPM candidates are:

  • Nico Antonio
  • Melanie Beazer
  • Wayde Burton.
  • Mackenzie Frank
  • Nadia John.

They join their BPM elected colleagues Sharima Deazle, Jackie Frank, Devon Warner, Casley Beazer and BPM council appointees Barbuda MP Trevor Walker and Senator Fabian Jones.

All nine elected and the two appointed seats on the Barbuda Council are held by members of the Barbuda People’s Movement.

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    • Good for the Barbudans.What is Antigua doing for them.Persons like you,Sidelines. Inside the inner bowels of Gaston’s Labor Party.Would like to see Barbuda and Barbudans sink and all drowned.That would give you pleasure.I have read over the years. Your deep hatred for the Barbuda people.They need to jump ship right now.They would be more prosperous if they went out their own.Now we the people of Antigua need to wake up from our deep slumber. Kick this Labor Party to Sandy Island in 2023.

      • Keep Dreaming. Barbudans have always been an ungratefull set of people. Just look how they thanked Gaston right after he rescue them from the disaster of Maria with another storm on the way. While they were here in centers living free and getting paid, they still went and voted for the BPM. So nothing new here. We do not need Barbuda vote to run the Unitary State of Antigua and Barbuda. I just wish Gaston will open his eyes and stop pumping monies in Barbuda. He should have convinced the PLH group to do the project on Antigua.

  1. Miss+Josephine:+I+am+in+agreement+with+that+decision.+These+days+the+spread+of+this+dangerours+virus+needs+to+be+controlled. Miss+Josephine:+I+am+in+agreement+with+that+decision.+These+days+the+spread+of+this+dangerours+virus+needs+to+be+controlled.

    This is good news. Barbudans make sure This Land Issue is settled. The Young Generation will be happy to get this important problem corrected. They are the next generation who will have all rights to own a piece of the rock. This is just my opinion. Stay Safe Barbudans.

    • “They are the next generation who will have all rights to own a piece of the rock.”

      Own what???? LOL

  2. Congratulations to the 5 newest member of councils. Y’all just need to bring your ideas and plans together and work as a body.We need to find our own investors to lease our land to bring in revenue. Land is power.

      • He should be held to his word. Put up or shut up. Obviously the people of Barbuda are not interested. This is still a democracy.

  3. Put your foot in your hand and RUN LIKE HELL, BARBUDA, RUN!!!!
    You now have your licence to do that. Make sure you get all that belongs to you in the divorce and leave that abuser behind.
    Before you go, make sure you kick all those bump heads out of your paradise. don’t let them get one inch of your land. Chase them out.

    • oh please! What will they do – MINE SAND AND CONTINUE TO DAMAGE THE ENVIRONMENT??? Silly them for allowing the Franks and Trevor Walker to bamboozle them and rar-rar-ray-ray with NO CONCRETE PLAN OF ACTION!!!

  4. ABLP should never contest these seats . The results were expected. Not a Surprise. Hope this is the last time ABLP will contest seats in Barbuda. Barbuda DO NOT bote on issues. They vote for Family.

    • Gaston did say that he would not support any participation of the election by ABLP, but they convinced him that they should. I guess now it is clear. Arthur Nibbs cannot bring home the bacon in this incestuous Island. Soon they will have a health national health problem.

  5. @FREDERIC:You Labor Party supporters vote on issues.However,the Barbudans do not.You people are a bunch of hypocrites.Bunch of sorry arse losers.

  6. Whilst everyone celebrate, I see this as part of the fundamental problem with so called “Democracy” where the winner takes all. This situation has been plaguing our twin island nation for a long time and produces nothing but gridlock. What this means is that the fight between Barbuda and Antigua will get fiercer with the end result being stagnation. We honestly must find a way of working together smarter and better for the benefit of out two people.

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