Antigua’s Port Operations Set for Record Year as Container Processing Soars


Antigua Port Authority is poised for a groundbreaking year in container processing, with figures for the first half of 2023 surpassing the same period in 2022.


 Anticipating a record year-end achievement, General Manager Darwin Telemaque attributes the surge to the private sector’s recovery from COVID-19-related setbacks, reflected in heightened imports. 


Container processing increased from 868 to 956 within six months, with growth evident across all container sizes.


 Notably, 45-foot container imports escalated from 2 in 2022 to 21 in 2023.




Telemaque asserts a 9% overall increase and emphasizes the private sector’s resilience, indicating potential economic growth and surpassing 2019’s record year.




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  1. So I guess his personal tugs are taking in the money for him also. C’mon how the thing set up around here! The smile says it all.

  2. Wait!!!! Everything in Antigua is a record? Customs ..record collection up by $30M. IRD up by $40M. Now port recording record figures…..come Christmas hope you won’t refuse to pay bonus to the workers

  3. In Antigua,everything seems to be ballooned.The Port is set for record year,you say.However,the Port cannot meet its financial obligations.Why the Port cannot make enough monies to pay its loan to China? The Treasury has to be footing that bill monthly.Is that Port poorly managed by the not an Auctioneer,Tel-he-Mac.Aren’t there any National who could managed that Port efficiently?

    • If you had listened to the Browne and Browne show where he answered the very same question you would not ask it again.
      But in short, the Port is two years behind its development and needs to catch up. So, the figures are going in the right direction but just too late. Thanks to Covid they lost two years of that. Meanwhile the loan clock kept ticking and payments are now due. They have a herculean task to grow the operation to the level where they can sustain paying for the loan on their own. But I don’t think the workers, led by the wicked mischievous union will give them a break. And the PM has already warn them.

  4. What is the Browne and Browne Show? You like the rest of them seems to be always blaming the little man.Put the blame where it belongs.Poor arse Management people.What qualifications the Port Person has to Managed the Port?

  5. All these ‘records’ realistically are no records at all. The simple explanation is attributed to the exorbitant import cost and cost of living.
    Gaston Browne is indeed a dunce and has mismanaged this country’s finance. 12 billion plus in revenue in 8 years and the country has never been more dirty,improvised and broke.
    Telequack enjoy the rest of your time there. We will insist on your removal along with Badu, Atlee Rodney and a host of other failures.

    • Isn’t it strange, when you guys came to power you replaced all the ALP appointed persons from their post. It is called political victimization. Now you name at least two persons that were appointed by the UPP and when ABPLP came to power we never replaced them. Yet now you are threatening people with victimization once again. Is it all you guys can do? Victimize people you don’t like?
      That is one reason you guys should never be given power again.

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