Antigua receives 20,000 Sinopharm vaccines from China


Antigua Barbuda received 20,000 Sinopharm vaccines from China today.

Prime Minister, the honourable Gaston Browne, Health Minister, the honourable Sir Molwyn Joseph and Foreign Affairs Minister, the honourable E. P. Chet Greene were present at the V. C. Bird International airport for the vaccines.

The Government has expressed thanks to the PRC and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for transporting the vaccine from Beijing.

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  1. Gaston should take the first JAB of this Vaccine.Oh no,he took the Moderna Vaccine a long,long,time ago.

  2. Cuban vax… you wanna smoke cigars!
    China vax… you wanna kung pow chicken!
    Russian van… you wanna vodka!
    First world, actual functional vax… you Gaston!

    • You are right, it is a BS vaccine. The efficacy of it has been studied to be at just around 50-60%, which is why many countries that have used the China vaccine are having a resurgence of Covid-19. This is bad health policy by the government. I voted for PM last time, but not the next time.

  3. And now no carnival this year.

    How many get jab after being told by world dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne he would allow carnival to happen this year.

    Remember govt works for the people not the other way around. Keep on voting for leeches like Gaston. Soon he will have sold all our lands to the foreigners. Already we can’t fish in the area by Parham but Yida can.

    Fridges, stoves, microwaves, turkeys, hams, driver’s licenses and all the rest of the bribery tactics are illegal in the 1st place and those voters who vote these parasites in are also responsible for the selling out of our lands to foreigners.

  4. I voted for PM last time, but by him accepting this China vaccine and letting our Antigua citizens use it – it is just totally irresponsible! This China vaccine has been shown to be only 60% effective, and even then that is stretching it. Many countries that have used the China vaccine are having major resurgences of Covid-19, i.e. Indonesia, etc.

    It is a joke that we are thanking China for a vaccine for a virus that they started in their lab.

    • @Thanking China for a vaccine, for a virus….

      You are right about them starting the vaccine. There is now compelling evidence it was created in the virology lab in Wuhan. The US is guilty also Fauci’s emails are proving that he is doing whatever he needs to go to ensure his paycheck; much like the scamps in govt here.


      Keep watching the news. You will soon see the Wuhan lab wasn’t forthcoming and was researching gain of function on the virus. Scientists have tried to link the virus to bats and other animals and have not been able to. That suggests someone mutated the virus to accomplish what is has done. That includes asymptomatic strains; that way it can spread with little to no detection.

  5. Gaston should be due for a booster shot by now. He was at the forefront with getting vaccinated. Variants are floating around. Gaston show your concern for your country and confidence in Chinese vaccine and take a stick.

    Your election prophecy just might become a reality. Roll up your short sleeve and show the people YOU NO FRAID!

  6. Thank you comrades everywhere for your generous gift of the people of Antigua and Barbuda. This is socialist solidarlity, and being “our brother’s keeper”. Thank you.

    • @CONRAD THE RED: Are you going to take that Chinese Vaccine? I have taken the Moderna. My fellow Nationals of Antigua and Barbuda. Do not take this Chinese Vaccines. There is a YouTube Video. Indonesia suffers as Chinese Vaccines Fail. It has to do with the Chinese Vaccines and the Indonesian Medical Fraternity. Where many Medical Doctors and others took the Vaccines from China and have died. Because the Vaccines failed to protect them from Covid-19.What is the efficacy of this Vaccine? The Chinese are such a secretive, closed society. Do not take this Chinese Vaccines. Because Gaston,Molwyn and Chet say so. When none of them took that Vaccines. This is not a joke. Take the one you know,at this time on Island,Astra Zeneca.

      • “WHARF RAT”, you sure have the right name. You write like a real propagandist from he bowels of right wing extremism, even worse than the Trumpers. Chuups.

        • @David the Ass!! I am my own man. Go and do your own search on the Chinese Vaccines in Indonesia and the Seychelles. What that has to do with Trump.


  8. Why is it there is some negative review with these Chinese vax the government is still pursuing to get them and ignoring the negative review

  9. Those should be used to vaccinate the comrades. I doubt sensible people would take a chinese vaccine.

  10. Well maybe it can give protection against the ABLP….you know some medication works for other illnesses.
    Just mention that and watch how long the lines get.

    Waiting for the convention vaccine….Asot said he rather die than to take that one….

  11. K
    The Govt rarely listens or change their decision with pressure from the public but that shouldn’t stop the citizens from speaking out against anything that they think is not in their best interest.

  12. Both China and Venezuela are long time allies of Antigua and Barbuda. Thank you. Friendship and solidarity are rare attributes in this day. Everything is appreciated.

  13. In my opinion the Government is having problems getting the population inoculated with the Astra Zeneca solution, how are they going to get people to sign up for other questionable vaccines?

  14. My sincere questin is: Which vaccine did the China Ambassador and all staff at the China Embasssy take? That should tell us a lot.

  15. An article in The New York Times had reported, “Now, scientists are warning that developing nations that choose to use the Chinese vaccines, with their relatively weaker efficacy rates, could end up lagging behind countries that select vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.”

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