Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda Gaston Browne says he took a third shot of the Moderna Vaccine as a booster shot.
He revealed this while debating the extension of the state of emergency yesterday.
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Say WHAAAAT? Can this man be more tone-deaf?
Does this mean a booster is available for any double vaccinated Antiguan & Barbudans who wish it?
Do they go to one of the vaccine centers, present their vax card, and receive?
Curious as heck because this PM has mandated vaccine for public sector workers… Is there sufficient supply to give elective boosters in addition to mandatory first & second shots?
He more than tone- deaf, he tone drunk. He got to go. How much longer will we hold on to this idiot. Every word come out of his mouth is a lie. We can do better than this man.
Wow! Who the hell is advising this idiot. You can’t provide Moderna for the citizens, but you boasting about taking third moderna booster shot. The moderna booster shot is not approved in the United States of America as yet by the CDC, but this sycophant got it. So it is approved for him. Wow! Is Moderna available on A&B? I am wondering if the rich family got theirs too. Is moderna only available to the rich on A&B? I am begging Antiguans and Barbudans to wake up. This narcissist has to go and go now.
The damn rich need to stay in their lane and do what they’re told, like every other Antiguan. No special people here. Jus thinkin out loud.
Gaston Browne’s statement only underscores the fact that there are LIES, DAMN LIES and anything that comes from GASTON BROWNE’S MOUTH.
So first he jumps the queue in secret and only reveals he was vaccinated because he knew he’d be outed anyway and now he gets a booster when the CDC hasn’t authorized it and nobody else on the island can get one wtf?!
This is what I’ve been saying. Those of you who cross your fingers and go take the shot, you will have plenty more finger-crossing to do, all the while increasing the likelihood of these ‘very rare’ side effects. The FDA and the CDC can’t even agree on whether boosters are necessary and the EU says no so what science is guiding our Honorable PM? Moderna is well outperforming Pfizer others in terms of lasting protection yet he is popping it like pain pills. Anyway, if he is already taking boosters, better roll up ur sleeves for another jook or two…or three…or…u get the idea.
Am I suppose to laugh? When you mixed liarness with madness this is the result. I am going back to watch Gravity falls and Big city green, two of my favorite cartoons _
So why he can’t go public and take the vaccine like everyone did .on the state tv.all the chat the pm have go on national TV and take it. U chat your big mouth to too much .
Took the 1st and 2nd vaccine in private, now boosters in private too. Oh what a tangled web.
Lying idiot
Since we’re believing everything we’ve been told, I slept with Beyonce last night, for the second time.
How she taste brah, I want nothing to do with he after JZ.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Every weekend he spreading misinformation on his radio station . Now he in the realm of parliament. Sounding like another VC.
Tell Stone. We tired of his nasty propaganda. Tell Stone we not stand for it no longer. Tell Stone he serving at the people’s pleasure. Tell Stone. Tell Stone. Tell Stone it’s of great concern!
We tired of the drug situation. Not to mention to mental health of the nation. If he not part of the solution. Then he’ll be considered part of the problem. Tell Stone! It’s of great concern. Tell Stone. Tell Stone.
Tell Stone. Soon men go be in the majority in this country. Tell Stone the women migrating for better opportunities. Tell Stone. Tell Stone. It’s of great concern!
Just imagine he pronounce he get a booster. Of the vaccine they call Moderna. No country is it approved for people in his age group.
Telll Stone vote his ass out of our Government. Tell Stone we tired of of his malfeasance. Tell Stone. Tell Stone . Tell Stone he’s no longer our concern!
But I though the Booster was only for those 65 and older and those who are at high risk of severe covid, such as those with a compromised immune system.
Additionally, I don’t recall this being the recommendation for Moderna
Mr. PM, you got to get some god medical advice
Exactly don’t you all see the man is crazy need his medication
Madorna is not even available in the US for a third booster shot as yet. Neither has it been approved by the CDC for such.
Did the pharmacy council in antigua approved it? He is either being duplicitous or trying to boast that he got what antigans can’t get.
What is this pharmacy council you speak of?
The pharmacy council in antigua is responsible for approving and giving permission for any vaccine to be used in antigua
first and foremost, Madorna is not even available in the US for a third booster shot as yet. Neither has it been approved by the CDC for such.
secondly gaston clown really think that we are all sheep. many of us saw the deception long time. you never took anything.
at first you stated you took your vaccine and when you were asked when you stated it was 3 weeks prior the roll out but then came back and said you gonna take it on the front line with the ppl.
you have never once done anything. you know you cannot take this because its a deathshot.
you just keep lying to your teeth because you are getting wealth from the big boys and are paying off ppl to do your dirty work of oppressing the ppl.
you damn well know that famine is coming because there will be food shortage which is why you started a farm
Where did Gaston Browne take the shot at Clarevue? It is obvious that craziness is his oxygen and confusion his fuel. Every day under this administration is crazier than the day before.
The Pfizer Booster has been approved for certain aged groups in the USA. There is no Moderna Booster Vaccine approved at this time. Gaston Browne got the Moderna is the darkness of night,some months ago. Now he is saying he got the Moderna Booster Vaccine in the darkness of night,again. Did he really get any Vaccines at all? Where are the proofs to justify such claims. In my opinion,that picture of Gaston above purporting to be taking the Vaccine is a FAKE. No one gets the Vaccines standing up.
If an individual is fully vaccinated what need is there for a booster?
This simply means there is no such thing as fully vaccinated.
Boosters normally follow primary vaccinations.
Also boosters mean herd immunity is unachievable.
Pure science
Good point. You would think they’d be more careful with the leader of a nation. What if he had had an aphylactic reaction and started convulsing before they had the chance to get the needle out? The vaccine insert also states to be prepared for fainting. This is either fake or very irresponsible.
Lying mf
Why is the “nurse” dressed in all black with a hoodie over her/his head?
ENQUIRING MIND the nurse is dressed that way because she was flown in from the Middle East. She is a Muslim nurse.
Wait, tabor you are saying that a nurse was flown in from the middle east specifically to give him and the people from the moneyed interest Madonna vaxine?
If the PM took a booster shot, it’s an indication that he has some kind of UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITION; those and the elderly are the recommended cohort for boosters at the moment. And yes, he can get a Moderna booster, even though it is not yet “approved.”
And the immuno compromised 🤔🤔🤔🤔. Just thinking. Some say he is is fond of the ladies.
It could be the Obeah Woman. If you believe in dem kind a things!
Gaston Browne,hope you did not get the Pfizer Booster Shot. Mixing different Vaccines Boosters are not recommended by CDC.
Well well well well let’s 🙏 pray for God’s Kingdom to come quickly became this is just the beginning…if it like this now When the Beast system is in full swing just imagine the behavior
…but fear not judgment day is coming & King of Kings is coming back rule & put the enemy in chains…for punishment
Wow, this man deliberately goes out of his way NOT to take the vaccines in full public view like was done by the cabinet.
Antiguans are well deserving of all they are getting from this Hitler/ Pharoah. When you make deals with the devil, be prepared to pay heavily. Are you still enjoying the T-shirt monies, iPads, cell phones, laptop computers and duty-free vouchers? You reap what you sow.
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