Antiguan Centenarian Aunt Selma Celebrates 104th Birthday


Today marks a significant milestone for Victoria Selomie Rhodes, affectionately known as Aunt Selma, as she celebrates her 104th birthday.

Born on February 12th, 1920, in the village of Liberta, Antigua, Aunt Selma’s life is a testament to resilience, faith, and love.

At the age of three, Aunt Selma, along with her older brother Rueben, found themselves orphaned. Despite this early hardship, they formed a strong bond that would guide them throughout their lives. Raised by relatives in Sweets village, Aunt Selma’s upbringing was not without challenges. However, she learned the value of trust, faith, and perseverance from a young age.

A devout member of the St. John’s Seventh Day Adventist Church, Aunt Selma dedicated herself to serving her community and congregation. Over the years, she served in various roles, including as a Choir Member, Deaconess, and Bible Worker, setting an example for generations of her family who followed in her footsteps.

In her professional life, Aunt Selma exhibited diligence and honesty, working in the Government Treasury and at the Blue Waters Hotel. Despite her petite stature, she possessed a hearty appetite, with favorites including Fungi and Fish, Veggie Soup, and Bryson Sweet Drinks. Known for her fashion sense, Aunt Selma adores the color pink and is rarely seen without her signature pink sunglasses and “good wig.”

Family holds a special place in Aunt Selma’s heart, with her descendants including one daughter, one granddaughter, one grandson-in-law, and two grandchildren, as well as over two hundred nieces and nephews. Despite her love for her family, Aunt Selma fiercely guards her independence, demonstrating her strength by walking miles to church well into her mid-nineties.

Reflecting on her remarkable journey, Aunt Selma’s guiding principle remains steadfast: “Put God First in All Things.” Her unwavering faith, coupled with her resilience and love for her community, continues to inspire all those who have had the privilege of knowing her.

As Aunt Selma prepares to celebrate her 104th birthday surrounded by loved ones, her life serves as a poignant reminder of the power of faith, love, and determination in overcoming life’s challenges. We join her family and friends in wishing her a joyous celebration and many more years of health and happiness. Happy Birthday, Aunt Selma!

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  1. It was a joy celebrating with you, on Sabbath Aunt Selma! God has been truly good to you! I am proud to sa, “We ARE family!”

    Congratulations on your 104 years of excellence!
    Respect and honor Ms Victoria Selomie Rhodes aka Aunt Selma, SGOE (Senior Grandparent Order of Excellence)!
    It is evident that you lived by the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The relationship you established with family, friends, neighbors and community is golden! And, with good genes and the lifestyle of a diet of fruits and vegetables, physical activity – exercise – and sleep, you are our survivor!

    Our native,venerable, noble Centenarians, descendants of our heroic, enslaved African ancestors had few and no choices within the economic and education systems of colonialism and slavery to earn a living: “Washing, cleaning, working in the canefield, picking cotton.”
    Their labor provided The economic wealth and cultural benefits of our colonizers.
    Our Centenarians survived by practicing the fundamental economic-survivor (scarcity) principle: “Eat a little, Save a little, Spend a little.”
    Our Centenarians, with their African spirituality, internalized the hope of a better life, faith, while using the social benefits of the organized churches.

    Our Centenarians and elderly, past and present, recognized and learned from their clinical trials the health benefits of eating ground provisions, fruits and vegetables, medicinal herbs, drinking water, physical activities – exercise – sleep. The knowledge of our economic, health and cultural benefits is available and belongs to everybody!
    Scientific-research findings are now confirming these results as major contributors to longevity.

    We must interact with Humility, Grace, Honesty, Good Intentions!……Be nice to each other!

    Save our Humanity, Save our Youths, Save our Environment, Save our Soil!!!
    Be safe and well!


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