Antiguan Success: Crispa Plantain Chips Embark on Landmark Journey to Sweden


Title: Antiguan Success: Crispa Plantain Chips Embark on Landmark Journey to Sweden


In a significant milestone for both Antigua and Barbuda and the local business community, Crispa Plantain Chips is making history as it prepares for its inaugural European containerized shipment to Sweden.

With unwavering dedication, divine guidance, robust governmental support, and the commitment of its loyal staff members, Crispa is set to establish its presence in a new market.

The momentous occasion was captured as Prime Minister Gaston Browne personally placed the final box of these delectable chips into the shipping container, underscoring the collective achievement and celebrating the growth of local enterprise.

A Local Triumph

Crispa Plantain Chips has become a beloved household name in Antigua and Barbuda, known for its dedication to quality, innovation, and excellence.

The company’s success story resonates with the essence of entrepreneurship, embodying the spirit of turning a local product into a global phenomenon.

The journey from a small-scale production facility to exporting to Sweden represents a remarkable achievement that demonstrates the power of perseverance and determination.

Divine Guidance and Governmental Support

Behind every success story lies an element of divine guidance, and the journey of Crispa Plantain Chips is no different.

The company’s growth and ability to seize international opportunities have been shaped by a deep-rooted sense of purpose and direction. Moreover, the steadfast support of the Antiguan and Barbudan government has played a pivotal role in facilitating this milestone. Favorable trade policies, infrastructure development, and incentives for local exporters have fostered an environment where companies like Crispa can flourish and extend their reach to global markets.

Committed and Loyal Staff Members

The heart and soul of any successful enterprise are its dedicated staff members. Crispa Plantain Chips prides itself on a team that shares a common vision and values.

The commitment, hard work, and loyalty of the company’s employees have been instrumental in achieving consistent quality and growth. As Crispa ventures into new territories, the unity and determination of its staff members continue to be the driving force behind the company’s ongoing success.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s Symbolic Gesture

A defining moment in the history of Crispa Plantain Chips’ journey to Sweden was the personal involvement of Prime Minister Gaston Browne.

His presence, as he packed the final box of chips into the shipping container, symbolized the collaborative effort between the government and the private sector.

This gesture not only highlighted the significant strides taken by local businesses but also emphasized the importance of fostering an environment that supports and encourages the growth of homegrown enterprises.

Expanding Horizons: A Triumph for Antigua and Barbuda

The inaugural European containerized shipment of Crispa Plantain Chips to Sweden is more than just a business transaction; it represents a triumph for the entire nation of Antigua and Barbuda. It showcases the country’s ability to compete on the global stage, its resilience in the face of challenges, and its capacity to adapt and innovate. As Crispa chips find their way onto shelves in Sweden, they carry with them the flavors, traditions, and determination of a proud island nation.


The sight of Prime Minister Gaston Browne placing that final box of Crispa Plantain Chips into the shipping container was a powerful image that captured the essence of collaboration, determination, and growth.

This historic moment serves as a testament to the unwavering spirit of Antiguan and Barbudan entrepreneurship, the synergy between the government and the private sector, and the commitment of loyal staff members. Crispa’s journey to Sweden is a remarkable milestone, and its success story will continue to inspire and pave the way for other local enterprises to follow suit, as they reach for new horizons and embrace the world as their stage.

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  1. Congratulations to our courageous entrepreneurs on embarking on this venture. Much success to this team of country peoples. We are proud. .

  2. I don’t want to be negative here. But a couple months ago I bought one of these chips as well as one from the brand St. Mary’s from Jamaica. The St. Mary’s brand was a delight to eat. Then I proceeded to eat the Crispa brand. Bare in mind that I actually did not know that this one, Crispa, was locally make. It was the nastiest tasting chips I had ever had! After 2 or 3 bites, I couldn’t continue and I had to spit it out and throw away the bag of chips. They were heavy with oil, had a nasty taste, and almost tasted like flour was added to it. I looked at the brand and immediately swore that I’ll never buy that brand again. Then I checked for the place it was manufactured and gasped when I saw Antigua. I’m happy they are getting good business, but sorry, once bitten twice shy, not trying it again!

    Take your time and make the chips well. Don’t cheat on any bags, because you never know in whose hand it will end up. Hope no one else had my experience.

