Antiguan PM hopes CARICOM meeting with US VP would bear fruit


Prime Minister Gaston Browne says he hopes last week’s discussions between the United States Vice President, Kamala Harris and several Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders will not turn out to be another occasion of “diplomatic exercises”.

“I would say a good first meeting. I hope it is just not one of those diplomatic exercises…some of them just want to say that they engaged the Caribbean (and) year after year you see nothing substantive coming from them.

“I hope Kamala will deliver and I hope too that there will be a subsequent summit with President Biden,” Browne said, adding “the United States needs to treat us better.

“They need to understand that look…you could end up with some Caribbean people going to their shores as refugees. So if you don’t help us to keep them here, then they will come to your shores and I am sure they don’t want that,” Browne added.

Last Friday, the Joe Biden administration renewed its commitment to the Caribbean, saying that partnership is “key” to “shared prosperity and security.”

In the virtual meeting that was also attended by the President of the Dominican Republic Luis Abinader, the US Vice President, who is the daughter of a Jamaican-born retired economist, said that “as a neighbour in the Western Hemisphere, the United States shares a common bond with the nations of the Caribbean.

“As neighbours, we know our partnership is key to our shared prosperity and security,” said in the meeting that was also attended by CARICOM Secretary-General Dr Carla Barnett.

“We also know that we have common challenges.  And that is why I’ve convened this meeting to strengthen our partnership and chart a path forward together.

“As we all know, our nations have extensive people-to-people ties. Millions of Americans have Caribbean heritage.  Millions of Americans travel to the Caribbean each year for vacation, to visit friends and family, and to engage with the richness of that history.”

The meeting focused on three areas, namely economic recovery, security, and climate and energy and the White House later said in a statement that the meeting “underscored the importance the Biden-Harris administration places on our partnerships throughout the Caribbean”.

Browne said that the regional leaders made a strong plea for Washington to assist the region by increasing the supply of fossil fuels given the increasing oil prices on the global market sparked by the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“So we have asked for the United States to consider increasing its supply of fossil fuel …so that we can increase the supply of fuel and reduce the price. That is a critical requirement at this point in order to curb inflation, otherwise, we are going to continue to see an escalation in inflation which will create significant problems, especially for the poorer countries…

“So we have asked them to give serious consideration to that…and at the same time use their influence to encourage other countries, Saudi Arabia and so on to increase their supplies, even Venezuela,” Browne added.

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  1. Talking about bearing fruit Prime Minister, today is Friday the 6th of May 2022 and there’s now 147 days remaining until the installation and implementation of your new water system 💧 💧💧 throughout Antigua. 🇦🇬

    Your AVID ‘generational’ supporters may allow you to froth and bluster your way out of this life giving, life saving commitment, however, CRITICAL THINKING and right minded citizens will not.


  2. A sitting Prime Minister wife who is the first lady of a country becomes a Govt Minister under her husband ?. conflict of interest in overdose. After he steps down then she can do whatever she wants . people people think A sitting Prime Minister wife who is the first lady of a country becomes a Govt Minister under her husband ?. conflict of interest in overdose. After he steps down then she can do whatever she wants . people people think

    It will not be bearing jack you bit Dictator and theif
    Call the damn election.
    Of all the ways to get rich real estate is still the # 1 way .
    Is it a coincidence that she’s over Lands
    I was being shown some land to buy and was joking told not to look at all the land on the right side in the distance because all of it belongs to you know who.

    • What is the difference between that and Lovell appointing his wife as ambassador when the UPP was in office, one of the darkest era in the country’s history?

      • You guys just chat a lot of lies and chit.

        Harold’s wife was never an ambassador.

        Baldwin appointed his qualified sister Debra-Mae Lovell an ambassador!!

        UPP more principled than that evil corrupt ABLP

      • How can Lovell appoint an Ambassador? He wasn’t the Prime Minister? Fact check!! That responsibility and power rest with the PM. Not an MP.

      • @ Just Saying Lol you’re more uninformed than I could ever imagine .
        Just for conversation even if your statement was correct when will the change start .

      • @ just saying: Where did you dream that bullshit. That Lovell’s wife was an Ambassador during the UPP time in Governance. You guys come on this portal and talk such bullshit and blatant lies. The Editors need to begin to read comments before posting them on this medium. For there are those out there who would believe that dung. Gaston Browne the only fruits you are going to get are sour limes and lemons.MY tax paying dollars would not be given to you and the likes of you.

      • Just Saying as usual not saying nothing .
        He reads the history book from the back to the front.
        Truly all Gaston’s waste collectors

        Just Saying nothing
        Tencent man
        Crazy Kristi
        Hopeless Betty
        Smh Smuth.

        Must be all one and the same person
        If not they sure georgutaite the same vomit 🤮🤢 in their.
        Sometimes I don’t know why the esteem Charles Tabor waste time with these fools.

  3. Kamala is the Fruity one she can’t put a sentence together without Giggling.
    Talk about out of touch with reality.
    But after more thought you two are a perfect match.

  4. Questions. Can you elaborate on what is the sum of money due to the Paris Club?

    What is the origination date of those loan or loans?

    How long have they been in DEFAULT?

    What administration took out those loans and under what terms?

    Last. What is the total amount owed to the Paris Club now that they have been in default?

    Citizens need to know the answer to these questions.

  5. At least they didn’t send bumbling Biden. Biden cancelled the wall on day 1. I’m not talking about cutting funding. He ordered the work stopped. Sections of the wall were already paid for and built. It was just to drop them in and bolt them down. They’ve also been working on reversing all the current immigration laws and working to give illegal immigrants the right to vote. So if you really think they are going to help improve conditions here so that we have less reason to migrate there…think again. If anything, it’s in the ruling parties interest to make it worse.

    • Sound a bit contradictory with some right wing propaganda all mixed in. So Biden’s party is currently the ruling party that you accused of stop building the wall and at the same time making things worse for those wanting to immigrate. You can be critical of the PM on domestic matters but discussing foreign policy is part of the job. America’s leadership or non leadership will impact one way or the other.

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