The Supreme Court of Justice of the Dominican Republic today said that documents being circulated about Prime Minister Gaston Browne being wanted are false.
The Court issued the following statement in Spanish and it is attached to this release. The English translation is as follows:
I, Cristiana A. Rosario V., Secretary General of the Supreme Court of Justice, Certify: That being 08:00am on the Twentieth (20th) day of the month of March 2018, and after verifying our files we can confirm that there is no record in this Secretariat of the Supreme Court of Justice, in the name of Mr. Gaston Browne, Antiguan, of legal age, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, holder of the passport No. DA000007, of any pending litigation, for or against the same, as of today’s date.
The present is issued in Santo Domingo, National District, today Twentieth (20th) March 2018, at the request of the interested party. Exempt from the payment of receipts and stamps of the General Internal Revenue Tax (DGII) .-
Secretary General
Supreme Court of Justice.
Yesterday, the ABLP strongly condemned the “wicked, low and desperate distribution of fake news by the UPP.”
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We really do deserve better than this from our main Opposition Party- If these nasty tactics is all they can use to win an election,then God Help us all if if they do,because it simply shows they are not ready or serious to run the country,they have no real plans.In 2004 they had no record to run on so i could understand them been able to deceive and to use these nasty low down tactics to succeed in that time.After two terms in office,and no track record to run on,its back again to the low down no class acts of Slander in a last minute desperate attempt to gain pity and to win at all cost.. Now that there lies are exposed at the 11th hour, they should be made to make a public apology to the person they tried to injure and to the nation at large..How will anyone go into a polling booth and place an X beside the names of proven Liars? Are you not afraid that everything else they told you are Lies? We deserve better,this is an insult to our intelligence ,we must put the UPP to rest once and for all times tomorrow Wednesday 21st March, failing to do so will leave the impression that the majority of Antiguan’s are Liars and Evil people like the one’s they choose to lead them.Shameful to say the least.
Listen the UPP will not fullfill those promises….Just like the last time they will go in and try to impress the public by spending off the countries money on some good ideas and alot of shitty ones…When they finally flat broke and running the country on fumes they will visit the IMF once again because according to one UPP supporter it is the right and mature thing to do…UPP if they win they gonna fall harder than the last time…So lets HOPE the ppl didnt fall for the HOPELESS ideas to destroy our country….
How you think they won the 2004 election. They concocted a video with a little girl claiming she had sex with Lester Bird. Even I started to believe that from my good friend. Looking back a year later I know I was conned together with many others. But than it was too late. The voters in the USA are only now realizing how they were conned.
I hope them UPP folks listening and reading this and stop spreading the fake news.
This looks like the PM handiwork. Spread some fake news to muddy the waters.
Smoke and mirrors – HOPElessly pathetic.
Where is Peter Wickham?
So now you want Peter Wickham????
Why are you people so dam ignorant? What the hell has this to do with Peter Wickham? Anyone who uses these nasty tactics to win an election isn’t suited to even be considered candidates..i do hope A’guans use good and decent judgement and put these present crop of UPP politicians in the dust bin of History..They are literally dangerous to this nation. Its power at all cost..They had their chance,had they done good for people,they will be no need to play these nasty games,but then again they have always been nasty deceitful liars.
The UPP had nothing to do with this.which UPP candidate did you here it from?
Gaston say so,so you’ll believe.
Let us think for ourselves.
And as for Gaston son and his pathetic video claiming to own a multi million dollar home in the USA,if it was a ordinary citizen like most of us ONDCP would be on us like white on rice
Seem like you( 001) know who has to do with it. Tell that to my pet poodles…
CRISTIANA A. ROSARIO V Isn’t a real person. Do some research……….
the upp has nothing to offer at this time as much as we need a good opposition for the building of the nation.Sad state of affairs …leadership really matters and they are really lacking one
Stand for truth, not tradition. ……. Lets get out there and vote for our children’s future, our grandchildren future ……. Ask the Labor party how this was circulated…….. Who posted it???? I
Gaston does not have to tell me anything-i happen to have a brain and commonsense that i practice to use very well-Unlike some who of you who allow politics to make you act like you have the brain of a Fowl..
Lovell aint got sheet to tell me. he will NEVER be PM in this blessed country of ours. Watta dammarse!!!
The Antiguan Russians are busy with more fake news. Trying everything they can to confuse the people or have them stay home and not vote.
People be wary of them. They did the same thing in the US election to Hilary Clinton. Plenty Fake News was going around.
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