Improved Security After Tourist Robbery at Fort James Beach

Image of Fort James Beach

Concerns over tourist safety have intensified following a robbery at Fort James Beach on Monday, where two cruise ship visitors were targeted.

According to a STRATCOM media release, the incident occurred around 9:30 am when two masked men, armed and demanding valuables, confronted the couple. The thieves escaped with a fanny pack containing a mobile phone and cash in a small silver car.

In response, authorities are introducing enhanced security measures to protect visitors and deter similar incidents, particularly in high-traffic tourist areas.









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  1. So what happened to the improved security after the previous robbery at Fort James?

    Any journalists around…….

  2. How long have I been informing ABLP, COP, Deputy COP and their prime minister Gaston Browne that there should be assigned officers to beaches and frequent patrol at beaches, even those not often used by tourist. Please read my previous comments to see them, sent directly to each person mentioned here and more. I have been writing about this since 2006 but more often in 2022, 2023, 2024 on this platform. And on text messages sent out to police officers in Antigua and Barbuda.

    If ABLP listened to me, 90% of problems that the country is facing would have been avoided. MP Asot would be alive, crime rate would be the lowest ever and the nation (actual people) wealthy. Innocent people would not be charged with crimes that no reasonable suspicion or probable cause exist to make such arrest and the DPP high rate of no case submission would be at 0% instead of the now tremendously high rate it is now. Any political administration these things occur under cannot be considered as competent. Sadly this is the truth.

  3. This article makes me smile!!

    It states ” In response, authorities are introducing enhanced security measures to protect visitors and deter similar incidents, particularly in high-traffic tourist areas “.

    Are we a country who is REACTIVE rather than PROACTIVE?

    Tourism is the nation’s livelihood and we boast of SUN, SEA and SAND. Why do we have to wait for things to happens to put in things in place? Is it that the persons in authority are using their kidneys to think instead of their brain.

    We have had too many incidents / crimes taking place on our beaches with locals & tourists.

    It is full time for those in authority to get their act right. They need to think outside of the box and be PROACTIVE

  4. Well said @British Bloke. They are just not competent. It is why they should listen to experts instead of being defensive thinking experts want to take the jobs that these government officials are clearly not qualified for. They immediately attack you for being the best.

  5. @my way of helping and the British Bloke why don’t the two of you organize a volunteer beach watch and your own beach police if it’s that important to you?

  6. @ Anonymous: It is so sad when persons like you do not support progression and add value to to a constructive debate.

    Are you one of those persons singing for your supper and wiping the politician’s A****ss to survive….?

    Your suggestion will be taken on board and we will have you appointed to be the team leader.

  7. Being PROACTIVE is SO VERY IMPORTANT! Praying And Hoping WE ALL have LEARNT Now …….

    …….. We Cannot Lose from being PROACTIVE in ALL OUR ENDEAVOURS …… Whether This Be on an Individual… Family …. Community …. Business …. Police ….. Life Guards …. Government Departments …. Party Political ….. Etc. …. Etc. ….. Etc. …..

  8. @British Bloke your the one begging politicians to do something about it , It’s you who are singing for your supper and wiping politicians rear ends thinking they’re even listening to you. If you care that much protect your beaches yourself if you have these wonderful ideas you NINCOMPOOP.

  9. Armed robbery on the beach?
    One cruise boat tourist… means a boatful of people (and their family and colleagues and their social network, etc.) are now believing Antigua is not a safe place anymore!

    We all have been robbed by those two masked armed idiots !

  10. @kreuk why worry about a couple of tourists who came here obviously because they have money to throw away visiting this place? You take your risk anywhere you go , we have other issues we need to worry about other than Antigua getting a bad name. Socal Security is broken, corruption in government, horrible health care, terrible treatment of nurses and the fact that this island needs a good cleaning up especially St.Johns. Let’s get real.

  11. @Anonymous: Are you always an ignorant asshole or just on Wednesdays? An Antiguan calling tourists dirty and stinking is funny considering many areas of the island are dirty and stinking. Obviously, the average tourist is far cleaner and less smelly than your gross, putrid ass. Go back and slave away for the government or whatever menial work you do, silly boy.

  12. @Anonymous the ignoramus, , ahh wah de juk ya tarl? You must be a butt hurt tourist? If so take your pasty arse back to where you come from. I’m retired and just love the fact that your showing your @$$ calling antiguans gross and putrid. PROVES MY POINT THAT ANTIGUANS SHOULDN’T TRY TO KISS Y’ALL SORRY ASSES…

  13. @Anonymous: I’m no tourist Anony-mouse, I live in Cedar Grove and have for most of my life. I’m not calling Antiguans gross and putrid, I’m calling YOU gross and putrid! Understand the difference you senile old bastard. Take your Dulcolax and stay retired.

  14. I’m glad I’m not Antiguan then, however all antiguans do smell bad as they rarely have running water.

  15. @Anonymous: Of course your not Antiguan! There’s a surprise! Based upon all of your Antigua hatred, I doubt you even live here but it would be even funnier if you do! You’re a mouthy, bitter idiot so it’s best that you stay anonymous.

  16. I do live here and I’ve been coming here since I was a kid. I’ve always thought this place was a dump so that’s never going to change. I have land here so might as well use it right? I’m not bitter, I just really don’t care about this worthless dump.

  17. @Anonymous the ignoramus, at the end of the day look at it like this. I’m making money off of stupid antiguans like you just like the Syrians, Chinese, and other nationalities coming here with more work ethic and taking y’all stuff while y’all steal goats and rob tourists. Go figure.

  18. @Anony-puss: Who doesn’t have land here?! I see right through your lies! You are a stupid hypocrite who is full of shit! You live in a place you hate?! LMAO! You sound like a Jamaican I know. What happened? Did your mummy run away with an Antiguan man and that’s why you are so angry? Or perhaps you were seeing an Antiguan woman who dumped your filthy ass for someone better and that’s why you hate all Antiguans and everything about the country. Obviously something happened here that made you big mad! Poor you! But you still live here even though in your words you “don’t care about this worthless dump!”. Do you hear me laughing?! As the kids say, an entire country, its people and visitors live rent free in your head! Perhaps it is time for you to leave and return to your Shangri-La place of birth since Antigua is so awful in your bitter, deluded eyes. At the end of the day… you are a weak old man that lives in a country you hate, surrounded by people that you hate but amusingly, chooses to stay! It doesn’t get more pathetic than that!

  19. No I live rent free in you head, you keep answering me. I do live here and can’t stand this dump. I just love collecting my money from you clowns.

  20. BTW both my parents are from here and they even went abroad and made great money to come back and live out the rest of the time they had left on this pathetic dump. My entire family is from this dump and THEY HATE IT ALSO..

  21. @Anony-puss: Again, do you hear me laughing?! What a pathetic, lying clown you are. You and your family hate Antigua but you continue to live here?! Ok! Whatever you say! Hahaha! Collecting money, lol! You are the wrong person to talk to me about money, you angry peasant! In case you are truly stupid, you know you can have retirement money sent anywhere in the world, right?! Again, I see through your lies! Unless you and your family are in the cells at 1735, then you should have no excuse for staying here! Stay miserable, stay angry, stay stupid. You make this website very entertaining!

  22. Your the entertainment, however I’m done now engagement with you has gotten boring and your showing your lack of maturity by continuing to post on this platform. Gather your friends and family and go steal some goats or something. Have a good weekend…… SMOOCHES…..

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