Antigua says there could be consequences if it seizes super yachts linked to Russian Oligarchs


Officials in Antigua and Barbuda say they will not rush to take any action against two super yachts linked to Russian Oligarchs.

Foreign Affairs Minister EP Chet Greene gave the latest on a request by the UK Government to seize the Garcon and Halo.

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  1. This is why I didn’t want Antigua having any involvement with the UK. Once you tie your political apron strings to these COLONIALISTS, they’ll expect you to get involved with washing their dirty linen for them.

    This is why I’ve said in the past that the Prime Minister of Barbados, the Honourable Mia Mottley was a VISIONARY by telling the UK they no longer wanted anything more to do with their colonial nonsense.

    Remember, Prime Minister Browne, when the issues with the Russian super yachts go wrong – and it will -, the UK will disappear (as usual), leaving Antigua very vulnerable to possible Russian sanctions/actions.


  2. Ask them to leave Antigua.You cannot and should not even try to seize those Yachts.Do not have any discussions with the UK about it. I have been saying this for weeks now.Do not get our Nation,with a population of a City involved in high grass. For those high grasses would dig you where you sit.

  3. We should just turn a blind eye to whole situation. Remember Antigua depends on tourism. The yachting industry will thank us in the future.

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