Bar Operators Agree To Vaccination Of Workers As A Condition For Their Reopening


Vaccination of workers may now be a prerequisite for the reopening of bars across Antigua & Barbuda.

This was announced by Minister of Information Melford Nicholas today, May 6, during the post-Cabinet press briefing.

Earlier this week, Nicholas, Health Minister Molwyn Joseph and Minister of Education Daryl Matthew held a virtual meeting with a representative group of bar operators to discuss their reopening.

Nicholas describes the meeting as fruitful and says the operators “were in step” with the Government in terms of adhering to the COVID-19 protocols to ensure they are operating safely.

He says the bar owners have no issue with the vaccination programme and agree that workers should be inoculated.

Nicholas could not give a definitive date for a second meeting with the operators, but says the Ministry of Health will lead the charge in this regard.

After being blamed for the increase in COVID-19 cases, bars were closed in March this year. Upon reopening, they will have to abide by the protocols and guidelines put in place earlier, including proper spacing and social-distancing mechanisms.

Meanwhile, in addition to bars, anyone working in the service industry will be subject to vaccination, Nicholas says. REAL NEWS

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  1. What about theater workers? And restaurant workers? I do not own or visit bars but I find it quite unfair.
    What goes for one should go for all.

    It’s very unfortunate that it’s the black man that’s been affected with the closer of bars. The white man has restaurants and bars, so drinks are still served at those establishments.
    Number the white men who operates bars only!

    It’s one’s choice whether or not they should take the vaccine. No one should be forced. Here’s where the unions come into play.

  2. Great, the bar owner is in favor of vaccination, so they can resume getting money. What about the employee. The vaccine does not prohibit you from getting the virus, it does not prevent you from spreading the virus, it only lessons the symptoms, so the hospital is not overrun. This is not a fair nor effective way to run the country. The employee who makes a choice not to inject their body with an un proven vaccine that is now required by their employer, will end their only forms of income, to feed their families. How, as a government of the people, and for the people can force this on the people, is beyond my understanding. You force this on us to eat, and when it goes wrong, and people start getting ill from the vaccine that the P M would not take, and you will be held accountable in the eyes of God.

  3. We are not in favour of workers getting vaccinated mandatory ,people have choices, the vaccine dont stop the spread, doesnt prevent death like how them say,They need to stop descrimination and lying to the people about this herd immunity it cannot be achieved when the virus could still spread.

  4. Here in NY my friend got her second shot with no issues but a young man had a instant adverse reaction and the Nurses surrounded him and called the ambulance . Most people have no reaction but what's good for you may not be good for me . Here in NY my friend got her second shot with no issues but a young man had a instant adverse reaction and the Nurses surrounded him and called the ambulance . Most people have no reaction but what's good for you may not be good for me .

    Billy+bob after that there’s not much for me to say . They’re not saying it but , this is all part of their 70 % vaccine number . If the front door close try the back .

  5. How could the Bar Owners agreed to the Vaccination of Workers? I thought there were certain measures already in place for food handlers. The Bar Owners may decide to take the Vaccines. However,it could be unlawful. If they forced their workers to take any Vaccines.

  6. Another form of mandatory vaccination. If you think crime hasn’t risen, it will even more.

    It’s already proven vaccines don’t stop anyone from getting or spreading it. Even after getting the vaccine, they still want them to wear masks, stay socially distant etc like they weren’t vaccinated in the 1st place.

    Our country is fast becoming a dictatorship nation and we are letting them do that.

  7. Why even start that trend 🤔 so bruk ar you be? Some sneaky underhanded shit is taking place. They say you have to be invited so start giving out lodge invitation flyers so we can all join and run things, if you coming out come all out.

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