    • @ Uuummmn put your dam name if you are going to criticize someone product. I don’t believe you! Only in Antigua. Let us support our own.

    • @Uuummmm. Hater. You never hear your mother or grandmother say if you don’t have anything nice to say, to shut up?

  3. @ Uuummmn I express the same sentiment. It was heavy with oil and I couldn’t finish the bag either. I said exactly the same thing that I would never buy this brand again. In fact, I didn’t know where it was made, and it didn’t occur to me to look on the bag. I am praying the ones going to Sweden will be of a better quality for the sake of the local business and the name of AntiguaBarbuda. But this is not a criticism just to be negative, it really was not edible, so they need to go back to the table and figure out the ingredients or perhaps change the oil they’re using. Having said that, I do pray for the success of the company.

    • @ This beautiful island… Thanks for sharing your similar story. Like mines, I know it’s not meant to be negative, that’s just our experience.

      It’s sad that some people cannot embrace constructive criticisms. The only way we can get better is through reviews, both good and bad. I teach Entrepreneurship, and that’s one way in which entrepreneurs are able to better their craft, through customer reviews, some of which would be praises, others would be hardcore dissatisfaction and bad experiences.

      Having said that, I wish Crispa nothing but the best. Hopefully they review their manufacturing process, because most people do not give companies a second chance after a bad experience.


  4. I am not a chips eater.Congratulations to Crispa Plantain Chips,gimme some more.That is what they say on Observer Radio.There is a product I usually buy in Antigua and bring back with me.It is called Ford Hot Sauce.

  5. Congrats to the owners. I hope your business endeavors are fruitful and that you may place Antiguas name on the map with this project. Just like Sussie’s hot sauce did.
    God Bless your business.
    My only regret is that the plantains are not locally grown in Antigua. Just like the peppers from Susie are not locally grown either.
    Our bad minded farmers of course are to blame for this.

    • As far as I know, Susie’s did grow their peppers in Antigua until the local farm could not sustain their need. Also, just like Susie’s CRISPA has the option to simply acquire land and grow plantains. The farmers are not the issue, because no local farmer was going to refuse to grow plantains knowing that they will be purchased regularly. There was also a point where CRISPA could not get plantains because the local supply was used up. Sometimes the demand exceeds the local supply.

      • You ever hear of the phrase you cannot be chef cook and bottle washer at the same time. A car manufacturer doesn’t own a steel plant etc. The point I made is farmers need to understand stand agricultural production depends on them. You cannot expect someone that want to get into the production of hot sauce to be a farmer as well.

    • You forgot to mention @ Sidey, that when the makers of Susie’s Hot Sauce wanted to use homegrown peppers, they asked the Goverment (the then Minister of Agriculture) for financial assistance to do so, and the ABLP didn’t want to know; so the company had to outsource elsewhere.

      Source: Antigua Newsroom 11th August 2017 on YouTube.


      Again, you seem to be showing the signs of Dunning-Kruger symptoms @ From The Sideline.

      Please check it out, even I’m starting to feel sympathy for your exaggerated discourses. Wow!

    • Wrong again @ From The Sideline, it was an ABLP government minister for Agriculture around 2017 – not our hardworking farmers … Nice try though 👍🏾

      I watched the actual interview with one of the representatives from Susie’s Hot Sauce 🌶🌶🌶


  6. Why you have to be in the picture?
    You everywhere all at once?
    Boy, you love a photo op?
    You too nuff!

  7. I find this press release interesting. What is the secret or reason that this event is being promoted in a press release but never speaks to or mentions the entrepreneurs or business entity behind this product.
    Instead it offers:
    “a significant milestone for both Antigua and Barbuda and the local business community”
    “With unwavering dedication, divine guidance, robust governmental support, and the commitment of its loyal staff members“
    and yet more:
    “Divine Guidance and Governmental Support”
    “the personal involvement of Prime Minister Gaston Browne”
    And not one mention of who is behind this product.

  8. @#RED DEAD
    I wish you no rancor but since you ask others to put their name when being a critic that your name is truly Red Dead.

  9. I would Love to pack the returning container with good Swedish products !! Please let me know who you are sending it to ?!
    Good Luck in Sweden 🇸🇪

  10. @From The Sideline.. Welcome back, now that the Air Peace fiasco has been buried and is no longer current news.
    Or was it that you were too busy attending the Nigerian Dancing event?

