Public Safety Minister Benjamin Announces Robust Security Measures for ICC T20 World Cup


Attorney General and Public Safety Minister, the Honorable Sir Stedroy Benjamin, has confirmed that the government has secured assistance from the Regional Security System (RSS) and other international partners to ensure the safety of the upcoming ICC T20 World Cup. This assurance comes amid concerns about potential terrorist threats.

“We are very concerned also about the potential threat from ISIS. We know developments down south in Trinidad. We know that these terrorists try to take advantage of this situation for publicity or to make a point,” Benjamin stated.

Media sources have reported threats from pro-Islamic State media based in northern Pakistan, indicating a possible terror attack on the ICC T20 World Cup.

The International Cricket Council (ICC) and Cricket West Indies have assured that comprehensive and robust security plans are in place for the event, which is scheduled to run from June 1 to 29 at various venues in the West Indies and the United States.

“We have got things in place already. I’m pleased to state that we have got the concurrence, we’ve got the support of the experts in this field from the neighboring countries and internationally as well. We have got our sniffer dogs coming in, we’ve got specialist trained individuals coming in,” Benjamin affirmed, though he noted he could not disclose more details for security reasons.

The ICC T20 World Cup is a global sporting event that attracts a significant international audience, making robust security measures essential.

The government’s collaboration with regional and international partners underscores its commitment to safeguarding both participants and spectators, ensuring that the event proceeds without incident.

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