Antigua’s Water Crisis Continues as Government Fails to Deliver Promised Solutions, says UPP PR Officer


REAL NEWS: The Gaston Browne Administration continues to neglect its
obligation to provide the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA)
with the resources and equipment to provide a constant supply of
potable water, says Damani Tabor, the United Progressive Party
(UPP) public relations officer.

Again, last Wednesday, September 6, the water problem was
discussed by the Cabinet; but no meaningful solution seemed to
have been found. Rather, the promises of more Reverse Osmosis
(RO) Plants were regurgitated.

Tabor recalls, however, that the Administration had blamed the
water shortage on leaky pipes, and had considered engaging the
services of a Barbadian company – INNOTECH –to address this

He says this is yet to be done, and the APUA workers are not being
supplied with the tools to do their jobs and to address the leaking

And while the Cabinet continues to make promises about the
construction of more desalination plants, Tabor says that just
making such pronouncements is not enough, given that these things
have been said several times already.

Instead, he wants to know how soon this will be done and how long
it will take for the work to be completed.

In the meantime, some residents around the island are saying that
for two weeks they have not had pipe-borne water for five
consecutive days.

If the UPP had been elected to office, Tabor says this water problem
would have been seriously addressed. He points out that the Party’s
manifesto had offered several solutions to deal with the decades-old
issue — which, almost 10 years ago, Prime Minister Gaston Browne
had promised would be fixed within 14 days.

APUA reportedly produces a little more than seven million gallons of
water daily, while demand exceeds 11 million gallons a day.

The Authority says that making up this shortfall will be achieved
through the construction of a 3.5 million-gallon plant at Bethesda, in
addition to adding several smaller plants at Fort James and Ffryes.

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  1. The Prime Minister’s dereliction of duty regarding Antigua’s ongoing water production and implementation is terrible.

    Many people are asking why the delay after the promises of last year?

    Could it be because of the ABLP politicians with personal VESTED interests to keep our water pipes dry due to ownership of water trucks?


  2. The sad thing is now the general election is over, Gaston dont even study water again. We the people just roll over and accept this as the norm? Shameful how we have become victims of our own low expectations.

  3. Skyewill: Long time !! Where have you been dude? The next level of getting no showers.I read an article.Where by in St Kitts the Government had a company drilled into an area near Cayon.They found enough potable water to last at least 10 years.Enough to supply from 700,000 to one million gallons a day.In my opinion,the Administration needs to do the same in Antigua.They should have all of the informations available to them by the water company.They should have a team to go and drill in the resourceful water areas.Just a thought.

  4. Listening to Tabor, one would think that the UPP has the solution to the problem. Well, they had 10 years to fix the problem and they did not. Both major political parties failed spectacularly in dealing with the (lack of) water problem. Prior to the 2014 general elections, I experienced being without water for 3+ weeks – uninterrupted.

    As Robin Yearwood has opined, a party that cannot provide the the basics,like potable water, does not deserve to remain in power.

    Clearly, both major political parties proclaim to have the solutions when in opposition, but they are sorely lacking when given the reigns of power. either party should be taken seriously

    • @ DadliMan, you may well have a point about UPP’S “10 years to fix the [water] problem”.

      However the ABLP had 40 YEARS to resolve and supply a nation-wide water system throughout the country.

      Why is this simple mathematics so difficult to work out?


      I can guarantee you, that someone else will bring up UPP’S 10-13 years soon, and yet again ignore the 40 barren years of Birdism and Browneism, which was more than enough time for all Antiguans to have water.

    • I will be honest you are in a different world what was the purpose for those tanks that was place in strategic Areas in Antigua that was never attached to the system when the UPP lost was preparation putting in place all that Labour Party had to do continue the program

    • @ Dadliman

      10 years vs over 40 years, is that an equitable comparison? now be fair.

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