Authorities believe business owners denied firearms are obtaining them illegally


CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet invited to its meeting the Commissioner of Police and six of the top brass of the Royal Antigua and Barbuda Police Force, and the Chief of Defense Staff of the Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force, in order to discuss the manner in which the use of illegal firearms can be further curbed.

The Police reported that 35 unlawful firearms were seized during the stop-and-search operations which have been carried-out by joint Police and Military personnel.

A number of options were examined for increased sentences to be imposed on those persons found with unlicensed firearms, whatever may be their purpose.

It was reported that several business persons may have unlawfully acquired firearms after being denied an application for a firearm license, in order to protect themselves.

Criminals have both acquired or rented firearms in order to carry out robberies and other criminal acts that involve the use, or threat of use, of a firearm.

There will be further consultations between the Attorney General’s Office and the Royal Police Force to determine the extent to which the law governing punishment for possession of unlicensed firearms should be strengthened.

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  1. This is what is going to happen when the police want to tell business owners who have been robbed to get cameras to protect themselves. Issue firearms to business owners. Lawfully issued firearms are not used to commit crime unless it so happens that they were stolen and that really never happens. If the commissioner can’t understand this simple concept, he needs to be replaced. Crime is rising and citizens are left unprotected and at the complete mercy of the criminals who have decided that they will kill you when they rob you instead of just taking your valuables and leave you alone.

  2. Why should a business place be denied a firearm license when these businesses are being targeted. It’s because criminals know that these places aren’t protected why they are confident to pull off these robberies and they also know that the police force ain’t that good at solving crimes. All business owners should be permitted a firearm license to protect them selves and there investments

  3. Considering the high level of heinous crime that has been committed and remain unsolved. Innocent women being raped. Breaking of homes and business places. Seventy percent of them still remain unsolved. People will be forced to find means of protecting themselves and their families. If proper mechanic is not put into place to deal with this surge of violence that unfortunately plague this beautiful country. I have seen this problem happen a neighbouring island

  4. can u blame them for trying to protect themselves from criminal out there they were denied so they got it illegal still wrong yes,but they need protection too. If they came an try to apply for a liscence gun sn was denied wat did uexpect gonna happen.

  5. As a business owner, you donate big when asked, have no problem sponsoring any team or event and keep on contributing to this country, it’s easy to bring all and anything here with authority turning their backs.
    You then have all these mega yatch docking up east and tons a vehicles going to dealership everyday,, not forgetting the police themselves who may need to check their inventory because of a corrupt few and now you are telling us denied business owners are still finding ways of acquiring guns, which I believe was known all along but kept quiet.
    It’s too late now, soon your police weapon will be out match by the guns on the street and by the way these are real guns not no shadow, put together guns which all of a sudden is the topic of the day.

  6. Where is the evidence to support this? The police is behaving like headless chickens making baseless statements on the media. No wonder so many cases before the courts keep getting adjourned because of the lack of evidence. My advice to the police high command is…KEEP YOUR BASELESS EVIDENTLESS IDEAS TO YOURSELVES UNTIL YOU HAVE ONE SHED OF FACT.
    Oh … another thing police need to get off their asses and hit the streets and make their presence seen and felt. Just imagine you can spent hours waking the streets of St John’s and never see a cop, no wonder so many school children creating havoc in town, running wild

    • Excellent point!!!! But the TRUTH is NO ONE feels protected by police and thier lazy a d lackadaisical mentality. I have said before and I’ll say again…… nothing will be done till the citizens of this nation start killing thier attackers.

  7. Just a case of passing the blame. Our police force is riddled with incompetence, starting with Atley Rodney and seem to be as prone to violence as the other man. Most citizens do not feel safe here with crime completely out of control. Steadroy Shamu Benjamin and Atley Rodney should be fired immediately and be replaced with a more visionary, competent individual.
    There is no evidence of this anywhere. Sounds like Gaston Browne blaming APUA workers for the water woes with no proof. But, hey, everyone just sit back and say nothing.

  8. It’s a simple matter for the ‘legal’ business owners to deal with.
    Simply, close your businesses for a day, organise a protest March to the Parliament and the police headquarters.

    Talk is cheap! Action(s) with a sense of purpose works!

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg 🦶🏿Garrat🙏🏿_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  9. Folks are being unlawfully denied firearms when it is clear they are qualified and does have a justifiable and urgent need and purpose.

    I am not going to encourage anyone to break the law and acquire a gun when they do not have a temporary permit (granted by COP) or license (granted by the board). But I can empathize. I beseech you all to not break the law. Just try and do what you can to get competent people at the helm, who will be able to grant you all what base on merit and qualifications you deserve to have.

    The issue with the COP and board, I believe is the fear of granting use and possession of firearms because guns are so prevalent. So, law abiding citizens will continue to be denied while criminals will flood themselfs and their co-conspirators with illegal fire-arms to torture and kill law abiding business people. As usual, those with authority do not comprehend how to analyze and deal with this.

    Grant those highly likely to do the right thing with the firearms use. Those will be highly educated people, those with successful business endeavours, those that are part of the field of policing, criminology, sociology, law. Those with no criminal records. All these are factors that must be considered to determine likelihood of them using the fire-arm for illegality or in a reckless or negligent manner.

  10. Alot of times we take comments without thinking,the police force can’t just give business people fire arms just like that because is not every one is mentally stable…

    • Antigua’s history of generational Bastard babymaking with no father’s in the home has come back to bite the Island in the backside. Now these males with no proper home training are robbing, stealing, raping and will need to be put down with violence. I say to business owners if, you cannot get a firearm then, consider leaving Antigua and take your business to another Island that is safer.

      Oh yes, I say to tourist “AVOID” Antigua until this Island gets this crime problem under control.

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