Is there a connection with the customs fraud investigation and the shooting death of Nigel Christian?
This question is being raised by United Progressive Party (UPP) Political Leader Harold Lovell. And he says it’s a question Prime Minister Gaston Browne needs to answer.
Instead, Lovell said Browne’s comment over the weekend about a number of car dealers pledging their support to the opposition, was the Prime Minister’s way of deflecting attention away from the serious allegations of corruption involving the importation of duty-free cars.
“He needs to say whether or not it is true that persons have to pay money under the table to get a warrant signed,” Lovell told Observer Radio.
“And he also needs to give the public an update on the investigation into fraud, the fraud that he spoke about many, many months ago — almost a year ago — that he said was taking place in the Customs Department.
“And finally, he needs to come clean and tell the public whether there is any connection with the fraud investigation and the shooting death of Nigel Christian, and the wounding of the officer, Cornell Benjamin.
“These are the real questions and these are the issues that must be addressed and we’re calling on the Prime Minister to address these issues and speak clearly to the public so that everybody can understand,” Lovell added.
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Harold Lovell finally raises His Head again . Those statements you made shows how out of place you are !!!! Nothing you can come with at this time will help you in 2023.
This stinks of many high officials involved with this continuing creative enrichment scheme.
Lovell, are you serious? According to the ANR article, the UPP, or what’s left of it, through you, has raised the question of a possible link between the Customs fraud investigations and the recent murder of a Customs Offucer. Fair enough. But then you, Lovell go on to state, according to the said article, that it is a question that the HON.PM needs to answer. Really Lovell!?Clearly you have no understanding of the structure and operations of Government. Why the grandstanding on this very sensitive, still hurtful issue. If you have an urgent personal need for this information, why not go straight to the Commissioner of Police? He will most likely send you packing on your malicious, desperate-for-attention way. Tell us, Lovell, do you know more about this wicked plot that you’re not sharing with the CID or the rest of us?
Is Mr Lovell serious? Does he really ecpect the PM to release details of an on going police investigations? Just so he can score some political points? How insensitive can these politicsns be?
Harold Lovell must stop being so petty and childish. You cannot make allegations and accusations and still post them as questions sir? Is either you know what is going on or you don’t. If you are asking questions to the PM then do so but stop with these wild accusations and allegations of corruption. Your government was the epicenter for corruption. You and baldwin planted, cultivated and grew corrupt politicians on the UPP side during your years in office. The word corruption is best described by the examples set out by the UPP government. Finally, You are never going to see the face of government again in this country ok, so just relax and continue with your law practice.
Who got kick back from Adoms Building?
So Harold, now you want the PM to answer questions that you should ask the police. Since when are you not familiar with the three separate branches of our democracy. And when you are living with conspiracy theory just sell it to your base in the UPP. Perhaps they can find something to believe in there.
Wait stop the press the top dawg minions are out. Let me ask who let the poodles out ? I don’t expect any different from the minions but the question I would love to ask them who was the chief spokesman on this customs issue was it Gaston top dawg Browne? Who said his signature was forgue as the PM? Who start calling out or pointing fingers at customers offucers saying they work for $2,500 – $3,500 and they building big house on hill? Who spoke about the customs broker who was charge before? Then who got shot right after? Just a few questions for the minions. You all love ALP Jumby money so please answer the questions so you can be paid.
Knight in Shining Armour you are absolutely correct. It was the Prime Minister who has been speaking out about all these issues. It was also the Prime Minister who said that his signature was forged. It is the Prime Minister who really does not understand or appreciates the principle of the separation of powers. As Harold Lovell says it is for the Prime Ministet to answer certain questions now and also to update the public on certain investigations since he was the chief spokesperson at the outset.
Charles Tabor I cannot really believe you as an attorney would go along with this nonsense just because you do not support the PM. I expect no better from Kinght in Shining Amour as he is a radio personality but to see you Charles Tabor a lawyer/officer of the court supporting this crap is rather dissapointing. Time and place for everything. If there is anyone who these questions should be put to it should be the Comissioner of Police.
You should by now know that Tabor has lost all sense and sensibility. Blinded by hate he doesn’t even has a rational comment lately. Very sad. Though I may have someone to have some intelligent discussions with. So sad.
SMDH yes ultimately it is for the Commissioner of Police to come to the nation and give an update with the situation with crimes and ongoing investigations. Anyone who lives in Antigua and Barbuda is fully aware that the Prime Minister has been the one commenting on everything under sun, even on matters that are clearly outside of his purview such as crimes and criminal investigations that should be left to the police. It is for the Prime Minister to know better and stop running his mouth on everything. What we need to know now, and certainly not from the Prime Minister, is the latest on the forging of his signature and the investigation at the Customs.
