Barbudans protest outside Commonwealth Summit in London


Barbuda MP Trevor Walker has joined Barbudans living in England to protest changes to the Barbuda Land Act.

The Act has already been amended to change the communal land ownership system on the sister isle and introduce title deeds for a token sum.

With placards in hand, about two dozen Barbudans gathered in London outside the venue for the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit.

They chanted “Barbuda for Barbudans no title deed” and “Barbuda land is not for sale we shall not be moved.”

Ahead of their protest, the Cabinet issued a release indicating the date that the Barbuda Land Act will be repealed.

Parliament will convene on Tuesday, 24 April and “the repeal of the organic Barbuda Land (Amendment) Act 2007 will be among the first actions of the Parliament.”

“Leave us alone with our lands,” one protester said while another shouted, “Gaston Browne you are not a Barbudan.”

During the Throne Speech on March 13, 2018, the government made several promises to undertake infrastructural development there.

The Cabinet said that Government intends to bring Barbuda into the 21st century by pursuing development on Barbuda.

A runway, airport terminal, hangars and roadways leading to and from the new terminal site are to be constructed at a cost exceeding EC$100 million dollars.

A new road leading to River, on Barbuda’s south shore, has already been built at a cost of $10 million dollars.

New power plants from green energy sources are also to be constructed on Barbuda. Several new hotels are to be constructed exceeding US$500 million dollars.

Walker said Barbudans have not been consulted on the proposed changes in Barbuda and the government has not done a good job at rebuilding the island after the devastation of Hurricane Irma.

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  1. In the words of Baldwin Spencer, dem can march from here to McNish mount…the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Barbuda Land Act WILL be repealed!!!

    Hope those protesting sent home BOAT LOADS of relief supplies after hurricane Irma.

  2. This is so damn insulting to the people of Antigua!!! Why must we continue looking after these people. Look at the height of ungrealfulness. Why in God’s name did the PM not leave them for fend for themselves. Jesus Christ man I never see people like them Barbudans. They are making not significant contribution but yet still they want them LAND. I wish England would tek them back an mek all that money the central government be spent in Antigua. What a set of ungreatful people.

  3. seriously barbudan why are yourll so ungrateful..yourll behaving like
    gaston brown brought the hurrican on yourll

    yourll want to stay in antigua ..get 3 square meal a day still being paid
    living lavish life

    yourll do not want to go and clean up yourll country ..what the the hell yourll expect the government to clean it up for yourll

    yourll keep asking for yourll you think feeding yourll for over 6 months/ clothing /shelter is free

    in dominica / puerto rico -virgin island – most of these area do not have eletricity
    these people went and clean up the dmages

    get up yourll lazy ungrateful self and go clena yourll precious land

    thats all your talk about is land
    you cannot own something if your name is not own it
    get yourll independence/ stop depend on antigua tax payers money

    ungrateful rats

    trevor walker was in power for 10 years what he did for yourll

    please tell me — just name 1

  4. Barbuda’s Representative Chides Residents for Dependency: (May 29, 2010)

    “Member of Parliament (MP) for Barbuda Trevor Walker yesterday lashed out at Barbudans for their dependence on the Barbuda Council.
    Walker accused Barbudans of not doing enough for the sister-island while relying too heavily on subsidies from the central government in Antigua.
    “It’s so amazing to me that 1,500 people cannot get together to try and organise themselves in a way that they can help themselves, and I take blame for that too,” he said. “All that we do is to go to this broke Barbuda Council that has no money, borrow everything that we want, and the same Barbuda Council depends on the central government every week every month for transfers. It’s just not sustainable.”

    “At the end of the day, we cannot have it both ways. We cannot want to live the Antigua life and want to have the Barbuda lifestyle … and so let us wake up,” Walker said. “I mean this might cause me some political problems but at the end of the day, I want to be recorded as the person that moved the country forward in a positive way.”

    The Barbudan MP also suggested that Barbudans have FAILED TO MAKE PROPER USE OF THEIR LAND to EMPOWER themselves.”

    • Perhaps this should be reprinted as a front page ad for all people who want to see how hypocritical this man Trevor Walker is. Shame shame shame

  5. What has TREVOR WALKER done for Barbuda during his time in power with the UPP? What did he do during his time as MP with the UPP in power to ADVANCE the DEVELOPMENT of the country?

  6. Why can’t we charge these people with Treason. Especially Trevor Walker who is a member of Parliament. They should trash him when he next show his face in Parliament.

  7. In a Land of the blind.. The one eyed man is a King….In the year of 2018, people are still letting self-seeking, selfish, blind politician leads no where. When and how my brother’s and sisters will wake up from their slumbering mentality?

    • Instead of living overseas why not go and build your country, just imagine small island like Antigua have to be sending our hard tax dollars to feed you ungrateful people ,and as for Trevor Walker he is the first politician in the history of the world that don’t want investment for his people, I know how others voted for betterment of their country ,what a shame ,when we got the that terrible hurricane in 1995 we get the same week a started helping others and ourselves what a lazy brunch of ungrateful people, but we have some good news for you Trevor Walker ,we just give PM Browne and the government a fresh mandate on 21th March 2018 fully endorsed by the nation to get on with the program of development for Antigua & Barbuda ,that’s what the majority want, so continue to picket, I will be in Parliament to see my Representative s do the Majority of Nation s business

  8. You all play politics with everything the people want help over there all those bill board that was erected the other day by both parties Barbuda would be greatfull for that.i don’t know we some of you don’t take we uno all don’t have no love.if Jesus come again uno said kill him.may god help you all are so ignorant

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