Pointe Xpress: The High Court in St. John’s is hearing arguments from the Parliamentary Representative for St. Peter, Asot Michael, that the Tribunal set up by the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) has no authority to deliberate his dispute with the organisation.
Mr. Justice Rohan Phillip is hearing the matter in which Michael, through his attorney, Hugh Marshall Jr., has brought suit against the General Secretary of the ABLP, Senator Mary Clare Hurst and the head of the tribunal, Lionel “Max’ Hurst.
Michael contends that the ABLP did not hold a convention in the two years preceding the charges being brought against him, therefore under the ABLP’s constitution, the tribunal, the party ’s disciplinary body, has no authority. According to Michael, the tribunal “could not be a valid instrument of the party ” therefore he is petitioning the court to intervene and put a stop to the proceedings.
Michael is accused of violating the ABLP’s Code of Ethics across at least three incidents this year.
The rules of the party outline five possible actions, ranging from censure to expulsion from the party, that the tribunal could impose on Michael if he is found guilty. The two party officials are being represented by attorney, Dr. David Dorsett.
The case was adjourned until Friday due to the late submission of documents by the defense.
Lionel Hurst said it is the tribunal’s contention that Michael’s legal argument is simply ‘wrong’. Until the case is resolved, however, the party has been asked to put its proceedings against Michael on hold.
The other members of the ABLP Tribunal are Senator Alincia Williams-Grant, Barry Knight, an investigator, Veron Johnson and Bishop Charlesworth Browne.
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Kick him out
@From The Sidelines…the day that, ABLP…”kick him out,” will be the day ABLP’s House of #RedAntz comes tumbling down. The domino effect will be activated; but, then again it’s(ABLP) is well rooted in the Nation, and can withstand any fallouts.
The question is, how will those in #Opposition take advantage of this break in the walls and halls of The Red Antz Order?
Boss word is he has already gone and taken up office space with the opposition. You did not hear that tape where he was ill and called serpent and asked him to let Harold know? I have seen this game before (Errol Cort)
@tenman…which Rock did you crawl out from, after all this lovely, soothing, energizing rain, showers of blessings and joy!
Are you coming out of your Whelks shell at Bridgetown(tenman), Green glasshouse/treehouse(John Hughes) or the penthouse on Canal Street – Wall Street(registered to Cornel CornBeef, Ten & Co.)?
Besides, those wranglings…
A…I heard those raindrops sounded well sweet, on the galvanize roof, while filling up those water storage facilities, which I must commend Miss Marshall and her teams for doing, prior to this once in a blue moon, blessing!
Now, she need to have these water sources cleaned even more, by utilizing land to water dredging equipment(s), since, the water levels are up, and the flow and present storage will help to determine better swailing(s), and embankment(s).
Dean Jonas needs to be retired, by ABLP.
B…I, heard that, according to Boney M., “there’s a Browne Girl in the Ring,” of #Fire, under fire for some sort, of sexual deviant behavior.
The rumor mill is churning out, all kinds of Browne as in…
a…Worl Boss Brownee
b….Brownie Bakery
c….Sweet Browne Sugar Massage Parlour!
d…Sweet Monika Lewinski Brownee
e…BowTie Browne
f…aka Studiation Browne
Maybe, by the time, I walk from the Ministry of Science, Math, Engineering to Brown’s Bay, the RPFAB would’ve given me a clue, as to which 50 Shades Of Browne, I should mold, this Voodoo Doll from.
The Browne Sugar Girl already, ordered her supply to be distributed, along with Chinese Ham & Turkey for the YuleTide Obeah Festival.
As for Assot, according to an Anon 1st one, I heard, one of his clones which the MP morphs into, when he’s in a rage, ran into the EMERGENCY ROOM, at MSJMC, on his phone, talking to A Serpent, whose biting Asslot’s Tail, screaming at the EMERGENCY personnel, that’s he, just had a Heart Attack, due to the fact, that the ABLP New World Order Wing, that he spent billions on, to bring it up to Power House standards, is now being name POINT PLAZA.
Gotta check, with #The FalconandThe Snowman, to get a better forecast from the #SKYE, since, #FromTheSideLines is out of shape, and has being called by the PM, to Parliament, to explain why DESTINy sang the wrong weather song!
And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out,
and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for
thee that one of thy members should perish, and
not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
@From The Sidelines…then if, such is the case, as in getting rid of, “one of thy members…,” so that thy whole body doesn’t end up in #Hell 🤣🤣😄😏
First off, I am digging three(3) wholes, one for me, next to me, my Jumbee and next to Jumbee, my enemy!
Next, I love how Pius like a Pope, politicians and their followers become while sinning for a living!