Charlrs Tabor all I’m.saying insdead of following the PM in playing his political games and making yourself into a damn fool use some common sense espically since you are an attorney/officer of the court. Mr Lovell questions should be directed at the Comissioner of Police. Y’all playing political games while a young man lost his life and the kilkers are still on the lose. SMDH.
So you know better but will still support the nonsense from Lovell and the other clown. What that would make you then?
Since when you are agreeing with that DUNCY BAT KNIGHT. Anyone who speak ILLS about ABLP Tabor agrees with Them without proof. Tabor your credibility has DIMINISHED . When KNIGHT brings these allegations He should be SUED. Knight ,Tabor and Harold Lovell No One take you Guys serious. Bunch of LOUD MOUTH. Fighting for POWER.
I am concerned that someone forged the Prime Minister’s signature.He said someone forged his signature at the Customs for millions of dollars.Both Gaston Browne and his sidekick Max asked that person to repay those monies.In my opinion,that matter should have involved the Police.Forgery is a crime.Even though it could be a difficult case to prove in Court.None the less it should have been pursued,criminally.Not Gaston and Max saying what direction it should have gone.In my opinion it is an interference into the Justice process.
And it does involves the police. Whenever and where ever it reach we will soon see. Unless our Police Force is so corrupt that they even would try to sweep that under the carpet. Still waiting for them to formally charge the driver that killed Andrea Hughes in New Winthropes. Scandalous to say the least. The chief of police should have to face the public with answers but then again which of our so called reporters and so called concerned citizens has ever stood up for the justice of this young woman. Not one Jacqui where the hell are you on that. Silent like mouse. All politics. As if they care about the custom officer.
From The Sideline I see that you are not really on top of things as you believe that you are. For example, when the Prime Minister said that his signature was forged and that there were millions missing from the Customs, that should have immediately become a police matter. Instead what did the Commissioner of Police say, that they were only investigating the Cornel Benjamin shooting. Are we really living in a serious country. The Comptroller of Customs are only required under the law to investigate minor infractions at Customs. Any serious offence such as forgery and fraud is a matter for the police. You must ask yourself what is the state of that investigation. The Comptroller of Customs said over a month ago that the investigation was completed. Customs falls under the Minister of Finance who is also the Prime Minister, so maybe the Prime Minister should come to the nation and give us an update. I hope you can agree with me on this one.
FTS I don’t normally agree with your opition but I agree with you on this one. Where is all the picketts and pettions of Andrea Hughes. Where is all the cries for justice for Susan Powell who was gun down in Hertiage Quay in broad daylight?
Whats in the dark must come to light. Open your all eyes be aware. There is not a just man that do good and don’t sin, neither is there a sinful man that live righteous. Stop letting politics control your thoughts think logically not only politically, dont hang one and let other go free because of party. Questions need answers if things are not clear. Man shall not live by politics alone . Be fair minded not politically minded!
For a lawyer you think he is in his right mind to ask questions from the PM if these things are related. Even the Chief of Police would not comment at this time of the investigation. That would jeopardize the case so badly. But he is just playing politics, cause he knows it’s not the PM involved in the investigation. he already told us too much if you ask me. He should have never told us about the fraud of his signature and so on. because the people involved are also listening.
You do not think that a fraud of this magnitude should be disclosed to the people? Don’t worry because of who is involved I doubt charges wii be ever laid. If a poor boy from point steal a candy you know where he will end up. Justice in Antigua is not blind.
From The Sideline if you do not want questions to be put to Prime Minister Gaston Browne you should advise him to keep his mouth shut and stop commenting on everything. The questions put by Harold to Gaston Browne were rightly put and answers should be forthcoming.
I still need to know what was the different between the British couple murdered case at Coco’s Resort and Nigel murder case? The same agreement that the government had made for the Scotland Yard to come to Antigua to assisted the police with the British couple murder case and other murder cases in the past could have made for Nigel case to. I think the British couple was murdered during the UPP era in 2008, so someone from the UPP political party can explain to us what they had agreed upon to get Scotland Yard here.
Wadadli the undertaking sought by the British (Scotland Yard) is always the same. The undertaking is that if the accused murderer is found guilty that the death penalty would not be imposed. That is all. It is the government that is creating mass confusion with a very simple matter.
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