Barbuda Council Condemns Unilateral Louis Hill Project by Central Government
The Barbuda Council has voiced strong opposition to the Central Government’s proposed “Louis Hill” Project, citing a lack of consultation and a breach of constitutional provisions governing the twin-island state.
In a press release issued today, the Council highlighted that the Barbuda Local Government Act, Cap 44, explicitly places matters affecting Barbuda under the jurisdiction of the Council. The local governing body criticized the government’s decision to proceed with land clearing in the Katel Hill area without engaging the Council or the residents of Barbuda.
“This project represents yet another imposition by the Central Government without consulting the people of Barbuda,” the Council stated. They emphasized that the land being cleared had already been allocated to Barbudans, underscoring concerns over what they view as a violation of fundamental property rights.
The Council described the actions as “unlawful and inhumane” and reaffirmed its commitment to protecting the rights of Barbudans. “We call on the Government to respect the people and the Constitution that governs our twin-island State,” the release concluded.
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You all not tired! We see you all for exactly what you all are. We are no longer fooled by your BS. You took the government before who you all feel, the white man will give us justice over our own black people, now they tell you you are wrong you do not want to adhere to what your preferred white master tell you! Move over. My Barbuda is moving on without you. All of you on the council have. We want too…
WELL SAID!!!! A court makes its ruling based on LAW, not on feelings! These handfull of backward, braindwashed bullies want to stymie progress, BUT THEY CANNOT!!!!
For 10years Trevor “Brown Paperbag” Walker sat in the Cabinet of the WICKED SUSNHINE GOVERNMENT!!! and didn;t do shit for Barbudans!!! except to CRITICIZE them!!!
Want to block every single project, yet have NO SOLUTIONS TO HELP ADVANCE BARBUDA!!!
Why are the comments generally Always negative: Never constructive. Is it indicative of the population state of mind
Very few are aware if the split decision of the Privy Council Ruling with regards to Barbuda. lands.
No legal analysis has been presented to the public enabling them to have a fuller sense if all the implications of the tge ruling and that the Privy Council Ruling can be challenfed.
The Central Government is asserting their rights as the see it. The BARBUDA Council has certain rights that are part if the Antigua and Barbuda Constitution. Those rights are being ignored.
The lands in question are in the hands of family members, and as such GOAB would need (a) consult with the Council, snd (b) an agreement and compensation to the Family.
Unfortunately the public is not aware and both sides are doing ehat they beed to do for political purposes
The Privy Council Ruling is not a one sentence ruling. Read and get clarity if you needed to be fully informed.
Further, the sctions of The Crntral Gocernment are in violation the Barbuda Local Government Act which is a part of the Antigua and Barbuda Constitution.
In addition the Government is a contravention of a portion of the Privy Council Ruling.
I invite you to Prove me wrong
very clumsy WORD SALAD that says absolutely nothing! This is much clearer:
“…the claimants have NO REALISTIC PROSPECT OF SUCCEEDING in their claim under section 9(1) of the CONSTITUTION!!!
“The Court found that the Appellants did NOT have a PERSONAL RIGHT of property in the leased land. Rather, the Land Act provided a SCHEME for the collective rights of Barbudan people as a class”
Unfortunately white humans have enslaved us black humans and after the most horrific, degrading and inhuman treatment some of us emerged from all of this with an understanding that Mr. Coddington left lands in Barbuda for us. Then we head off to the White humans court for justice and of course the white humans say that it’s Antigua and Barduda and that twin island state became Independent in 1981.
There are some of us who refuse to understand that so we continue to fight the “just” fight.
It appears that the Government is hell bent on improving the economy while at the same time ensuring that every Barbudan has food, clothing and shelter and own piece of the rock that they live on. It is a tragedy that MP Walker refuses to “get out of that and come in a dis”.
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