    • Something really wrong with you. I have been posting all the time. Ask your friend Brixtonian. As we had it out a couple of times. But then again you suffer from selective amnesia.

      • … and you Sidey suffer from the grandiose symptoms of Dunning-Kruger (your mate Gaston has the same affliction). Look it up and see if I’m wrong.

        Just trying to help you recognise what’s wrong with your thinking and mindset boss 😁

  11. @From The Sideline

    How can an Executive if a major Financial firm make such a statement?
    Don’t turn yourself into the good Dr. Ray
    It’s only in the Caribbean where farmers are not generally producers.
    Farmers as package goods producers are the norm, from corporate farmers to family farmers.
    Being an executive you much occasionally shop at big box stores such as Sams Club and Costco who highlights their family farmers in their months circular who provide package goods where farmer who are product producers get a significant portion of their business.

    Any real executive would have a lot of questions about that photo-op by Gaston; who will be exporting not chips only, but lobsters soon

    • You are so ill informed it’s not funny. The entire food chain is build that way. The farmer grows the produce and then delivers it to the manufacturer. Even when it comes to live-stock. The factory that makes the sausages and different things such as bacon, gets its meat from the livestock farmer. I really have no time to educate you more on this. Go to Google. Actually, if farmers would focus more on their crops and less on other things in the food chain, they would perhaps pay more attention to quality. In Europe a farmer doesn’t attend the market. They bring their goods to the big corporation and the corporation like an auction, and they get a well in advance determined price for their crops. The corporation then sells it to the market vendors. They are the ones that go on the market. Many farmers here are trying to be both farmers and market vendors. If they are both, then when will they then have time for their farm? Farming is a full-time job. You think the farmers in the Ukraine that produce all the grain for the rest of the world have time to make Cornflakes and all the other cereals. Your stupidity really amazes me. But then again it shouldn’t. You must belong to the UPP.

    • @tenman…oh how time has proven to be life #truth_serum.
      I too congratulate the company and entrepreneurs.
      It’s ironic how folks like you can now see, the purpose of our agriculture industry, it’s byproducts and the positive effects of micro industries which could spin off from the Agriculture Industry.

      Now, you’re in full support of not only Farmer Browne’s Farm, but you have no problem, or if you do, I’m not aware of it, again folks like you have no problem with the government subsidising these entrepreneurs in the Agriculture Industry.
      Less you forget, you were vehemently opposed, to anything that had to do with advancing the Agriculture Industry.

      No go ahead, spin your story. However, don’t embarrass yourself because, the CARIBARENA ARCHIVES regarding those discussions is still accessible.

      Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
      De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

      Vere C. Edwards

  12. @From The Sideline
    First:As an Executive of a major Financial firm, I’m sure when you disagree with your colleagues you don’t resort to insults.
    Second:The process you describe is not universal. The TIQULA industry is one such, from farm to wholesale distributors
    Thirdly:Glad to see you back after sitting out the recent controversy with Air Peace
    And thirdly, I’m an Independent.

    • An entrepreneur is someone who has an idea and who works to create a product or service that people will buy, as well as an organization to support that effort. An entrepreneur takes on most of the risk and initiative for their new business and is often seen as a visionary or innovator.

      Are you not tired asking stupid questions
      Everyone around the food chain is an entrepreneur
      These days added value in the supply line is more important than the original source of the raw material. That is why the jobs of the future are those involved in the supply line management. The inflation we suffer these days has more to do with the logistics cost then with that of the raw materials. Freight cost has triple over the Covid years and has not gone done to the levels before covid especially since the Ukrainien war is also contributing to it.

  13. To Southwell, sideline and others. It seems that the name of the Entrepreneur is given.
    Who packed the last box in the container?
    Government assistance given rather quickly.
    Didn’t a container of pineapple didn’t have such good faith some time back.
    We are watching.

  14. @John Charles
    Thanks …all the other rhetorical dribble is expected.
    I wanted someone else who is more informed about the owners of this enterprise to say who is the party behind this operation
    The “Executive of a Major Financial Firm” certainly uses Google, and recommends its use.
    Given he is an exec of a major financial firm his employer may restrict his use of ChatGBT, but that’s a better source these days. I highly recommend he upgrades for when you play with it, the answers becomes nastier and nastier, something he may find useful

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