Attempted burglary foiled by Potters home-owner, but other break-ins and thefts keep Police busy


The police are investigating a number of acquisition crimes at homes and businesses, including an attempted break-in where the would-be intruders were caught. CLICK HERE TO JOIN WHATS APP GROUP

A Potters man reported to the Police that he had caught two men attempting to break into his house after midnight on May 29.

The pair were attempting to enter through a front-room window, and had already removed the gauze, when the home-owner heard the neighbour’s dog barking.

The man left his bed, went to the front door to investigate, and saw the two men at his window.

When the Potters resident turned on his lights, the men jumped over the porch railing and ran from the scene.

Meanwhile, C.W. Enterprise, located in Swetes, was actually broken into. The perpetrators stole a security camera monitor valued at $1,500; a cash register valued $1,700; a security camera box costing $1,100; and a quantity of groceries.

Officers visited the scene and discovered that the intruders had used a sharp implement to cut a hole in the galvanized roof and gain entry to the shop.

However, they made their exit via a western back door.

This offence reportedly occurred between 8 p.m. on May 28 and 6 a.m. the following day.

In the meantime, a Ffryes Estate resident telephoned the Johnsons Point Police Station and reported that the Solid Foundation Daycare & Preschool had been burglarized.

The intruders reportedly removed the mosquito screen from a northern kitchen window and pried it open to gain entry. Having done so, they stole a transformer from a table in the kitchen.

The persons made their escape through a western door.

This offence reportedly occurred sometime between May 27 and May 29.

All three incidents are still under investigation. (REAL NEWS)

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  1. ‘Aquistion Crimes’
    Smh…journalists now trying to sanitize BURGLARY & TIEFING.
    C’mon ANR, these are CRIMES and honest people have been traumatized.

  2. I think this is a result of the rise in drugs abuse. I could be wrong but that is just my opinion.

  3. When the economy is bad in any country, unemployment increases. Then you will have an increase in crimes. Funny when though the crimes will start with break-ins , then drugs related – to violent crimes, rapes and murders you name it . We have inflation, the hotel season is basically over , the cruise ship season is over. Our agriculture sector and food security If at a low because of the drought situation. Hence our food security is at stake.
    Then we have the greedy politicians, grappling- land grabbing, contract grabbing and money grabbing. Then the guys that runs the projects- housing etc joins the politicians greed.
    Our local contractos continues to suffer none payment for good and services. Only foreigners like the Kool and the Bro’s are getting paid. The local truckers , suppliers, cleaning companies, service suppliers not getting paid . Our local contractors line up weekly at the treasury after providing the government with goods and services week after week and leave empty handed. Whilst the fore mentioned and the cronies walk out weekly with millions.
    To add to this millions of dollars are thrown away at Cook’s – talking about the E-books. UPP you should be using this issue and more. Tell the people how you are going to simply stamp out corruption- nothing else.
    Hurricane season is now with us and the Covid pandemic isn’t going anywhere. Carnival- Covid, crime, hurricane season, none payment of contractors, E-books and greedy politicians. The hand writing is on the wall.

  4. It’s the ECONOMY, Stupid! @Frankly Speaking – If you run I vote for you. you seem to see the REAL of it. “A Jus so E go”.

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