Antigua News Room has won the Antigua Barbuda Gospel Music Award (ABGMA) for Best Online News Media.
The Antigua Barbuda Gospel Music & Media Awards™, is an International Award Ceremony founded by Apostle-Prophet Stanshaw Cornelius, President/C.E.O of So Arise Music International as an avenue to celebrate our Best in Music & Media.
Founded in 2017, ANR defeated 268today, Observer Online, ABS, and Pointeville for the prestigious award.
The award included a public vote segment which ran throughout the month of March.
With close to two million page views a month, Antigua News Room remains the number one source for online news in Antigua & Barbuda.
ANR revolutionized the delivery of online news in Antigua by posting news throughout the day as it happened. The media house has also paved the way for others to imitate its business model but despite this remains ahead of the competition.
In a statement ANR thanked the ABGMA, Antigua’s leading award ceremony for the honour. The company also thanked its many readers and advertisers for their loyal support over the years.
The ABGMA is now in its 6th year.
At present the Judges Panel, comprising of Industry Professionals from Antigua, and other parts of the Caribbean, USA and Africa.
See other winners below.
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Oh wow
Congrats to you ANR. You are my first source of news in Antigua and Barbuda. Much continued success and blessings to you.
Others have tried to imitate you, but they are just not you.
God bless.
Congratulations ANR, if you don’t sing your own praise no one else will.
Great job from SLYOU
Congratulations ANR. However, I just wish going forward you could find away to get rid of all the anonymous commenters. We need commenters who are not afraid to be known for their comments. Time to get rid of the FROM THE SIDELINE, Karma is a ….. and worst ………. They should be man or woman enough and put their names.
Don’t like it when you get called out on your hypocrisy? To bad!!!
I totally agree with you 💯
Congrats ANR well deserved….
Since the closure of all hard copy newspaper in Antigua, ANR has been perhaps the most reliable news forum and is still the leading source of news these days. Congratulations!
Like Charles Tabor, I wish people would stop hiding behind these fictitious names and engage in more meaningful discussion void of personal attracts and name calling.
So that they can be victimized and ostracized for having an opinion contrary to the powers that be?? No way.
Thank you ANR for providing a platform for bloggers where the focus can be on the MESSAGE and not the messenger.
Spot on Gr8. The reason this blog is popular is because people are free the express themselves without fear.
Congratulations! You earned it.
Congrats ANR. This is my favorite source for local news. Im on here everyday. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
You put out a good news outlet, and you are to be commended, however, receiving reward from this si-called “Prophet/Apostle” (?)guy isn’t that special. Forget him. You are doing a good work, and people themselves say so. Thank you.
ANR you certainly deserve this prestigious award……. Congratulations is definitely in order! Not only have you presented the news in more or less real time, you have also created a platform for the cross section of the society including the common man to express himself in writing……. Congrats once again!! A well done job!!
More blessings and success for you!
Was the last article re asot michael response to msjmc removed?
No is it there on “private” for the next 24 hours while we receive some legal advice.
Congratulation really in order……doing a wonderful job! You can tell that dem who ah ‘ass’ fuh people gee dem real name nah hab non camman sense….ah look dem ah look recagnitian….mabe dem nah hab nun homelife.
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