Antigua To Unite at World Health Assembly to Tackle Pandemic Readiness and Health Inequities

Sir Molwtn Joseph

Health ministers and top health officials from the Americas and the Caribbean gathered this week for the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. They aim to address critical health concerns, including the COVID-19 pandemic’s significant impact on small islands like Antigua and Barbuda.

Member countries expressed a collective determination to enhance global readiness for deadly outbreaks. This resolve follows the setback of a proposed “pandemic treaty,” which faced obstacles regarding the sharing of disease-causing pathogen information and combatting technology.

Attention has shifted to proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and establishing a global mechanism for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Experts suggest that these amendments, encouraging early alert, detection, containment, and international cooperation, offer the best chance to address pandemics effectively.

However, significant challenges remain, such as sharing information on emerging pathogens and equitable distribution of vital resources like vaccines.

Haiti’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Justin Viard, highlighted the importance of international collaboration in negotiating the first-ever global agreement to safeguard against pandemic threats. He stressed the need for resilient healthcare systems, equitable access to innovation and care, and the elimination of barriers like inequality and armed conflict to ensure a livable planet for future generations.

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  1. Can someone please tell me what is this man’s POSITIVE claim to fame as MoH. To me he is a total failure. I remember on year after an election he said he would make it his business to go up Holberton on a daily basis to ensure everyone receives medical attention. Of course you know that was never fulfilled.

  2. Be that as it may, Health Minister Molwyn Joseph, your cohorts at the World Health Organisation has JUST received a big big loss with their Pandemic Treaty where they tried to OVER-RIDE the sovereignty of their member states.

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, had to go to his podium and address the world about this (WHO) setback in trying to introduce measures to lock us all down again with another PLANDEMIC, and other devious – and money grabbing – Health matters.


    Here’s proof from the Kim Iversen show on YouTube, titled:

    ‘BIG WIN! WHO Pandemic Treaty is DOA’

    Sit back, watch and thoroughly enjoy!

    Remember, fellow Antiguans you can always rely on Brixtonian more than our own Health Minister. Fact!

  3. … and furthermore, the duplicitous Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus gave an award to one of my favourite political leader’s, the Most Honourable Mia Mottley from Barbados 🇧🇧


  4. It would be a good practice if the Media editors could start referring Antigua to Antigua and Barbuda its correct name.

  5. Look at that donkey bottom in the picture. All he know to do is lift Rolls Royce over the Port fence.

    That POS needs to be taken to court for forcing the clot shot on us. Many have died and many now have medical problems all thanks to Sir Lift Rolls Royce over the Port fence.

    His ass needs to be jailed.

  6. Please tell me why eliminating armed conflicts is a part of healthcare. Is the WHO going to have jets and tanks now? These people have earned my distrust.

  7. Revelation 16:2 – And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men who had the mark of the beast and upon them that worshiped his image.

    How is a disease going to know who has taken the mark and who hasn’t? If I had to guess I would say there will be some more experimental shots in the future world govt.

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