Antigua Prepares for 2024 SIDS Conference with 50 Heads of State


CABINET NOTES: The Cabinet has begun to focus on the May 2024 Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Conference scheduled to take place in Antigua.

An estimated 5,000 delegates are likely to attend, including approximately 50 Heads of State.

The planning has already commenced to house the visitors, and for security for the visiting Heads.

The venue of the meetings will likely be the AUA, and the Heads are likely to be housed in hotels on the northern shore of Antigua.

The Police and the Military and more than 200 volunteers are expected to make the five-day Conference incident free.

Several governments will be provide funding; one state has already pledged 500,000 dollars XCD.





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  1. I keep saying, “Leadership Matters”. No matter how you UPP minions cry down our Prime Minister he keeps rising to new heights. In the Caribbean over the years only the big Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados were able to host such events. Now little Antigua and Barbuda will host that many Heads of States. It is something the UPP would not even want us to think about nor celebrate. But this is a fkgn big deal. Bigger than the one-time influx of cricket fans during the Cricket World Cup. In anyway Antigua and Barbuda doesn’t have the manpower or funds to pull it off by themselves. We will have to collaborate with others. In my little knowledge of security protocol for Heads of State, one can remember when the Cuban President visited the Heads of CARICOM meeting, they came with their own security. If let’s say 25 Heads of States plan to do so, you can imagine the security nightmare Antigua will face. Each private Jet will come with many guns and even before the meeting the hotel that they will be staying in will be thoroughly searched. When Princes Diane used to visit Barbuda, the security protocol was so high, Barbudans could not go to the beach while she was there. We will need help, lots of help. In the end Antigua and Barbuda will be that small Islands that the WHOLE WORLD would get to know, and our Prime Minister the Honorable Gaston Browne will shine bright and be the man of the hour. The man that fought and is fighting for SIDS in the quest for Climate Justice. What is the benefit for the little man in this? Influx of journalist and other sideline workers could have a spin-off surely for the taxi men and women. Sightseeing tours and other events should be planned so that those temporary visitors could get to know our culture. And just like the Global Citizens Concert, I would suggest Antigua invites them here to give the sideline entertainment to bring more focus to the rest of the world about what is taking place here in this country. This is an event that takes place every ten years. Therefore, we should seize the occasion and get out of it the most we can get. All EYES will be on little Antigua and Barbuda. Just like it was during Cricket World Cup or during Stanford twenty/20. The ABTA should put all their marketing dollars in this one.

    • @From the side line, politics and division is what keep a country from advancing, why would any Antiguan and Barbudan not be happy about this event?

      Your comment comes across like hatred for certain section of our society, I have not seen any comment from anyone condemning this grand event, this to me seems like a paranoid statement to set off a negative debate.

      Come on be positive and stop the division, Why would you want to start such a debate?

      To me the greatest commandment is to love God, and love each other as we love ourselves, let us speak positive about this event, and have the courage to call out our leaders when they make a blunder, especially when they ignore our warning and go against our wishes.

      • I have re-read my comment about three times. And I cannot find what it is you are critiquing me for.
        All my comment is set out to do is to alert Antiguans that they better get ready and position themselves to take advantage of this event. A once in a lifetime event. What is so wrong with you guys, that everything must be seen as something to debate. I don’t call for no debate. I have made suggestions as to how we can benefit. Start planning entertainment events. When they have these types of events in New York, the Global Citizens have one of or the largest shows in the world. Perhaps we should try and have something like that here. I believe the last Global Citizen Concert was in South Africa with Beyonce and Jay-Z. You guys are so politically sick you see conflict in everything.

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