Police are probing an incident where a man reportedly attacked and injured his 45-year-old girlfriend during a birthday party late Monday night.
This took place at Ryan Apartment in Radio Range.
The aunt of the victim says family was having a birthday party when an argument ensued between the injured and her boyfriend.
She received several wounds on her face and appeared to be disoriented.
Investigators arrived on the scene to find the woman beind attended to by an emergency medical technician.
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I just might sound a bit controversial, but one dig deep into these disputes, especially when it happens within the public domain, the woman are usually the cause of it due to a lack of respect……… Generally, they meet friends (females) and either forget, ignore or get carried away leaving their partner alone…. Such actions do emotions to flare however, i will agree it does not give the male to get violently aggressive with her.
IF by your actions the “man” shows himself to be a LYING, CHEATING, CONTROLLING ASSHOLE, what’s there to “respect” about him? Half of these “men” only concerned with using their dicks, they have no clue about how to show LOVE, APPRECIATION and RESPECT. Some real weak-ass penis-owners walking around as “men” these days. Most females will have no issue with respecting a man who shows by ACTION that he is worth respecting.
Wow u are a woman
Bloody bloke I honestly can’t believe you just said that
@Concern & Wow the bluddy Bloke did say he was been a bit controversial! He is not worthy of any one replies.
You sound misogonistic nf…….
If stronger laws were in place to hold them accountable these grown fuckboys disquise as MEN wont hit women the way they do…
They will hit women without no remorse BUT RUN FROM A FIGHT WITH A MAN THAT CAN & WILL WHOP THEIR RARSE…
You are a JACK ASSSS to even make such a statement. Talking about lack of respect. Bredda man….. NOTHING and I repeat, NOTHING a woman/man does is valid reason for you to put your hands on them. Bottom line. It is abuse. And it must stop. If he could hit her in public, imagine what goes on behind closed doors.
As a man I find your comment offensive; are you saying that she deserved to be beaten due to lack of ‘respect’???. That archaic way of thinking should be left in the dark ages. Nobody and I repeat NOBODY should be physically hurt due to anything he or she says to the other when you are in a relationship.
Respect goes two ways if he dont show respect how he gonna get it…… yall find the sickest things to try n justify why a man puts hands on a woman…… smdh so if ur mom sister or whomever was that lady would you be speaking the same way…… smdh
You sound like a Bluddy joke. We are adults, not Children. Woman are called disrespectful when they refused to be pushed around or controlled. If you feel disrespected, leave the woman and go about your Bluddy business. You can’t tell big people how to react, they already know.
If a man ever put his hands on me, I’m going HMP and I’m starting a kingdom and live comfortably
What in all the fucks that there is are you REALLY saying?? Leaving her man alone??? She ah him mother?? You sons of bitches (I don’t care if you are female) need to STOP BLAMING THE VICTIM. It’s a party, people SOCIALIZE at parties why the fuck I need to be tied to you and vice versa? You sound like them crazy ducking abusive men that’s why me na want non a unno. Just do your 5mins of fame and GWEY, sometimes not even that unno can do!! Y’all men are batshit crazy losers nowadays women need to start leaving Y’all asses where they find yuh.
He probably beats his partner
Have no right to put his hands on her . She is a big woman it not even his child . If y can’t take it leave
You sound so stupid. Are you thinking straight
Who raises these kinds of men? They must come from abusive, controlling, and bullying homes. These low lifes need the book thrown at them. 1735 is the natural home for any man who raises his abusive nasty hands to a woman, any woman. Lock ’em up.
Antiguan boys thinking they NEED to be respected when they dnt show themselves worthy of respect …SUBMISSION…
Women cant n wont show RESPECT to a man jus. Because he ha a dik …
We must learn to solve co flicts without calling names or hitting each other.
There is no justification for resorting to physical violence unless you are acting in self-defence. It takes a cowardly narcissistic control freak to become angry if he is not getting enough attention from his Partner. We must all be far more selective in bringing people into our lives , I am sure this is not his first demonstration of violent behavior. We are so use to abuse going back to our childhood that we accept it as the norm both parties need help in establishing boundaries for self love, respect and care #sociopath #co-dependency.
I just read every comment and i just wanna say that most Women in Antigua like to throw thier hands at men and then play victim when ABUSE IS THE DISCUSSION. Most men take the abuse in silence until in a public setting where they quote *Trip Out* and All the people of the public can do is RUN THIER MOUTH OFF OF HEAR SAY.
If you dont know what happened, keep your mouth SHUT.
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