Two students at the American University of Antigua (AUA) were last night fighting for their lives after an apparent hit and run on Friars Hill Road.
The accident is said to have occurred as the pair attempted to cross the road in the vicinity of Billy’s Food Mart shortly after 2am on Sunday.
Both students remained in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre, in a critical condition breathing through ventilators, up to news time.

Kenneth Mathew, 21, is said to be in a very poor condition. His 19-year-old female companion Priyanjana Das – who attends AUA’s undergraduate school – underwent surgery to amputate an arm.
The driver later handed himself in to police, Head of the Police Traffic Department, Rodney Ellis, told Observer.
He is likely to be charged with leaving the scene of an accident with the possibility of more serious charges to follow, Ellis added.
An AUA spokeswoman said both students were “critical but stable” and that the families had been contacted. The institution has opened a special room for students and staff in need of emotional support.
The Coolidge-based university was founded in 2004 with the aim of supporting underserved communities and to address an ongoing shortage of primary care physicians in the US. It currently has more than 1,000 students who hail from across the world.
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2 murders unsolved
And a hit and run “to be” unsolved
Let’s see what the famous ABPD will do
Its really sad to hear after both students were hit some stupid, nasty idiots took their phones out to record the aftermath instead of trying to assist. All you dam stupid worthless idiots out there who love to do that it could happen to u or your love one!! STOP IT!! I pray and hope both students pull through. P.S the government need to install street lights on Friars hill road!!
Why are you posting her picture? Was permission given to publish her picture? Show some respect for her, the family and everyone close to her.
I think once the family has been notified it is ok. I stand to be corrected.
Such a sad story.
May god be merciful.
Antigua drivers please slow down
@Show Respect – News for you. When you put it on the internet it’s public. It’s from Linkedin. The most important thing though, is “the families had been contacted”. They are not gong to find out from ANR.
I’m completely horrified by this story. My gosh. There are absolutely no words I can use to express my shock and sort over this.
Alot of things have been happening involving Med students in Antigua and is not a good look.
Imagine being told your child was involved in an accident and their arm has to be amputated.
Prayers go out to them and the families affected…..
I’m sick and tired of the poor driving standards in Antigua. I have driven in the UK and in the EU, and absolutely appalled what they allow here in Tigua.
I’ve seen drivers using mobiles phones, one handed driving whilst the other hand is hanging out the window; overtaking half a dozen vehicles in one maneuver; entering exit zones speeding; and not forgetting the overtaking on blind bends and corners. Pure madness!
The authorities are too lenient with bad drivers here in Antigua.
For instance, in the UK you’ll receive a ticket if you don’t park properly, tailgate the car in front of you, or even if you drive a vehicle in certain areas over 20km limit.
Furthermore, if you don’t pay your fine the authorities will crush up your vehicle. Damn!!!
Drastic measures are well overdue here, maybe before issuing licences, everyone should learn to drive vehicles with gears/stick shifts (which is usually the norm in theUK), because the concentration levels are a lot higher than driving the easier automatic cars.
Listen I am for letting people sit in jail overnight for repeat traffic offences if it gets the message across. Everyone is always in a hurry to go absolutely no where. People are selfish…..As long as I get where I have to go, then to hell with you, but when the shoe is on the other foot it’s a problem.
I have seen accidents happen in front of me and I am still wondering “how the hell…..??” It’s crazy. The issue also is that driving isn’t a right…it’s a privilege. Everyone know someone that if they get a ticket that they can get it written off. We really need to clamp down, but no one cares until they are affected. Problem with that is it might be too late……Barnes and Straffie’s might be your next home.
Yes, some of the drivers in Antigua are ridiculous.
They show no consideration for other drivers on the road, and they become annoyed if you’re not driving fast enough for them. I live in the US, and when I go home (yes, I still call it home even though I’ve spent more years in the US than I did in AntIgua) I drive there – but it takes me a little time to adjust because of the steering wheel and driving on the opposite side of the road. Because my car has a local plate number they think I’m a resident and they sometimes curse and cut Infront of me as if they’re trying to make me crash. I try my best not to drive at night there because of their behavior. I’m quite sure this particular accident was completely avoidable. It is clearly obvious that not one prior accident is a lesson to these hostile drivers that behaves as if they’re on a rack track. 🙏 for the victims.
I hear you @ selfish, I was taught well when it comes to driving. Back in the day, my instructor taught me to drive defensively, and always expect the unexpected, and to treat the driver in front or behind you as a careless driver (this has worked a treat hear in Antigua).
I thought it was a strange thing to say at the time, however, this advice holds true today as it did yesterday … stay safe boss 🤜🤛
19 boy, Imagine what life plans she had before she come, now because of this idiot she pon ventilator missing her arm. She no deserve that, Please do not let this accident get hush up and forgotten about.
I have travelled to many Countries around this World. Antigua is one of the most difficult places I have ever driven. The streets have no name signs and directional signs. How does one know. Which is a one way from a two way street. The drivers do not stop anywhere in the City. They would cut you off at will,I visited and left a week ago. One of the things that really surprises me,a lacking in Police presence.
Oh my goodness i have been driveing on this road and its dangerious i dont drive fast ,but driveing on this frys hill road i knew more of that going to happen the place is dark if someone is crossing and another vehicle comeing you cannot see nothing ,and i am so sorry to hear what happen to the two students it is so sad aiport road is the same thing
Such a horrifying accident. Dreams of both the students to become doctors have vanished in split of this incident. May God give strength to their families to overcome such terrified situation. Please Antiguan government, take this matter seriously and avoid future incidents by warning drivers to be slow on road and put on more street lights.
Maria Browne we’re still waiting on speed bumps to be placed on those byroads close to your constituency branch office leading to wireless road because is race people racing on them daily and kids live around there. It’s unacceptable for the residents to be sticking up their own frigging drive slowly signs.
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