My next thought, the BODY known as ABLP, will have to get a castration(alleged sexual predators), lose both arms(from forged signatures to missing public funds), lose the mouth(lying consistently), ears(not listening to the People who put you in office), therefore, by the time, the ABLP BODY gets to the #PearlyGates, of Zion, those gates would’ve being long closed, due to the fact, it couldn’t decide which others body parts to sacrifice, therefore it ABLP had no other choice, but to end up in Hell begging to become whole again!
YES, Asot needs to go, and go quickly. Just resign. His supporters seem to realize this guy has to go. What is really behind all of this? Why is he acting like this?
Will this reach to the Privy council?
@ From The Sideline and Melchesidec.
This is the ideal conversation for you laborites or laboratories.
Long live observer. Long live opposition parties in Antigua.
Antigua was not willed to ALP and Gaston.
Only because batty and pow fell out a tribunal was convened, Yet the serious allegations made against the MP by the maximum leader died after the 9 day talking
The poor guy just doesn’t realize it’s over for him.
A Bishop on the Tribunal?What Church is that man a Bishop of.Is he self appointed a Bishop? I also noticed Max and his Half Sister are on that Tribunal.Trouble in Arima.Trouble in de House of Red Cards.That pyramid is crumbling at its foundation.Cannot wait to see the end results.Good luck,Asot.
Yes, is this guy a real “Bishop”. If he’s not in the apostolic succession, he’s not. There are lots of fake preachers, “Drs.”, Bishops, and even Apostles!!! God help us. Time to expose any and all fakers.
@BLACK-MAN…you should know, that the Church and State, #WHO’RE, partners in crime since, time immortal will always, forever, and ever protect, and guide each other, for ever, and ever, Amen!
That man is more like a political prostitute than a Bishop. I don’t know what bible he preaches from . They are opportunist . Money for them before principles. No integrity nor mortality.
@Rolston Benjamin…first, and foremost, in the order of life, it’s said, …”those, that fear themselves, will eventually be molded, by others to, suit themselves!”
I, can appreciate a person who doesn’t hide behind, the #PseudoMask, so prevalent, in this Global Matrix Bubble, fear of causing, #GoodTrouble!
Vere C. Edwards(Lake – bastard…Bailey to Brodie to Friday to Severn Klansman)…
aka…Jumbee Picknee(dem Jumhee undah de Tamarid Tree, wen me Great Unkle, drap me aff dey, pan Bethesda Main Road, dem Baptized I, as Ras Smood…
Now, Greetings my good brother, and to your #Comment, this is what I’ll join, the Choir and say, …#AaaaaaAmen!
…just, a little louder!
…sing it, up yonder!
…make it, Food for Fodder
…AaaaaaaAMEM! AMEN! AMEn!
Now – ANR…could you, possibly #Rewind, and #STOPtheCENSUR!
…for, no rhyme, reason, or measure!
What’s that old saying again? No honour among thieves. Let’s see how this all unravels.
You guys, sadly but understandably so, give far too much undeserved credit to the Ass! Maybe you too are in the filthy pockets of the Ass, but the ABLP can and should proceed without the Ass. Somehow, this Ass, in subtle cahoots with others of his ilk, has decided that “their” time has come. After all, as is “their” loud cry of late “Ah yah me barn”. So why not? They control a significant share of the country’s economic sector, and the real Antiguans on whose backs this country was built, whose blood, sweat and tears paved the way for these Johnnies-come-lately from middle and far eastern places, are at this point of our ascendancy the most divided, the most polarized, the most vulnerable of those claiming inheritance of little Waladli. And all because of politics! The Father of the Nation once warned us to be on guard against these vermin whose main intention is to relegate OUR history, achievements and aspirations to the dustbin of history. NEVER should they be allowed entry into the governance of this country!! Pay attention. The ASS is just the beginning!!!
@ANAL THE 1ST : It never ceases to amaze me. When he(Asot) was in the bowels of Labor.All of you were at the ready to kiss his backsides.Now he is in a battle with the moustache one.All of you Minions want to decapitate him. Politics and Religion surely make for strange bedfellows. Asot you are going to win this case.I am not a supporter of the UPP,ALP,DNA,TRUE LABOR and or GO GREEN.I love and support Antigua and Barbuda.I do believe. This Administration has mishandled the finances of the Nation.The Finance Minister and his staff.They have squandered the dollars away.So now they are broke.Some of you calling the moustached one.Moses,World Boss,Tap Dawg.Moses led the people to the Promised Land.This wanna be Moses.He is leading the Nation down a latrine hole.The dung would fall on all of us.Regardless of which Political Party one supports.
Well said Black-Man.
Allow me to reiterate how they all suddenly become Asot haters bc of a spat with their top dawg.
Additionally , they are so programmed to stretching out their hands that they will turnaround and sell themselves to the highest bidder. ASOT WIN AGAIN.
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