Antiguan Butler Karen Wong Encourages Peers And Local Hospitality Workers To Reach For The Stars


Starting out her hospitality journey in the housekeeping department at Sandals Grande Antigua Resort and Spa back in 2006, Butler Karen Wong has shown drive, commitment, resilience and true professionalism as she continues to make her mark not only in Antigua and Barbuda but across the Caribbean region.

On April 16th 2006, Wong was hired as a room attendant and quickly realized that she wasn’t going to stop there.

As she excelled in her department with aspirations of taking her career further along in hospitality, Wong modeled her behavior and work ethic to match the Sandals values and behaviours.

In 2014, she cross-trained in all the departments on resort, with a quest to contribute in a personalized and significant way to the Sandals guest experience.

This saw Wong applying for the position of butler shortly after cross-training in Human Resources.

Wong was successful and went on to begin her training with the Guild of Professional English Butlers and has been contributing to the growth and development of the butler department for the last 10 years.

“Being a butler has been a very rewarding experience. I am able to step out of my comfort zone by interacting and communicating with guests and people from different backgrounds.

“It has allowed me to boost my self-confidence and experience different places and cultures through travelling opportunities where I can share my skills and experiences with other team members. I am extremely grateful for this, especially when I see the growth and strides they are making,” Wong said.

With numerous awards and recognition under her belt such as being the first certified housekeeper to become a certified butler at Sandals Grande Antigua.

She has also won, Most Environmentally Aware, Team Member of the Month, Prestige and General Manager’s Star Award and Butler Elite Excellence Award making Wong a star in her own right.

She has travelled extensively, being the only butler from Sandals Grande Antigua to work at four different resorts within the Sandals chain.

Sharing the formula to her success thus far, Wong said, “being meticulous and paying attention to detail, I believe has given me a competitive edge. Going above and beyond while focusing on self-development and growth will always have big rewards in the end.”

Looking back on her journey with the regional resort giant, Wong is grateful for all the experiences that have contributed to her success not only at Sandals Grande Antigua but throughout the region where she gets to share best practices for her peers to emulate.

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  1. Here we have it. Someone starting off from the bottom of the employment ladder and reaching to the top. All because she is determined to get what she wants.
    When I hear many crying down our foreign investors saying that all they do is bringing the lower classes of jobs such as, maids, gardeners and such alike. Comparing it to slavery. Now this young lady is a perfect example of how far you can go, even when you start off as a maid. Being a butler is one of the highest qualifications in that industry one can get. And its only rich people that can afford to pay a butler. Antiguans and Barbudans need to stop looking down on those jobs. And given that Antigua already caters for the rich, which resorts and clubs like Curtain Bluff, Mill Reef, Jumby Bay, and soon to come PLH. There will be a need for Butlers who will earn at least US$20K per month. I wish I could afford a certified housekeeper. Because I can tell you, I love my housekeeper, but she has cost me many expensive clothes and put the wrong chemicals on certain surface. All because of a lack of understanding and knowledge of materials. And this is not unique in the housekeeping industry. Many of our farmers have no clue about the contents of the pest control they are using. Thank God no one have died or gotten very ill from any of their produce.
    Next time anyone makes a remark as to the kind of jobs these investors bring; I will remind them of Karen Wong. Our proud Butler.
    Congrats to you my dear and may your path be blessed.

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