Antiguan Shelby James earns Masters Degree


Family and friends of Shelby James are extending their heartiest congratulations on
the successful completion of her studies leading to a Master’s Degree in Business

Earlier this year, James traveled to Scotland to participate in the graduation
exercise, held at Napier University where she did her studies.

James is employed as a Senior Supervisor in the Immigration Department where
she worked for 25 years.

However, in an attempt to broaden her scope, she requested and received a secondment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It was there that she saw the opportunity to improve her skills, obtain the necessary and
required training, and gain the knowledge to better equip her, to make a more
meaningful contribution to the Immigration Department.

James recognized also the benefits to be obtained from higher education, so she
enrolled in and successfully pursued a three-year Master’s Degree Programme with
Edinburgh Napier University.

It is expected that Miss James will resume her duties shortly in the Immigration
Department, better equipped to serve and improve its services, by applying her
newly acquired knowledge to its overall benefit. – POINTE XPRESS

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  1. Great to see another Antiguan receiving a Masters Degree. The more the merrier. Hearty congratulations 🎊 Well done Ms James👩🏾‍🎓

  2. Well done. Please remember that right now as is you have qualified members in immigration with the same credentials as her. Theres a Barbudan up there getting knock bout with accolades in Criminal justice behind she name so promote she to when Shelby getting she promotion

    • Barbudans want to LEECH off Antigua, but don’t want Antigua to own land in Barbuda. Let she sit she arse down or go over to Barbuda to work. One-sided wicked selfish backwards Barbudans. Ungrateful and ignorant under the spell of Trevor Walker

      • All Barbudans should be deported! First they need to deport Jamaicans, Guyanese, spanish Dominicas and the rest who are leeching off Antigua. They sing a song that foreigners are needed to grow Antigua but that is a lie. You think the foreigners came to make life better for Antiguans or themselves?

        Antigua for Antiguans!

        NB- Antiguans meaning you or an ancestor was residing in Antigua at the time of independence.

    • Yes congratulation to Cutie Benjamin and his secretary.


      Ms James I hope you instilled upright values into your children..

      People know, and time exposes all. Once again CONSTITUTION TO CUTIE BENJAMIN AND HIS SECRETARY.

      • Y’all are some sad and miserable souls…. Why touch on ppls children when they have nothing to do with it? An individual has accomplished something great and instead of being positive and simply congratulating her, you took the time to sit, create a fake name/profile and posted this shit! If that’s the way you feel why hide behind an alias? Why not say it with ur chest behind your full government name??

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