Cabinet Notes:
The Cabinet welcomed five officials from the Ministry of Agriculture whose expertise on the production of poultry and poultry products is widely acknowledged. CLICK HERE TO JOIN WHATS APP GROUP
The officials confirmed that Antigua and Barbuda is efficient in producing eggs to meet domestic demand; however, the production of meat by way of broilers continues to lag.
One of the experts is a consultant out of London who has been in Antigua for 2 weeks; he made several proposals for increasing the production of meats.
The need for achieving food security requires Antigua and Barbuda to improve the production of poultry meat since the country currently imports $16 million dollars’ worth per year.
In order to achieve self-sufficiency, the producers would have to butcher 150 thousand chickens per month.
It was proposed to Cabinet that an abattoir capable of butchering a minimum of 14 thousand chickens daily could be installed in Antigua in 7 to 10 months.
The Government is committed to building a new abitur that will slaughter many more chickens and an adjacent slaughter house to replace the current building which sometimes floods and has to be inadequate.
Cabinet encourages small farmers to plan for expansion including the number of hatcheries that can be utilize the number of available chicks for the growers.
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We eat too many chicken and it is affecting our health. Sea food all the way.
Y’all know damn well the chicken don’t come form local farmers. The chick comes from America, toxic chicken fed on soy and some chick are not even chicken. One thing I can’t be fooled
Tell the kind sir thanks for his time and expertise in this regard but just gwan cool iyah, Gaston “Farmer Browne and family already got that covered… more chicken for everyboday. Grabston dun corner the whole of Antigua he got solutions for the problems that come after. We good over here Sir
Didn’t the local chicken farmers kill off zacky farms when they wanted to make an investment? Why didn’t they follow through and step up to the plate after zacky pulled out? Why are we eating Brazilian and American chicken? If the pm tries to invest in chicken farming now I’m sure the same people will complain. Where are the investors? If it is making this much money government doesn’t need to be involved. The local Antiguans and people sitting on 26 dilapidated acres of prime farm land should step up.
How much of that is KFC? 🐔
It’s all well and good to feed on certain birds, but the large scale farming which several local chicken farms would have to do, to meet a good portion of the demand could have an effect on such things as personal health from living in close proximity to our already fragile eco system, due to run offs, if not properly managed.
Seafood will eventually have to be managed, as well, probably beyond this present closed season, on certain species!
Speaking of food, what ever became of the Trawling agreement between Antigua/Barbuda and Japan, to include #Whaling?
Did Daven give this up for the #Weed_Market?
So we needed someone from LONDON to tell us that ?
Non of the consultations with farmers have recommeded that all we need to do is increase production ?
Why is this even news ? Well because certain people a use state funds to do their own research and then place it into private action.
Black people all over love to eat chicken, especially fried chicken 🍗
Well if meat cost nearly $80/$90 a pound what do u expect to be eaten mostly smh
Some genius wrote this?
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